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Why do you think God made transexuals?

Started by Jake25, June 17, 2015, 09:01:42 PM

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If you believe in god do you think there's a reason why he made us transexual?
I think our souls are whatever gender we know them to be and we may have been born in the opposite gender's body to see what it's like to be them and then see if people accept us as our true selves when we come out and express our true gender.

Beth Andrea

Souls are, imho, eternal and therefore need no gender, just as a true Deity would be.

"Male" and "female" are necessary only in the physical realm, and that only for procreation.

Oh yeah, and pleasure.  ;) (Which is probably the Deity's sense of humor to trick us into having children LOL)

The Deity clearly works in spectrums, we don't see two colors, we see a rainbow. Sound and light aren't the only two forms of energy, there is an entire spectrum for this (including microwaves, radio waves, subsonic, etc) It stands to reason that in some areas of any given spectrum there will be some overlap. Gravity doesn't have two settings, "full on" and "off", it varies with the distance one is from the source of the gravity. etc etc
...I think for most of us it is a futile effort to try and put this genie back in the bottle once she has tasted freedom...

--read in a Tessa James post 1/16/2017


I think our souls are individual though and that individuals may stay the same, shift genders throughout incarnations, or be a mixture of several. I think mine is a gentle male soul, and maybe I accidentally materialized as a female at birth and that's why I'm trans. If gender identity meant nothing to our souls we wouldn't be on this website.


I used to think it was because He was an *expletive redacted*. But then I realized that it wasn't that I was born wrong, it's that the everyone else kept telling me I had to be and act like a guy. I know who I am, and my body has never defined me. God helps those who help themselves, and I needed to get to a place of peace with myself to be happy in the first place. If I had been born cis, I wouldn't have had to struggle internally to the same degree, but I doubt I would have the self-assurance and conviction in knowing myself that I do now.

Also, I don't really like the word transsexual, since it seems to me if you compare it to asexual, pansexual, bisexual, heterosexual, homosexual, it doesn't fit. It would fit if transsexual meant someone who is attracted to transfolk. But it is about gender identity not sexual orientation, simply because the cis people who came up with the term fundamentally misunderstand us. It's why transgender or trans, although less specific, is a better term imo.

If people are what they eat, I really need to stop eating such neurotic food  :icon_shakefist:


I may be saying the same thing others are saying. At the risk of sounding cyclical or like the Sphinx from Mystery Men:

I don't think (fill in the blank) made transsexuals. I think humans did. I don't really think he/she/they really care. To a degree, it is of "this world"(material). As I understand it, God is not and has little concern for the physical. 

You do raise a good question of why body dysphoria exists if we are all so flippin' perfect. You got me there. I'm not convinced that a soul has a set gender. I can't help but think there is something else at work here. I think our bodies may be "too small" for our souls. Because of that, some aspects of the soul is set or stuck upon birth? Wow, did I really just write that? Insane, inspirational, insubordinate, inconclusive...

Sorry, didn't mean to hi jack your thread into what looks like non-sense. But still, I think there is something there.

Or I could just need sleep.


1st Therapy: February 2015
First Endo visit & HRT StartJanuary 29, 2016
Jacqueline from Joanna July 18, 2017
Full Time June 1, 2018



As a Mainline Protestant Christian Public Leader (non-Catholic LGBT-affirming preacher) I had trouble with the concept of affirming the LGB's as God doesn't make mistakes, and they're born that way.... And then wondering... But what about Trans* folks?

I had to ask a (Reform) Jewish Rabbi (go figure) to get an answer... He said God creates. It's up to human biology and the infinite possibilities inherent in gestation in the womb to mix up sex and gender... God starts the engine. It's up to the brokenness of human nature to drive the car out of the garage... (I kinda like that metaphor - just made it up)

I hope that helps some.

Hang in there
Strong's Greek 3341

Original Word: μετάνοια
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Definition: repentance, a change of mind

Merriam-Webster: Metanoia - a transformative change of heart

"Remember, I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together" - Red Green

Lady Smith

'All things bright and beautiful, - the Lord God made them all,' is what we used to sing in Sunday school, - so yes I do happen to think God made Transexual folk just like he/she made everything else.






Having lived as long as I have, I remember the Thalidomide baby pictures and that was something I am sure God didn't do. Man ask God for a King and because of our wish, God stepped back and allowed us the freedom from him that we requested. As the result, many thing happen because God has allowed us to make our own way instead of being constantly watched over by him.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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If he did, he'd have to have a sick, twisted sense of humor, or be evil, neither of which I could believe. More likely, in utero hormonal screw ups, and more currently, what mankind has wrought:DES sons have a reported 30% or so transgender occurrance rate, each year chemical companies create thousands of estrogenic mimicing chemicals which get released into the environment.

Superstitious Humans used to blame the gods as the causes of things they didn't understand, I believe it is more reasonable to look to nature and man's handiwork.
Traci Melissa Knight


Quote from: Jake25 on June 17, 2015, 09:01:42 PM
If you believe in god do you think there's a reason why he made us transexual?
I think our souls are whatever gender we know them to be and we may have been born in the opposite gender's body to see what it's like to be them and then see if people accept us as our true selves when we come out and express our true gender.

Nature has no mercy and will do what it does.


I don't know, why did God make a rutabaga tuber. I mean there were already turnips , whats the need for a rutabaga, although I prefer rutabaga over a turnip any day. I like turnips too , but the rutabaga is like an aged wine perfectly blended with a mild full flavor .


I was thinking about this on stephanies latest question and it struck me that actually being trans has made a huge improvement to my life - So speaking for myself I would say it was a special blessing for those who are favoured - however I can see that for those of you who are having a rough time that probably isnt a good answer, so I guess I don't know.

Before she died my Alison used to say that she thought Transwomen were all fallen angels, sent to earth to learn the error of their ways. Nice notion I guess...


Quote from: Rejennyrated on July 01, 2015, 04:26:38 PM
I was thinking about this on stephanies latest question and it struck me that actually being trans has made a huge improvement to my life - So speaking for myself I would say it was a special blessing for those who are favoured - however I can see that for those of you who are having a rough time that probably isnt a good answer, so I guess I don't know.

Before she died my Alison used to say that she thought Transwomen were all fallen angels, sent to earth to learn the error of their ways. Nice notion I guess...
With all the hardship I suffered, if I could go back in time and eliminate something, I wouldn't. It takes the long view to form that opinion but all of the past is so much a part of me that I don't want to eliminate any of it.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
If you are helped by this site, consider leaving a tip in the jar at the bottom of the page or become a subscriber


Going by what i remember, God didn't make us perfect. He simply made us in his image just as an artist or author creates characters in their image. I feel that all the struggles we face help us understand one another better, grow closer, and that will lead to a better future. Because of diseases we are smarter, we adapt quicker. Because of our differences, transgender, gay, atheist, etc; we overcome obstacles of biases and hatred and become better people. We develop empathy and sympathy. For all the awful things in the world it's nice knowing that God gave us the power and drive to move past it. I would rather live in an imperfect world and strive for better than to do nothing in a perfect world and stagnate.


Maybe it's an imperfect god who makes imperfect things. Maybe god is a child. Who knows.
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."




Well, the Judeo Christian God doesn't make mistakes so he makes transsexuals on purpose just like he makes children with severe birth defects and diseases on purpose.  He seems to delight in inflicting pain and suffering on the innocent.  He is pure evil and a creature to be loathed.

That's why!

Sapere Aude
Love is not obedience, conformity, or submission. It is a counterfeit love that is contingent upon authority, punishment, or reward. True love is respect and admiration, compassion and kindness, freely given by a healthy, unafraid human being....  - Dan Barker

U.S. Army Retired


It takes more than a mere God to make people like us. 8)