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Why do you think God made transexuals?

Started by Jake25, June 17, 2015, 09:01:42 PM

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I was created by the blessed Goddess  Stephanie from whence my name is dedicated to.


Quote from: Deborah on March 04, 2016, 12:18:59 PM
Well, the Judeo Christian God doesn't make mistakes so he makes transsexuals on purpose just like he makes children with severe birth defects and diseases on purpose.  He seems to delight in inflicting pain and suffering on the innocent.  He is pure evil and a creature to be loathed.

That's why!

Sapere Aude

The Judeo-Christian one was the one I had shoved at me in state school, and it didn't stand up to even an 8 year old's thinking. I remember thinking what 'nice' god gives people foreskins and then commands them to cut them off.
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

Sebby Michelango

I'm a atheist and don't believe at God.

But sometime I have asked many questions. If God really existed, why did he make people transgender? I have other similar questions too. Why did God make the world, make people blind, paralyzed, deaf, deformed etc.? Why are there evilness and pain in the world?  ??? ??? ???


Quote from: Sebby Michelango on March 04, 2016, 02:31:55 PM
Why are there evilness and pain in the world?  ??? ??? ???
The Christian answer to that is God gave humans free will so humans are responsible for the pain, suffering, and evil in the world.

However, that begs the question of what about all the pain and suffering that is caused by forces outside of human agency.  This particularly applies to all those people killed or maimed in natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and tsunamis.  None of these have anything at all to do with human free will and yet they cause untold plain and suffering.  If an omnipotent and omniscient God did exist then by definition he knows about these far in advance and has the power to make them not happen.  But they do happen so this omnipotent and omniscient God allows them to happen and simply watches idly as people suffer and die.

The Christian responds that God created a perfect creation but it was corrupted by humans in the Garden of Eden when humans disobeyed God and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  So it is our fault after all.

Now this argument looks patently absurd upon casual inspection.  However, assuming it is true, how is that action of sentencing the human race to suffer endlessly for one disobedience reconciled with the idea of a God who is "all loving"?  In my mind they cannot be reconciled.  The action and the idea of love are mutually exclusive.  Either the Judeo Christian stories are myths, which is most likely, or the God they portray is not a loving God but rather an evil one.  In either case, the reasons for believing in and worshiping him are invalidated.

So why is there evil and suffering in the world?  I don't have a definitive answer but the one place not to look for an answer is in a religious book.

Love is not obedience, conformity, or submission. It is a counterfeit love that is contingent upon authority, punishment, or reward. True love is respect and admiration, compassion and kindness, freely given by a healthy, unafraid human being....  - Dan Barker

U.S. Army Retired

Carrie Liz

Because diversity is beautiful.

"Then God saw EVERYTHING that He had made, and indeed it was very good."


Quote from: Metanoia on June 17, 2015, 11:40:58 PM
As a Mainline Protestant Christian Public Leader (non-Catholic LGBT-affirming preacher) I had trouble with the concept of affirming the LGB's as God doesn't make mistakes, and they're born that way.... And then wondering... But what about Trans* folks?

I had to ask a (Reform) Jewish Rabbi (go figure) to get an answer... He said God creates. It's up to human biology and the infinite possibilities inherent in gestation in the womb to mix up sex and gender... God starts the engine. It's up to the brokenness of human nature to drive the car out of the garage... (I kinda like that metaphor - just made it up)

I hope that helps some.

Hang in there

Oh my! I totally agree with your thoughts.  The people on this forum always amaze me. The problems started when we were kicked out of paradise.


Kicked out of paradise for doing what God should really have anticipated would happen to a pair of ignorant newly-created people.

What he should have done was NOT give human beings curiosity, and NOT give them free will and NOT leave the Tree in plain sight and NOT allow Satan to slither freely around the Garden of Eden, eh?

Also, he should not be punishing everyone who exists now because of something someone else did thousands of years ago. I can only come to the conclusion God got fed up of human beings and doesn't give a rat's what happens to them really.
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."


Quote from: T.K.G.W. on March 05, 2016, 09:29:39 AM
What he should have done was NOT give human beings curiosity, and NOT give them free will and NOT leave the Tree in plain sight and NOT allow Satan to slither freely around the Garden of Eden, eh?
The Christian response is that God wants people to freely love him as demonstrated by their obedience and that without free will humans cannot freely love.

To me this sounds like narcissism.

Also, an additional Christian argument is that God is sovereign and that any action he takes is by definition good.  He is not bound by the human understanding of good and evil.  So if we commit genocide we are judged as monsters.  If God commits genocide it is a good and holy action.  etc.
Love is not obedience, conformity, or submission. It is a counterfeit love that is contingent upon authority, punishment, or reward. True love is respect and admiration, compassion and kindness, freely given by a healthy, unafraid human being....  - Dan Barker

U.S. Army Retired


Quote from: T.K.G.W. on March 05, 2016, 09:29:39 AM
Kicked out of paradise for doing what God should really have anticipated would happen to a pair of ignorant newly-created people.

What he should have done was NOT give human beings curiosity, and NOT give them free will and NOT leave the Tree in plain sight and NOT allow Satan to slither freely around the Garden of Eden, eh?

Also, he should not be punishing everyone who exists now because of something someone else did thousands of years ago. I can only come to the conclusion God got fed up of human beings and doesn't give a rat's what happens to them really.
I'm not Christian, but I've read the book. It's like Swiss cheese. Holes everywhere. I believe the snake represents a thought and not an actual snake. You probably already know this.

There is an obscure saying, "For God so loved man he gave us hell." Hmm, that  really sucks for us. This is why I am spiritual and do not follow Abrahamic religions.

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Despite the fact that I'm a Christian and this isn't a traditional Christian teaching. I have always believed in reincarnation even before I became a Christian. I can't unbelieve it because I'm for certain that I was a man in my previous reincarnations and I keep wanting to fit back into the shoes of an early 1900s European male and not a modern European or American male. I was born and raised in USA and have never been to Europe, but only like certain types of European history. I know exactly what I looked like. I'm am going to do the best I can for the rest of my life to make my physical appearance match the man I was before. I am thrilled today that we are gaining more LGBT rights everyday, because I was a gay male before and believe that I lived in stealth.

I believe my life is an endurance/obstacle course and I am possibly supposed to view things from a woman's perspective to gain more empathy. It has been very hard for me despite my female body to fit into women's roles and interact with others females. The only reason I have their respect is that I have high reasoning (at least higher than the ones I knew). I will always have an inferiority complex that I was not blessed with the brain of a scientist. I know there are plenty of female scientists now.


Because life can only be experienced through contrast. Without pain, you never know the value of pleasure. Without death, you would not regard life as something special. It would be nothing at all. It's contrast that makes life what it is. Despite being born trans, I think I am truly blessed. I know the value of what it feels like to finally be and feel myself. And I don't take it for granted. I believe we are here to grow, to learn and eventually go home. To a better place. Life is a journey, not a destination.

A while ago, I read an interview with a multi-millionaire. He was asked about his special edition custom built Lamborghini and what it feels like to own one. He said something along these lines: "The first year it was great, then I got used to it. It's still a nice car, but the feeling worn off".  Many people dream their entire lives to own such a car. But when they do, it quickly becomes normal and uneventful.

Imagine you are born with all your dreams fulfilled. I think life would be pointless. Struggle makes us who we are. Struggle is the precursor to happiness.

1977: Born.
2009: HRT
2012: RLE
2014: SRS
2016: FFS
2017: rejoicing

focus on the positive, focus on solutions.


Quote from: stephaniec on March 04, 2016, 12:51:42 PM
I was created by the blessed Goddess  Stephanie from whence my name is dedicated to.

This  ;D



God does not make mistakes. Or so the saying goes. I think it is more a sense of humor because he/she took this long to answer my prayers. Then for good measure he makes it impossible for me to fulfill my shoe fetish by not making boots big enough. But more than likely it was medical malpractice and conspiracy between the government and big pharma to cover it up.
Dawn Oday

It just feels right   :icon_hug: :icon_hug: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss:

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First indication I was different- 1956 kindergarten
First crossdress - Asked mother to dress me in sisters costumes  Age 7
First revelation - 1982 to my present wife
First time telling the truth in therapy June 15, 2016
Start HRT Aug 2016
First public appearance 5/15/17



This is something I asked multiple times during my transition. The answer I have come to teams with is to make me a better person then if I was born Cis. Perhaps to help others through my own experiences that I couldn't have done if I was Cis. I have been through a lot of pain but I've seen myself become a better person and inspire others. Perhaps that's the reason, perhaps not.



Seems to be an overwhelming amount of folks here have made the assumption that god is a "he". Why does god need a penis? What might "he" do with it if "he" has one. Is "he" circumsized? Well hung? Does "he" dress to the left or right? Can he write "his" name in the snow? Is there in fact snow where "he" is? It's all so confusing??


"Source" set things in motion nobody knows how long ago, and the rest is up to us. It's not like some "God" is up in heaven like a divine baker, rolling out dough people each time someone conceives.

Researchers who study very young children who remember past lives found that if someone has been a particular gender several times in a row, that soul will often be confused about living a different gender role. Some never adjust but continue living as the gender of the previous life.

Other souls only accept bodies of a certain gender and wait until the the preferred gender has been conceived before entering that body.
Researchers found that the highly intelligent children are the ones who will accept either gender.

There are also physical aspects also; if someone is born soon after a sibling of the opposite gender, those gender hormones will still be lingering in the womb and can be absorbed by the new fetus, thus establishing an opposite gender personality to the bio gender.
This can also happen if the mother is under stress, or takes certain drugs.