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Feminizing body work outs?

Started by Kaylee2140, February 23, 2015, 03:17:26 AM

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Are there any work outs that could give me a more feminine shape. My body is already pretty feminine but not quite enough. I want my butt to get tighter and more lifted, my waiste to get smaller, and my thighs to get wider. I will never be an hour glass shape because I'm 5'7 and (when on spiro) 100-110lbs.
"We are all geniuses up to the age of ten."
- Aldous Huxley

"When one sleeps on the floor one need not worry about falling out of bed"
- Anton LaVey

Ms Grace

Are you also on estrogen? I think that would probably help with the process. I'd suggest looking for YouTube videos  of"female workout" with "small waist" etc.
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


I work out regularly doing the exercises below. Correction, one day I INTEND working out regularly doing the exercises below. Anyway it does look like a good routine once past the early bit about diet and the likes. (Diet? Bleh!)



This is something I took very seriously. I spent some 4 months eating a calorie surplus, hitting macros, and lifting heavy weights. I completely neglected my upper body and did only squats and deadlifts. I built considerable muscle in my lower body and the effects are really positive. I don't have a picture on me right now but I'll check back on this thread later with what can be done with a masculine body.

Doing this has its limits, obviously. I have good proportions but I still lack the fat on my hips (I'm still pre-HRT) which will complete the picture and I will never have wide hip bone structure but I know I feel worlds better.

I'm really well read on fitness and nutrition so I'm happy to address any questions.


I haven't lost all the fat I plan to yet but in another few kilograms I should have better waist definition and relative proportions. This is what I have at the moment anyway. (Excuse the man pants) I like to think it's reasonable but my lack of hips is a buzzkill. Take from this what you will.



Get some 2 or 3 pound ankle weights for legs. Something like this ...

Focus on exercises for gluteal muscle group (maximus, medius, minimus), and avoid overdoing thigh muscles, unless you also want to have bulky legs. You can find a lot of useful fitness videos for bigger butt exercises on youtube.
I did quite a lot of exercises last year.. For at least 4-5 months regularly. I give-up too easily. Also icecream is better, or chocolate...


Quote from: pollypagan on February 23, 2015, 05:01:30 AM
I work out regularly doing the exercises below. Correction, one day I INTEND working out regularly doing the exercises below. Anyway it does look like a good routine once past the early bit about diet and the likes. (Diet? Bleh!)

before i read this thread further gonna just say this right now.  this is absolutely useless crap that will get you absolutely no results, and any results you do see from this would be just because of the fact that you're doing SOMEthing (which you can do with absolutely any other forms of movement that are just as easy) and changes to your diet, etc.


Quote from: Kaylee2140 on February 23, 2015, 03:17:26 AM
Are there any work outs that could give me a more feminine shape. My body is already pretty feminine but not quite enough. I want my butt to get tighter and more lifted, my waiste to get smaller, and my thighs to get wider. I will never be an hour glass shape because I'm 5'7 and (when on spiro) 100-110lbs.

tighter butt:

more lifted butt:

smaller waist:
caloric deficit in diet

wider thighs:

deadlift is also nice but there's a lot of back and traps and forearms involved which will masculinize your figure.  if done sparingly (once a week or once ever couple weeks? i dunno, depends on a lot of things) maybe with straps (for less forearm involvement) it could be a great ass builder.


You're going to want to focus on legs, cardio, and the core. I tend to lean towards how the military trains fitness and not a whole lot of it is upper body strength and mostly endurance training, but what I have taken from that I think will aid in building a feminine physique. Here's my recommended routine:

Day one - Cardio
Can be done with jump rope or treadmill but I prefer just simple running. A mile is a good goal and if you feel you can't run the whole mile alternate walking and running just don't stop until it's done.

Day two - Leg Day
There's a wide variety to do this that affect different muscle groups. Squats and a hip sled well build up your but for sure. Walls sits are another decent workout but not as effective as squats will be. The high jump will help too though which is where you squat down and jump straight up and return to a squatting position.

Day three - Core
Sit-ups, crunches, flutter kicks, v-ups, bicycle kicks, those are all good. A medicine ball definitely brings on that extra burn.

Day four - recovery
This doesn't mean you get a day off, it means take it easy and just do some simple short reps of everything above to exercise the muscles and get the blood flowing. Helps the recover process hence the term "recovery".

Day five - repeat day one, and so on.

Definite warning about using any weights, take what seems heavy and half that. You're toning your body not building muscle for some weightlifter contest it's not about how heavy you can squat but how many times you can squat what doesn't seem so heavy. Also the reason I separate the workouts by days is your muscles need a couple days to heal before you assault them with a workout again.  So I separate the muscle groups by days.

Hope this helps, I'm not an athletic trainer but have been going at it decent for some years now and this is just my recommendation.
"Bravery is the capacity to perform properly when scared half to death.



Quote from: Jasriella on February 27, 2015, 02:54:44 AM
You're going to want to focus on legs, cardio, and the core. I tend to lean towards how the military trains fitness and not a whole lot of it is upper body strength and mostly endurance training, but what I have taken from that I think will aid in building a feminine physique. Here's my recommended routine:

Day one - Cardio
Can be done with jump rope or treadmill but I prefer just simple running. A mile is a good goal and if you feel you can't run the whole mile alternate walking and running just don't stop until it's done.

Day two - Leg Day
There's a wide variety to do this that affect different muscle groups. Squats and a hip sled well build up your but for sure. Walls sits are another decent workout but not as effective as squats will be. The high jump will help too though which is where you squat down and jump straight up and return to a squatting position.

Day three - Core
Sit-ups, crunches, flutter kicks, v-ups, bicycle kicks, those are all good. A medicine ball definitely brings on that extra burn.

Day four - recovery
This doesn't mean you get a day off, it means take it easy and just do some simple short reps of everything above to exercise the muscles and get the blood flowing. Helps the recover process hence the term "recovery".

Day five - repeat day one, and so on.

Definite warning about using any weights, take what seems heavy and half that. You're toning your body not building muscle for some weightlifter contest it's not about how heavy you can squat but how many times you can squat what doesn't seem so heavy. Also the reason I separate the workouts by days is your muscles need a couple days to heal before you assault them with a workout again.  So I separate the muscle groups by days.

Hope this helps, I'm not an athletic trainer but have been going at it decent for some years now and this is just my recommendation.

- cardio can be done on most days of the week (if low intensity steady state)
- the only reason you'd ever have very specific body part days is if you are a very advanced lifter on a good deal of steroids, or your entire routine takes up half the week and you cycle through it at least twice in one week, or both
- an entire day for just core is ridiculous.  even very advanced lifters dedicate a very small portion of time for isolated core work because the core is used a lot in many other exercises as stabilizers
- on recovery days you're either probably doing some mobility / flexibility work or you're probably doing some low intensity cardio.... or nothing at all sometimes.

- weights are not evil, weights are good.  it's about how you use em for whatever goals you have.  hormones and diet and type of program will have a huge impact.
- "toning" vaguely refers to a slight gain in muscles and loss in fat in order to bring out the definition in those muscles.  it doesn't reeeeeeally mean a lot when you just say "toning".  but i assume to "tone" like most people might want, then it's probably gonna be 90+% dieting.
- "building muscle" is actually a lot more difficult than most people realize.  unless you have incredible genetics, the little muscle you gain at the beginner stage just by using a bit of weight is probably not gonna be all that bad.
- when you "separate the workouts by days" because "your muscles need a couple days to heal before you assault them with a workout again", you are describing vaguely a process of resting and letting your muscles heal for hypertrophy (muscle BUILDING).


however you decide to workout is up to you and nobody can actually tell you what you need to do unless they are a knowledgeable professional person (which even 99% of personal trainers are not) who has met you in person and talked with you in detail and have worked with you in the gym.

but just for funsies, here's what i'm doing personally right now for a more feminine shape.  I am 5'10, 175lbs, and pretty masculine bodyshape.

day 1
- cardio warm up, 5min (usually stationary bike or ellipticals or stepper, can be whatever)
- squat 4 sets 10 reps @ 135lbs (with one warmup set with just the bar [45lbs])
- lowerbody exercise with focus on posterior muscle groups....... usually stiff leg deadlift 3 sets 8-12 reps, or glute bridges if i feel humping the air in front of everyone
- lowerbody exercise with quad focus....... usually something like leg extensions, 2 sets 15 reps just for the pump (which is basically just muscle fatigue and blood rushing to the area)
- cardio cooldown, 20 min (usually stationary bike)

day 2
- cardio warm up again
- front squat 3 sets 8 reps @95lbs (warm up set with bar of course)
- dead lift, warm up sets ramping up to working sets, 3x5 @ 185lbs
- ab work (usually hanging leg raises) 2 sets 15 reps
- cardio 20 min

workout 1, rest, rest, rest, workout 2, rest, rest - is usually what the week looks like, altho ideally i'd be doing 1, rest, 2, rest, 1, rest, 2 so on and so forth

with flexibility / mobility work every day, and extra cardio whenever i feel i need it.  and i'm eating a few hundred calorie deficit, roughly.


Quote from: whatismylife on February 26, 2015, 08:33:33 PM
before i read this thread further gonna just say this right now.  this is absolutely useless crap that will get you absolutely no results, and any results you do see from this would be just because of the fact that you're doing SOMEthing (which you can do with absolutely any other forms of movement that are just as easy) and changes to your diet, etc.

Well that's certainly given me all the encouragement in the world to contribute to threads.  :-\


Quote from: pollypagan on February 27, 2015, 04:01:44 AM
Well that's certainly given me all the encouragement in the world to contribute to threads.  :-\

i'm so sorry, it's just frustrating seeing those things.  i have posted in places that talk about health and fitness and this is just like one of many things that claim to cater workouts to a certain group like women (or transwomen) and all they show you is bs.

it's super easy movements that won't really help that much, except i guess you are at least not sitting down and doing nothing so it might burn a few calories.

im sorry, i don't mean to say anything bad toward you (unless you are the person making the video).

these types of zero resistance slow movements will help no1 except the elderly and extremely unfit novice/beginners who have not done anything physical in their lives before, or are coming out of a year's bed rest from severe illness or something.  and even then there are many things i'd rather recommend a person do, which again, will depend on a number of factors like their goals, body type, etc.


I'm not the person in the video. (I wish though). What you perhaps may have said was that the exercises could benefit the elderly, unfit or beginners, however if............ Perhaps you should make a video yourself. It sounds like you really know what you are talking about and aim it at us folk with specialist needs let's say. There are a growing number of gyms starting up, I think the USA is taking the lead, where it is only  ordinary folk wanting to improve themselves that are allowed access and those who are already at an advanced stage of fitness are barred. I know in Scotland there are many who avoid gyms because of the "body beautifuls" and unfortunately also I know personally others who sneer at and resent ordinary folk blocking up their fitness temples.


Quote from: pollypagan on February 27, 2015, 05:35:10 AM
I'm not the person in the video. (I wish though). What you perhaps may have said was that the exercises could benefit the elderly, unfit or beginners, however if............ Perhaps you should make a video yourself. It sounds like you really know what you are talking about and aim it at us folk with specialist needs let's say. There are a growing number of gyms starting up, I think the USA is taking the lead, where it is only  ordinary folk wanting to improve themselves that are allowed access and those who are already at an advanced stage of fitness are barred. I know in Scotland there are many who avoid gyms because of the "body beautifuls" and unfortunately also I know personally others who sneer at and resent ordinary folk blocking up their fitness temples.

those people sound like vain >-bleeped-<s.  gyms are just places with equipment that you pay to have access to and belongs to anyone who pays for it no matter their level of fitness.

and i wouldn't even know how to make a video for a feminizing workout routine.  it's one thing to show programs on how to increase your bench press, or gain muscle, or lose fat, or run faster, or jump higher, etc. but for goals of "look more feminine" it becomes very individual both in what you imagine you want your body to look like, and what your body looks like now.

like... i'm doing what i do now because for my body specifically, i want to keep my leg strength and size, maintain as much strength as i can in squat and deadlift (but especially the squat), maybe try to grow my butt, and atrophy the muscles in my upperbody.  i hope to keep adding to my squat and deadlift until i get at least somewhat close to what i could lift before hormones (355squat, 365deadlift).  maybe like 3 plates (315).  but that's just me.

but if someone had a narrow upperbody frame to begin with, they might be able to bench press and overhead press and do other things and still look pretty "feminine", and would get the added benefit of running a more complete balanced program which will burn more calories too.

or if somebody wasn't on HRT and had "male hormones" like a good level of T in their body for example, you'd also have to adjust for that cuz muscle building will be easier for them.  but then again, on a program designed to not build a lot of strength and muscle, they'd still plateau pretty quick after the beginner's gains phase.  but then again, since the goals being discussed are just looks, maybe they don't even want that in the first place.  or maybe they're perfectly fine with that who knows.


Or just get on your bike and cycle 15m/25km every day :)


Quote from: antonia on February 27, 2015, 11:22:00 AM
Or just get on your bike and cycle 15m/25km every day :)
That's my approach.... (Well, I do a fixed 40 minutes on a stationary because that fits my life. Currently that amounts to about 12 miles.)
-=< Jennifer >=-



I love my elliptical!  But I'm going to start with a trainer to help vary my exercises up.  I know I don't need one, but I paid in advance when I joined the gym.  Stupid incentives! 


I've noticed yoga has really helped shape my butt and midsection...

But regardless of how little I eat and how carefully I avoid using my upper body strength, my arms have only lost a small amount of muscle bulk and are unmistakably masculine.

Have any ladies here been able to go from having bulky, strong arms, to the sort of thin, feminine, attractive arms with much smaller muscles (but nonetheless toned)? If so, please share the secret!  ;)



I have been experimenting with exercising to feminize for almost 2 years now trying all sorts of things. Along with no upper body exercises I have stopped all abdominal work too. This has reduced my waist some mostly from the front and back views. My current workout and what I have noticed works best for me is the following with only body weight. For reference, when I started I pretty much had no shape, so I wasn't trying to loose any weight. I did that a couple years ago by going paleo.

I have been doing this 3 days on, 1 day off for 3 months now with fairly decent results. From the bottom of my ribcage down, I am really happy with my side profile and front and back views from an angle, but straight front and back profiles are still lacking the extra width just below my hip bones where it appears that even super fit girls have a curve out where I curve in. This appears to be something only hrt would fix. By not doing straight squats or lunges I don't see as much development in the lower quads just above my knees but I keep the speed down so I can focus on form to save my knees. Right now my main goal is to maintain what I have on my upper legs/butt and upper calves but build my lower calves and ankle area. My upper calves are where I want them but  the angle is too sharp going down to my ankle. I have gotten to the point now that I really have to get creative to make my calves get sore. At one point I was doing 500 standing calf raises 3 times a day. This took my upper calf from 13 inches to just under 15.5 inches in about 4 months. I have really knobby knees and it took a good deal of growth to get the right transition. I am about to start adding actual seated calf raises with weight. I also am going to add some ankle weights to my side leg lifts to see if that helps the outer thigh.
Along with all this I have been doing some yoga; mostly the open hip stretches.

100 calf raises - two counts down, one count up, pinch at the top
Burnout squatting calf raises -  usually only takes 20 before I want to fall down (bodyweight version of seated calves)
100 reverse calf raises (this added a lot of shape to my outer calf from front view)
100 side to side lunges
100 curtsy lunges
50 glute bridges feet elevated (mostly for hamstrings)
50 glute bridges feet on the floor (I really pinch at the top for glutes)
50 (each side) side leg lifts (abductor)
I take no rests, and this usually takes about 15 minutes. I try to take my time stretching.

I welcome any recommendations, especially on outer thighs and lower calves/ ankles. My upper-body is still just looks like a normal thin man, but still has more muscle than I would rather.