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Suicide Squad (Film)

Started by HexenPixi, May 07, 2015, 06:26:36 PM

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I love Harley Quinn, and I'm not sure how I feel about Margot Robbie as her. Jared Leto... I'm sure plenty of people here might have the same sentiments about him here, so yeah.. Anyways, I am curious about how this film will be. Anyone else anticipating it as well?
"Eisbär ... müssen nie weinen ... "


I'm pretty excited! I am super great about not assuming specific actors will do good/bad as a character so I'm totally not positive or negative about the actor choices I'm just going to wait and see how they pull it off (I had only seen Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain before seeing him in Batman, so, that was a huge surprise, not everyone is a Nick Cage lol)

I've been addicted to The Flash and Arrow so I'm really hoping DC gets a good movie together to compete with Marvel (who I also really like!).
"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." -Hemingway!


Quote from: WillowRyder on May 07, 2015, 06:45:02 PM
I'm pretty excited! I am super great about not assuming specific actors will do good/bad as a character so I'm totally not positive or negative about the actor choices I'm just going to wait and see how they pull it off (I had only seen Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain before seeing him in Batman, so, that was a huge surprise, not everyone is a Nick Cage lol)

I've been addicted to The Flash and Arrow so I'm really hoping DC gets a good movie together to compete with Marvel (who I also really like!).

Heath Ledger was amazing RIP. I'm totally stoked. There has been a lot of negative comments regarding Margot Robbie as HQ, but I think it will be awesome to have a curvy HQ for once. :)
"Eisbär ... müssen nie weinen ... "

Ms Grace

For me the actor doesn't matter much, if they are a good actor they will bring their own to it. It mostly rests on the story and the production. I was pretty lukewarm on both Dark Knight Rises and Man of Steel, not much fun to be had in either. The DC films have decided that grim is good and that's depressing. Arrow is the same with a heavy dose of angst for added measure. For me, Flash has been spot on, have really enjoyed everything about it and I'm always excited to see each new episode. I was pretty dubious about the need for a Suicide Squad movie, could never get into the comic, but the last episode of Arrow to feature some of them has sold me on the idea it could be interesting. Most comic book movies I go into with neutral expectations (although not with Avengers 2, that was sky high) so I'm not either way on Suicide Squad. I'm dubious about how well Warner Bros can handle DC, Catwoman was abysmal and Green Lantern was very sub par...GL was well made but the story could have been better and it was clearly over cooked with sequels in mind.
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


See, I love the dark, melancholy, etc. My sentiment has always been, "bring on the gloom!" But HQ has always been fun to me, very quirky, hilariously whimsical, and has a morbid sense of humor. I loved the portrayal of her in Batman the Animated Series, and I liked her standalone graphic novels. I couldn't get into the actual Suicide Squad comics/novels either. It's a bit too.... humm "macho?" for me? Too much muscles, guns, n' shoot-em-up lol.

I'm going to try this film only for Harley, I just hope they make her character fun, not just overly sexual and boring, like these kinds of films usually turn out.

Catwoman. *Face palm* that WAS a disaster. And I really like Halle Berry a lot. She was an excellent Storm imo. I thought she would bring a sort of Eartha Kitt style of Catwoman, and she really is the spitting image of how Selina Kyle looks in the comics. But I was heartbroken by that film (she's my fav DC character).

Who knows how this is  going to turn out? I recently heard that Will Smith is going to be Deadshot. I think this DC film is already a cocktail of bad acting and total cheese.
"Eisbär ... müssen nie weinen ... "


I am pretty excited about it and keeping my mind open.  There is equal opportunity to make it or break it.  I like Margot Robbie's look and have confidence in her ability to act.  Jared Leto's look less so, but he is an amazing actor, so I am throwing caution to the wind.  This is why they sell us popcorn and candy, to soothe the potential pain.


I'm tentatively excited for this, however I've not been overly impressed with the reveals as the cast photo looks a tad too "cosplay-ish".  I love the actual Suicide Squad comics, so I'm hoping they really represent them well.  I'll admit that I prefer Marvel over DC comics, with the exception of Batman's universe, Darkseid and Justice League.  As far as films go, Nolan's Batman trilogy was fantastically done, but the other DC movies have been very miss for me personally.  Here's to a bad arse film regardless!