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So or 'real' book, - which do you prefer?

Started by Lady Smith, June 12, 2015, 09:53:33 PM

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I prefer reading a physical copy of a book, but e-books are convenient and I read them sometimes too.


I love both, real books the feel and look of them ,love to size of e-books that i read on my (old)net-book.
Down side of e-books is that i can not read all as the use DRM and that runs only on a WC.
And as i get older to enhance the font size :) what you can not do with a real book.


Well imo its nicer to leaf back a few pages in a real book...
you can jump to and fro easier...

and its kind of more cozy... grabbing a book and a cup of tea...


Lady Smith

Quote from: BlonT on June 20, 2015, 03:54:40 PM
I love both, real books the feel and look of them ,love to size of e-books that i read on my (old)net-book.
Down side of e-books is that i can not read all as the use DRM and that runs only on a WC.
And as i get older to enhance the font size :) what you can not do with a real book.

This 1+


I love the feeling of paper. However, there are times when it is just not pragmatic.

I love the Kindles with the original e-ink. I like the paperwhites. I am not won over by reading on glossy screen laptops, tablets and monitors. Pictures and videos look fantastic on them but it just does not feel right to the eye.

I guess to me it is like saying I like CDs better than mp3. Huge difference but put it up next to my vinyl...

Sorry, my geek slipped out. ;)

With warm thoughts and pages,

1st Therapy: February 2015
First Endo visit & HRT StartJanuary 29, 2016
Jacqueline from Joanna July 18, 2017
Full Time June 1, 2018


Lady Smith

I love the Kindle's system.  Glossy and reflective screens are annoying when trying to read which is why I don't use my old Nextbook so much.  When I'm not well I read e.books on a 19inch LCD monitor set up on a table beside my bed, but I have to turn the brightness way down or else it gets too darn irritating.


so i pretty much exclusively buy books from used book stores and thrift stores or just go to the library because that is where they are cheap and my only problem with ebooks is that they are expensive!!! but im not one of those elitist nerds who shames people for reading ebooks like.. haha have fun smelling your mildewwy old tome you nerd
i used to use a kindle very often but the only things I read on it were like Jane Austen and other things that could be downloaded for free and I think it is great for that!! but to read new books it's a rip off, as is buying brand new paper books imo. FREE KNOWLEDGE


Real  books all the way. Love the feel smell and just owning a physical copy of it. Only issue is the space they take up sometimes  :p

Lady Smith

I watch out for the special deals that Amazon has from time to time and buy most of my e.books then.  Some specialist titles can be expensive though which means I have to budget for them if I really want/need to have them.

And yes unfortunately real books do tend to take up space something to which all the groaning bookshelves in my room bear witness.


audio books. Particularly from Audible though there are free ways to get them through your library. I've been a heavy reader since 5th grade when I found The Hatchet and The Chronicles of Narnia. I couldn't stand reading anything more complicated than Little Bear until those. I love paper books for reference material such as RPG rule books, repair books, etc. and I love hardcovers of sci-fi and fantasy but Audiobooks have a very special place in my heart and keep my mind busy at an otherwise dull job.


So far thats only one kind of book I simply cant read in my kindle: my study books.

I wish i could, they are very heavy. But they have so much pictures and colors, and with the b&w kindle screen things get ugly! Sure, i could get a tablet, but there are a lot of university/professional books in Brazil that doenst exist in digital form. I either read it in digital format in english or I accept my fate and carry all my translated books... oh Glob...

Jill F

Either way is fine for the most part. My shelves are pretty much full, so I generally download books to save space these days, although I find some books much more charming in hardback.  Harry Potter is just not the same on an iPad, but Slash's memoir is.

marsh monster

I like real books, although my reading has slacked off a bit this year. Screens bother me after a short time and sometime about actually holding the book is kind of nice.


For light reading, and especially for reading in bed, I've learned to read on a tablet. I like being able to prop the thing up, not having to bother about holding it or keeping the pages from flipping around, and being able to "turn the page" with the flick of a finger. As another one with aging eyes, I also appreciate being able to adjust the text size. I almost never buy e-books -- my local library has an excellent selection of downloadable books, and there's also the Open Library, through which one can have access to almost anything.

But for serious reading I do prefer "physical books." If it's non-fiction, I want to be able to flip back to find an earlier reference to something, look at the end notes, find things in the index, etc., etc. All that is just too messy with e-books. And for serious fiction I just need paper, and to hold the book in my hands.

There's a free library program out there called Calibre, which is great for organizing an ebook collection and also lets you convert from one ebook format to another, e.g., from Kindle format to epub, or vice versa, and allows you to format the text according to your own preferences: there are many more changes possible than just altering the text size. I highly recommend it. I run it on my laptop, and it's very easy to sync it over a wireless network with other devices.
Never bring an umbrella to a coyote fight.

Lady Smith

Tysilio, thank you so much for the tip about Calibre.  I'm downloading it now :)


You're welcome, Lady Smith. PM me if you have any questions about how it works.

Also, since you're in NZ, I believe it's legal for you to de-DRM ebooks for your personal use, and there's a Calibre add-on which will do that. (This may change with the TPP, but in the meantime...)
Never bring an umbrella to a coyote fight.


Quote from: wanessa.delisola on June 22, 2015, 11:54:12 AM
So far thats only one kind of book I simply cant read in my kindle: my study books.

I wish i could, they are very heavy. But they have so much pictures and colors, and with the b&w kindle screen things get ugly! Sure, i could get a tablet, but there are a lot of university/professional books in Brazil that doenst exist in digital form. I either read it in digital format in english or I accept my fate and carry all my translated books... oh Glob...

Have you thought of using One Note and Mind Genius for study ?


always real book :) I like smell of paper,they're nice to touch,I also use pen to underline sentences...
Every man is a star whose light can make shadows dance differently and change our view of landscape permanently***


I'll probably read the e-book first, just b/c of the price. An exception would be used book sales, which are the best.
Then if I really like the book, I might buy the hard copy. Hardcover is reserved to mindblowingly amazing books :)

Lady Smith

Quote from: kal on July 03, 2015, 01:16:49 AM
I'll probably read the e-book first, just b/c of the price. An exception would be used book sales, which are the best.
Then if I really like the book, I might buy the hard copy. Hardcover is reserved to mindblowingly amazing books :)

I'm the same :)