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Do you know surgeons expert for those who failed in depth?

Started by Evolving Beauty, June 23, 2015, 03:31:26 PM

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Evolving Beauty

So I ended in a disaster at Chettawut with 4inch.

Someone recommended me Marci Bower & Smeltzer about that interesting VDP (Vaginal Deepening Procedure). I called today but both are telling me to come consultation and worse is they can do it only after 2 years as they are fully booked.

Do you know any other good surgeons out there that can do it for me quicker?


Here was a link to a surgeon in europe:,190787.msg1699794.html#msg1699794
He made some revisions from other surgeons.
Just do your due diligence on each surgeon you consider...

And I personally would first dilate, with estrogen cream from a doctor.
Both for width and depth, with dilators of different widths.
Of course with safe parameters, and not too forceful.
There is a manual available from suporn with dynamic dilation.
And there are further hints here:,190787.msg1699717.html#msg1699717
in the link there.
All at your own risk... don't overdo it and talk it through with your doctor...
but I personally would give this a try first.
Would it be enough for you if you would reach say 4,5 in and enough width ?
That should do for pleasurable intercourse...

This is from another posting:
a penis will adjust to your vagina, so bottoming out isn't much of an issue. It can happen, but it also happens with a lot of natal women as well. You may feel the penis as it hits the end, and at first, it might feel uncomfortable, strange, or a slight pressure -- then you get used to it, it doesn't hurt, and in fact, it feels real good.

One good thing of having a not so long depth is that your sex partner may touch the end of the vagina and this is reported to be very pleasurable.



Quote from: Susan on June 19, 2015, 03:35:26 PM
Genetic Females are not as deep as you seem to be seeking.

QuoteA 1996 study by Pendergrass et al. using vinyl polysiloxane castings taken from the vaginas of 39 Caucasian women, found the following ranges of dimensions:

  • lengths (measured using rods): 6.86 to 14.81 cm (2.7 to 5.83 inches);
  • widths: 4.8 to 6.3 cm (1.88 to 2.48 inches);
  • introital diameters: 2.39 to 6.45 cm (0.94 to 2.53 inches)
A second study by the same group showed significant variations in size and shape between the vaginas of women of different ethnic groups. Both studies showed a wide range of vaginal shapes, described by the researchers as "Parallel sided, conical, heart, [...] slug" and "pumpkin seed" shapes. Barnhart et al., however, were unable to characterize the shape of the vagina as a "heart, slug, pumpkin seed or parallel sides" as suggested by the previous studies.

A 2003 study by the group of Pendergrass et al. also using castings as a measurement method, measured vaginal surface areas ranging from 65.73 to 107.07 cm2 (10.19 to 16.60 sq. inches) with a mean of 87.46 cm2 (13.56 sq. inches) and a standard deviation of 7.80 cm2 (1.21 sq inches)

Research published in 2006 by Barnhart et al., gave the following mean dimensions, based on MRI scans of 28 women:
  • Mean length from cervix to introitus: 6.27 cm (2.46").
  • Mean width:

    • at the proximal vagina: 3.25 cm (1.27");
    • at the pelvic diaphragm: 2.78 cm (1.09");
    • at the introitus: 2.62 cm (1.03")
Dimensions during sexual arousal

Lawrence, citing Masters and Johnson's Human Sexual Response (1966), states that pages 73 and 74 of that book show that typical vaginal depth in Masters and Johnson's participants ranged from 7–8 cm (2.8–3.1 in) in an unstimulated state, to 11–12 cm (4.3–4.7 in) during sexual arousal with a speculum in place.

4.3 to 4.7 Inches during arousal.
Susan Larson
Susan's Place Transgender Resources

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Hello, you can try Dr. Alexander Sinclair out of Beverly Hills, CA.  He did my SRS and understand he also does revisions.  He does not talk down other surgeons.  But I have learned he has corrected the most popular SRS surgeons work.  His wait time is measured in days!

My result?
First I too was concerned about depth.  I informed him and the urologist he works with that I planned to use it!  Well I got 6 ¼ in depth and at least 1 ½ girth (size of largest dilator).  Was up to largest dilator very much from the start.  Pretty tall girl here 6'3" 175 lbs.

With Dr. Sinclair it's all about aesthetics.  At 4 weeks post-op my results so far are scary (good) real!  YMMV
'My Music, Much Money, Many Moons'
YTMV (Your Transsexualism May Vary)


Please remember that there are always compromises in achieving depth. You really don't want a vaginal/anal fistula. You may will lose everything.

Also remember that the average male penis is 5". OK most guys say they have 7", but maybe they boast a bit? ::)


Jenna Marie

And don't forget that it's impossible to get every centimeter of a penis inside there, because things like bodies and hipbones get in the way. Of 5-6", only about 4" is going to be inserted anyway.

(Plus, Susan has cited *aroused* depths, which is the maximum size for a cis woman. [childbirth is a special case because pregnancy hormones relax ligaments and stretch tissues in ways that non-pregnant cis women can't manage either.] My wife is about 1" deep un-aroused and 4" deep aroused [we got curious and she used my dilator, so this is measured the same way I was told to measure my depth], and yet I never had any trouble when I had a 6" penis.)


I totally agree 4" is not the perfect depth but it is a good depth. I think that the deepening surgery involves risk of complications so I would only go for an experienced doctor. I also had surgery with Dr Ch and have no problems with depth as most of his patients. Was there any specific reason for him giving you 4" as he is known for delivering good depth?


Quote from: possessed on June 24, 2015, 05:00:58 PM
I totally agree 4" is not the perfect depth but it is a good depth. I think that the deepening surgery involves risk of complications so I would only go for an experienced doctor. I also had surgery with Dr Ch and have no problems with depth as most of his patients. Was there any specific reason for him giving you 4" as he is known for delivering good depth?

Here is further info :,190787



Quote from: Cindy on June 24, 2015, 08:43:50 AM
Also remember that the average male penis is 5". OK most guys say they have 7", but maybe they boast a bit? ::)

Also, remember that the penis doesn't go all the way in. It's almost impossible to position the base of the penis so that it is flush against the labia. There's always an inch or two in between.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


Quote from: Susan on June 23, 2015, 07:25:14 PM
4.3 to 4.7 Inches during arousal.

I remember hearing on one of those 'biology of sex' shows on Discovery Channel some years ago that during sex, a genetic female's  cervix will 'give' and stretch to accommodate a large sized penis when a woman is having sex - a convenience that a transgender person's cervix doesn't offer. :-/


Dr. Schaff is also doing revisions. I had my grs with him and I am at 7`` at 1.4`` diameter when aroused. But I pretty tight normally so the entry is the most fun part for my bf.

Happy girl from queer capital Berlin


Quote from: Zoey on June 28, 2015, 01:25:56 AM
I remember hearing on one of those 'biology of sex' shows on Discovery Channel some years ago that during sex, a genetic female's  cervix will 'give' and stretch to accommodate a large sized penis when a woman is having sex - a convenience that a transgender person's cervix doesn't offer. :-/
You mean vagina... cervix is a button like entry at the top side of the vagina...
a cis female vagina is stretchable but also only to an extent. They can bottom out, too.
Imo since the skin of a neovagina can change over time, according to studies, its possible it also becomes a bit more stretchable.,149304.msg1682002.html#msg1682002
And as said some like the feeling of bottoming out.
Its also something the guy can brag about.


Jenna Marie

(And the actual cervix - as in, the entrance to the uterus - is very sensitive in many people. Bottoming out can HURT. I know my wife would yelp and need to take a break the couple times over the years that the angle was just wrong and I hit the cervix. So a woman, cis or trans, who can tolerate taking it all the way to full depth is also a rare treat for some guys.)


Quote from: Jenna Marie on June 28, 2015, 10:16:24 AM
(And the actual cervix - as in, the entrance to the uterus - is very sensitive in many people. Bottoming out can HURT. I know my wife would yelp and need to take a break the couple times over the years that the angle was just wrong and I hit the cervix. So a woman, cis or trans, who can tolerate taking it all the way to full depth is also a rare treat for some guys.)

The situation in cis people is insofar diferent as the cervix is sensitive and rapid movements can hurt. There is a technique where pressed slight motions, in the right angle, are reported to be really pleasurable.
Also many say the situation is different after an orgasm. The cervix opens op some and might be more receptive to stimulation.
Communication is necessary what is felt as pleasurable.

This is from another posting:
a penis will adjust to your vagina, so bottoming out isn't much of an issue. It can happen, but it also happens with a lot of natal women as well. You may feel the penis as it hits the end, and at first, it might feel uncomfortable, strange, or a slight pressure -- then you get used to it, it doesn't hurt, and in fact, it feels real good.

The cervix is at the side of the vagina. Bottoming out is possible in cis vaginas and neovaginas.
Quite a few people report it as pleasurable. It can lead to an internal wave like motion.
It might also be pleasurable for the guy because of added friction and suction.
Communication is necessary, and maybe a few tries, what is felt as being good, a few different techniques could be tried like rapid strokes or deep pressed strokes.


Riley Skye

I had a rather uncommon complication in that I lost most of my graft. I'm having another surgery to fix it and I really trust my doctor. Throughout the whole experience she had been very attentive and caring and I believe it will be fixed good, right now I'm 4 inches

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Love and peace are eternal


As I had to have the colovag op I have plenty of depth  - a full 6 inches.

however I have to say that most men have no idea of how far they are in or what the best angle is - just try suggesting they try changing their angle of attack!  LOL

Perhaps one day Masters and Johnson will write a book on 'How to have Good sex and maybe someone will import a Kama Suture or something?
