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After last night, I think I'm going to stop drinking

Started by purpleshiny, September 10, 2015, 12:38:38 PM

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Going to do a little soul-baring here.

Alcohol was never something on my agenda.  My 21st birthday consisted of me playing Leisure Suit Larry (yes, the old DOS game) in a hotel room in Vegas instead of going downstairs drinking and gambling.  I started drinking only about three years ago (age 23, I'm 26 now).  People found me entertaining while I drank and I think that encouraged me to have it in my life.  Instead of being shy and awkward as I always was, I would do crazy things and people enjoyed watching me make a fool out of myself.  I thought that meant I was finally getting friends, but in reality they were just people who enjoyed watching me make a fool of myself.

And then it never went away.  A major family catastrophe lead me to drinking by myself quite a bit.  A bad breakup right after that catastrophe lead to me drinking even more by myself.  For a while it was bad - copious amounts on a nightly basis - and then I stopped out of the blue.  I studied for my personal trainer certification, didn't have a single drink, and then went out for a celebratory shot with my best guy friend after I was certified.

And there it was again.  Now, I usually drink with my fiancee, and for the most part it's "normal."  But I still don't like how it affects me anymore.  I think I do it too much, and have too many days where I do it too hard.

Last night I really went too hard.  Wayyyy too hard.  I got so drunk that I ordered a pizza and stuffed my face with it (I am a calorie counting fitness fanatic and I feel like garbage today).  I know that doesn't sound like much compared to "torched a car" or "woke up in France," but it's still behavior I don't usually do and severely guilt myself over.  Between a tummy full of bad food and bad alcohol, today I feel like I should probably be in bed.

So with that delightful feeling in mind, I want to stop again, hopefully permanently.

And that's what I'm going to do.
Any pronoun works.  I also answer to "hey you."


Big hug! I drank from age 12 to 24 and quit after blowing a .27 on the Breathalyzer. That was in 1986, I haven't had a drink since. Best wishes on taking your life back from alcohol. It sounds like you have a firm grip on the issue.   :)

Hugs, Devlyn


Quote from: Devlyn Marie on September 10, 2015, 12:44:29 PM
Big hug! I drank from age 12 to 24 and quit after blowing a .27 on the Breathalyzer. That was in 1986, I haven't had a drink since. Best wishes on taking your life back from alcohol. It sounds like you have a firm grip on the issue.   :)

Hugs, Devlyn

Wow, that is so impressive that you haven't had a drop in almost thirty years.  That's gonna be me someday! :)  Thanks for your support!
Any pronoun works.  I also answer to "hey you."


Hugs. My experiences sound similar to yours in a lot of respects. I honestly can't say I've ever enjoyed drinking - it was mostly done because it was expected, and then I kept doing it because it seemed like I was more fun to other people while I was drinking. Once I realized that I wasn't getting anything out of it, I felt like it was a huge waste of time and resources.

Congrats to moving forward!
T: 12/5/2014 | Top: 4/21/2015 | Hysto: 2/6/2016 | Meta: 3/21/2017

I don't come here anymore, so if you need to get in touch send an email: maxdoeswork AT


I've been down the rabbit hole of addiction. I'll be clean 7yrs next month. I wont get to far into details suffice it to say it was bad. The best advice I was ever given was straight from the AA big book. I'm paraphrasing but basically it says its not how much you do pr what bad stuff happens when you do it. Its whether or not you can control it when you do it. I couldn't so I stopped. Its a very difficult journey to take but if its one you think you have to take you can do it. If I could anyone can. Good luck. Be strong.


Good for you! Just remember to take it one day at a time.

Quote from: michelle1983 on September 11, 2015, 08:27:52 AM
The best advice I was ever given was straight from the AA big book. I'm paraphrasing but basically it says its not how much you do pr what bad stuff happens when you do it. Its whether or not you can control it when you do it.

I will add to what Michelle said by repeating something from the Narcotics Anonymous Basic Text: "We reach bottom when we chose to stop digging".

That always resonated with me, understanding that my bottom was not the same as someone else's. I have 482 days today, and I struggle sometimes, by I persevere by reminding myself One Day at a Time.
In Ardua Tendit (She attempts difficult things)


Thank you all for being so supportive.  allisonsteph, you're right about everybody's rock bottom being different.  Thankfully I can say I've dug that hole far deeper in my past, and by comparison I don't have nearly as high to climb.  That is pretty encouraging.

Last night I fell asleep sober and it was a wonderful feeling.  And shockingly, I didn't wake up feeling like I wanted to tear my stomach out.  Go figure.  :D
Any pronoun works.  I also answer to "hey you."


Hugs. I also deal with alcohol issues and do what its like to realize that you've done something not that brilliant. Right now I am having to be more careful than usual because I think it makes depression worse.



I have used various addictions during my life to deal with rejection issues concerning my transgenderism.  Please listen to me.  That is most definitely NOT the way to cope.  We need to hold our ground when it comes to our gender identities.  There is no pleasing all family members and friends.  Face this reality, and let's hold onto each other.

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