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Started by Peggiann, January 28, 2006, 10:16:24 PM

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I find it very Puzzling that someone can go out buy an article of clothing or make-up or what ever, then take it home and can wait for days or weeks before putting it on even trying it on.

I on the other hand, have to put it on the minute I get it home. There is definitly no waiting. I don't buy something unless I love it in the first place and am so anxious to get it on.

Leah on the other hand doesn't do this she has things she hasn't put on since before Thanksgiving. It has never been worn yet. I may see it and mention it and she thinks I'm funny that I have to put what I bought on right away.

Maybe it's that the dressing is not her thing, that she is doing it when she does just to make the qualification to SRS. Yet at the same time she is the one that brings up shopping some of the time and pick out what she likes.

We just did this last evening in Amarillo. She bought a great looking pair of jeans and beautiful blouse in a western store. They are lovely together as they lie on the chair by our bed.

I could not do that... no... I could not. I would have them on and thinking up where to go to dress up in my pretty knew things.




I have brought clothes and not worn them right away.  In fact i have a skirt and a pair of pants that I have yet to wear.  I'm just waiting for the right occasion :)


Jillieann Rose

Hi Peggiann,
Like you Stephanie I have clothes in the closet that I have not worn out yet.
But I did have to try them on to see how I looked soon as I got home from the store. Doesn't have to be clothes, it's anything I buy.
So I to am puzzled. How could a person buy some clothes, bring them home, and just hang them up?


I'm a bit like that too, I have things in my wardrobe (closet) that just sits there for the right occasion (dont know what) I have a nice silky shirt and jacket that I see every day and I just keep passing them by (cause its like 46 degrees celcius most days) and even though I have plenty of clothes I still think I have nothing especially shoes. Oh and you can never have enough underwear either.

I tend to go with new trends and want to wear those over the things in my wardrobe (closet) but when I get them home something comes up and they get pushed in there somewhere and get the same treatment as the other stuff (will eventually donate some to a good cause).




I like the part about the jeans and cute blouse bought at a western store.  I am a country girl at heart and love country & western anything.

As far as buying clothes but not wearing them, I could never do that!  I love trying on everything and trying different combinations of all the clothes I own to see what goes with what - that is all fun for me.  Plus I love shopping, the drawers in my closet are filled with more womans clothing than mens.
