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wigs and hair loss after orchi

Started by sportyspice, May 08, 2015, 01:52:46 AM

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Hi everyone well I'm in a bit a of a pickle

Ok so in February I had an orchitectomy and stopped Spiro well since the operation only few weeks later I started shedding heaps of hair ok so I thought might get some vitamins.

Now it's extremely depressing like it's coming out and won't stop I've seen the endo he says it's just from the operation I saw my family doctor and told him I need to begin Spiro again cause it will stop my hair falling out.

Anyway the doctors don't seem to be helping one says rogaine the other says it's shedding yet I have thinning hair loss over my scalp.
I'm doing laser at a local clinic but not using rogaine yet till I know it's male patten baldness hopefully I can stop it.

My doctor won't prescribed fin (proscar) yet to me he reckons it's a shift in hormones I don't know why my hair would all start falling out and it's extremely worrying I'm scared to leave the house wash or brush my hair tbh

Also I live full time have for 6 years and I had long beautiful hair and I pass easily.
Can anyone tell me there experiences with wigs how long they get out of them how much they spend types of wigs they buy?????? 
If my life is reduced to wig wearing it's gotta be taken seriously unlike our cross-dressing friends full time trans girl at the age of 34 who is just about to start uni this is very serious.

I know some about wigs as I as most of my friends do did use clip in hair extensions but to actually be losing my own real hair and have no support I'm somewhat really depressed and scared as without some hair passing maybe a thing of the past and where I live it's pretty rough it's a scary issue.

Please help
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Hey Hun sorry to hear about your pickle .
I'm 9 months into my transition wen I started I had a shaved head so a wig was a given for me wen I would go full time which was 5 months in.
I got a nice real hair wig from cost was $160 it made my going full time possible and I fell in love with it and the styles I could do.
My natural hair now is long enough I don't have to wear the wig anymore. And people at shops coffee shops at my local shopping centre comment on my new hair cut they thought my wig was my natural hair. You will be pleasantly surprised. I washed mine every 2 weeks if you do this it will last for quiet a while .I know it's not what you expected but it's a solution to your pickle all the best wishing and hoping for you that the re growth sets in for u xx

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I'm still really upset I had hair down past my bra strap and now I'm getting bald patches problem is doctors and the endo aren't helping and it's ashame I can't lose my hair it's unfair I even had a orchi to prevent this instead it's triggered it

Help I seriously feel like ending my life tbh my hair was everything now I feel like I'm a pretend girl I had hair which made me girly now I have to use wigs I just don't know what to do any more
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It's not the end.  There are fixes and you may find a way to resolve the hair loss.  I totally understand not wanting to wear a wig, but think of it as temporary.  Find a nice wig and it'll make you feel better.  You're not a pretend girl because your hair falls out.  You were a girl before and you're a girl now.  Good luck and hugs!


Hopefully they can reverse it asap otherwise I'll have to go bald cause I simply don't have the money for hair transplants

And it's already difficult enough being trans getting a job well nearly impossible but to be bald and trans I'll be lucky to go to the ladies toilet without getting arrested or bashed up Australia might be kinda ok but they still don't like trans people I've been rejected from hundreds of jobs like many other trans people even maccas didn't want me

Wigs are gonna be really hard to buy on a massive tight budget even 200 to 300 every few months is a problem sadly I'm facing this

I thought orchi was meant to stop this and the endo took me off Spiro now I'm taking Spiro again to stop dht I already told the doctors im programed for male patten baldness and did they listen no even when I asked for fin proscar they wouldn't give it too me yet I'm on hrt have been for 8 years now I'm going bald it's a nightmare come true :c
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My father just suggested if I was only to dress as a girl on the weekends that would extend the life of my wig

Oh my goodness what a. I'm sorry but I've been female for 7 years even paid from my super for an orchitectomy it's not my fault DHT got me when I came off Spiro it's not fair i keep complaining to my doctor saying I need fin but he won't give it to me like wtf it's not fair I'm going bald and there's nothing anyone wants to help me stop

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