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Easiest ways to gain a lot of fat/slow down metabolism.?

Started by PsychedelicSage, June 08, 2015, 12:33:42 AM

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I'm trying to gain more fat to give my hormones more to work with.

But I have a somewhat high metabolism so it's hard for me to gain weight.

I also don't have a good appetite most of the time except for meals.

How can I gain a lot of fat easily and/or slow down my metabolism.?

I'm already on what I call the sumo wrestler diet. Which is basically this:

Wake up. Don't eat anything at all, totally skip breakfast, don't even snack. This temporarily puts your body in starvation mode, so when you do eat your body stores much more fat from your food and your metabolism is slowed.

Eat large lunch and dinner and eat as much as possible the rest of the day.

Have a second dinner right before you go to sleep. When you go to sleep right after eating, your body stores much more fat from your food than normal. This is actually one way that sumo wrestlers gain weight.

Other weighs of gaining fat.?
Started HRT on 4-14-15 but it was DIY.
Started real prescribed HRT on 7-22-15 c:


Just eat!  When you miss the meal, are you really hungry?  Try ramin noodles;)  if not, and your rich, go buy some amino acid pills at gnc or online.  If you dont exercise and take those, fat builds up fast.  Be careful, you may get more than ya wish for.. 
Too bad I couldnt donate, I have 50 to give away!


Eat bacon, potato chips, many carbohydrates and fatty meats. Put lots of real butter on everything. Cook things in actual fat. Eat lots of ice cream or cake..your favorite sweets. Peanut butter is fatty, but healthy. Laze about, and don't exercise a lot. Become a couch potato if you have time.

There's no way I could get away with all that food, I envy your metabolism.


Quote from: Cynobyte on June 08, 2015, 01:39:07 AM
Just eat!  When you miss the meal, are you really hungry?  Try ramin noodles;)  if not, and your rich, go buy some amino acid pills at gnc or online.  If you dont exercise and take those, fat builds up fast.  Be careful, you may get more than ya wish for.. 
Too bad I couldnt donate, I have 50 to give away!

Not really actually.. skipping breakfast doesn't really bother me. xD Which probably isn't good.
I'll try ramen.
Maybe I need something to increase my appetite.
I read about amino acid pills and they can make you gain muscle. Which I am actually trying to lose.

Thanks anywayy!
Started HRT on 4-14-15 but it was DIY.
Started real prescribed HRT on 7-22-15 c:


You have to have that core starving sensation to store fat.   If you skip a meal and your tummy is not growling,  nothing will happen;)  good luck..


Dont do anything to get you in trouble, but what causes "the munchies".  Give into that and you will gain weight.  Im proof; (


I was in the same boat, very very high metabolism. My lowest weight since HRT has been 126, and my stable weight before weight gain was 135. I gained as much as I could before having fat transfer, and got up to 155. I have continued, now up to 160, happily most of it in my butt and legs!

I did similarly to you- skipping breakfast seems to work. I also found that milk fats pack a huge punch per weight and the fat seems to stick better. Instead of buying milk, I always buy half and half. For a while there I would regularly snack on half and half w/ oreos.. Lol.. I think it was something like 150cals per bite! Talk about calorie packed. Half and half also works really well in cereal. It may sound gross, but it's actually just like really tasty milk!

I haven't gained in the most healthy way, that is for sure. But my body seems to be happy with me. I am still pretty active and do lots of cycling around town.

But yeah, my recommendation is half and half! Ice cream is also mega-loaded with calories since it's basically just heavy cream.


I was going to start a new topic but since this one is still on the first page I'll go ahead and post here. I'm wondering if anyone else has anymore insight on gaining weight.

I'm 33 and have been pencil thin my whole life. If it were possible I would say I have a negative percentage of body fat. I had jobs that kept me fairly active for much of my adult life but for the past year I've been fortunate to have a sitting job. And here I sit, all day long, eating junk food. But despite being very inactive and still eating lots of junk food, I don't gain a single pound.

There doesn't seem to be any quantity of food I can eat that would cause weight gain. My body's response to eating more food is to just burn it off faster. When I was a teenager my Dad made me stomach those awful weight gain shakes every night to try to beef me up. Eventually he gave up when I didn't gain a single pound. And ironically, eating more food just makes me hungrier and ultimately doesn't add any more weight. I eat more and my body burns more. I eat less and my body burns less. The net result is that I'm always the same weight no matter what I do.

I eat plenty of junk food. Ice cream, donuts, pizza, burgers, cookies, whatever. If it's bad for you then I probably eat it, and too much of it. I don't eat big meals so much but I do tend to snack all day long. I have a small stomach that won't hold much but it does empty out very quickly. I can go from "so stuffed I want to puke" to "starvation" in an hour. I had a co-worker in the past that would see me munching on junk food all day every day. She asked me what my secret was to staying so thin so I told her "donuts". For some reason she didn't like my answer.

Skipping breakfast was also mentioned. I do tend to skip breakfast and/or just eat a small snack as breakfast but not because I'm purposely trying to skip it. My stomach doesn't function within 1-2 hours of waking up in the morning so I have no choice but to eat lightly. I'd love to pack in a big breakfast of waffles, eggs, and bacon but my stomach rejects food first thing in the morning. It still growls for food, but I know that trying to feed it too early would make it very unhappy. So breakfast is skipped.

It crossed my mind that if the day came where I went down the transition road that my body would have no fat to work with. I think it's broken. It doesn't know how to make fat cells.


I was 140-145 pounds on a 6'2" frame before HRT. HRT helped slow my metabolism and resulted in about another 15-20 pound weight gain. Age can also figure into this as well My current intake is about half what it was in my teen years but most of the time I am doing 3 meals a day. You might see if you can handle an instant breakfast drink or something light for breakfast but stay away from a heavy meal.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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I essentially eat what I want and when I want. I haven't really gained since I lost my weight, but I have noticed a bit of fat redistribution in my own, even without the right hormones.
If you want more calorie dense items choose pastries, potato chips, or other snack foods. Try not to skip meals really, but instead enhance them.
The key part to this is not just diet, but exercise or lack thereof exercise in the case of what you want. I would still recommend at least a brisk walk as per cardio per day though. (I always remembered the saying "cardio reduces gains")
I wouldn't really suggest it, but hey I cannot say no, since I'm really doing the same thing.

Kate <3
Always remember to smile your face
My life motto: Wake Up and BE Awesome!

"Every minute of your life that you allow someone to dictate your emotions, is a minute of your life you are allowing them to control you." - a dear friend of mine.

Stay true to yourself no matter the consequence, for this is your life, your decision, your trust in which will shape your future. Believe in yourself, if you don't then no one will.


milk products work for many people. whole milk, yogurt, and fruits will add weight easily. it did wonders for me along with second dinner before bed.
this may help?


Quote from: Dena on June 24, 2016, 10:48:51 PM
You might see if you can handle an instant breakfast drink or something light for breakfast but stay away from a heavy meal.
That's an idea I haven't tried yet. I have no troubles with consuming liquids in the morning. I don't suppose you can recommend an instant breakfast drink that tastes reasonably well?

Quote from: Katiepie on June 25, 2016, 02:46:21 AM
The key part to this is not just diet, but exercise or lack thereof exercise in the case of what you want. I would still recommend at least a brisk walk as per cardio per day though. (I always remembered the saying "cardio reduces gains")
If I was any less active I would have people poking me to see if I was still alive. I'm not sure how I'm burning away everything I eat. Maybe I'm thinking too much. Thinking away the calories.

Quote from: ChasingAlice on June 25, 2016, 03:07:04 AM
milk products work for many people. whole milk, yogurt, and fruits will add weight easily. it did wonders for me along with second dinner before bed.
this may help?
From the link, step 3 is the only thing I don't/can't do. I'm always hungry so I find myself snacking all day in addition to having lunch, dinner, and numerous late night snacks/dinners/desserts. Funny enough there was another article at the bottom of that link titled "18 Habits That Can Make You Fat". I do most of those and I couldn't be thinner!


Quote from: Semira on June 25, 2016, 07:06:38 PM
That's an idea I haven't tried yet. I have no troubles with consuming liquids in the morning. I don't suppose you can recommend an instant breakfast drink that tastes reasonably well?
Carnation Instant Breakfast would be the one I suggest you try. It comes in single flavors and as an assortment. You should start out with an assortment and determine which flavors you like. A double portion seems to be about the right amount of calories but if your stomach is sensitive, a single might be enough. If you want calories, I suggest you make it with whole milk.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."


I am in the same boat.Am 25 and i weigh 46 kg only. I even tried  weight gainer.but i didn't gain any weight. Sigh!
I cant feel my face when am with you ::)