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Need help with hair and nails.

Started by Nyctelios, March 27, 2015, 02:57:22 AM

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I've yet to come out to anyone but I really want to try having really long hair. As a guy I've always had long/thick hair. Never far further than past my ears or halfway down my neck.
I want to grow it longer but my hair tends to grow thick... Like really thick. I have so much hair it turns into a mess. I try and comb it and wash it often, but it just gets way to thick. I have dark-brown hair with very light streaks of blonde if you aim the light just right. It's tends to be straight, a little bit wavy and curls at the back of my neck.
I want to grow it longer, maybe into a ponytail (without making people suspicious). My hair is too thick on the top of my head and I definitely need a haircut at this point. How should I have it cut without it looking weird? I'm not that good at haircuts, most of the time when the hairdresser asked how I wanted my hair, I just said "short".

The second problem is my fingernails. I've been growing them out, and I like the look and feel of it. But they easily get dirty. Every week we have workshop class. Oil, metal and all around grime gets under my fingernails and gives them this dirty look. I hate it...
Any easy ways of cleaning them? I usually try and scrape them clean underneath but I can't always get all the grime out.

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Ever try the high pressure from a shower nozzle, shampoo, and a toothpick?  That's always been my remedy when I worked on old engines with that grease that even colored the skin..


Quote from: Nyctelios on March 27, 2015, 02:57:22 AM
The second problem is my fingernails. I've been growing them out, and I like the look and feel of it. But they easily get dirty. Every week we have workshop class. Oil, metal and all around grime gets under my fingernails and gives them this dirty look. I hate it...
Any easy ways of cleaning them?

Try smearing them in vaseline before you start.


Well usually the hair does not get too thick... does it get kind of oily ?
You could try washing it less often, and look up a few remedies, depending on hair type... there are some organic solutions...
well at your own risk, I'd stay with proven and soft methods...
and you might ask a hair stylist for advice... I'd just abstain from too chemical solutions...
you might say you want to wear your hair longer, kind of lord of the rings like... what kind of advice they have...

concerning fingernails, using some kind of cream helps... and wearing gloves, there are quite thin gloves available which are liquid resistant and allow for a good feeling... you might say its so you don't have dirty hands all weekend, and to prevent bruises and cuts...


Quote from: Nyctelios on March 27, 2015, 02:57:22 AM
I want to grow it longer, maybe into a ponytail (without making people suspicious). My hair is too thick on the top of my head and I definitely need a haircut at this point. How should I have it cut without it looking weird? I'm not that good at haircuts, most of the time when the hairdresser asked how I wanted my hair, I just said "short"

My advice is look at women's magazine or pictures online for a desired hair style then find styles in between that will lead up to your end result or you can just be crazy like me and let it keep growing with mild trims to take care of split ends until it reaches the desired length. Also consider hair only grows about 6 inches (15 cm) per year so depending on your current length to the final result you would need to count in that time as well.
I am a caterpillar creeping along a leaf.


Thanks for all the nice tips, I will try them out and see how I feel about them!

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