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Empaths and Empathy

Started by cindybc, September 08, 2007, 07:07:16 AM

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Hi, Fox,

I have read your post and there is much for me to try to address.  Like walls, it is thick and deeply-grounded. 

Many of the places you have been, I have been there also.  I was the fun of bullies to the point that I wouldn't acknowledge pain and kept it all inside.  I have felt others' energies work on me and fought to ground it.

Please know that I will reply in greater detail as soon as I am able but for now I feel like I have the flu.  In the meantime I invite you to have a look at my blog, Cindy's Ramblings Blog.



Thanks for the replay Cindy and I hope you feel better soon the flu isn't fun to have

Posted on: November 11, 2008, 08:47:21 pm
Hi Cindy just got through reading alot of your blogs and one issue i want to comment on in particular is the use of immagination to help with transitioning. While as far as i can remember I never had an actual imaganary friend I did use my imagination all the time. Im an only child so with no siblings I often got lonely as a kid so I day dreamed constanly. Also I had a very high reading lv and discovered fantasy books at an early age from then on i was hooked. I read the entirety of tolkiens work in the 4th grade I had a voracious appetite for books i often averaged 5 full length novels per week. I always had a book in hand at school my teachers hated me for it I read in class I walked and read never puting the book down to lunch then sat down brought out my food with one hand and began eating without ever stopping reading. I use to hyperfocus completely on my fantasy books and entirely block out the world around me was a trait of my ADHD however I got tired of getting taken advantage of while I was like that and trained myself out of it so that when people came up to me i would ask them what they wanted with my eyes never leaving the book. Fantasy was my escape from reality and I loved it more than anyhting else in the world. I don't read near as much as i used to one because books are so damn exspensive now and two because im busy with college and computer games, but i still day dream all the time. every time I watch a new anime or read a new story I imediatly after rebuild the world in my head and place my self in as a female character. I also wanted to say after reading alot of your views we have some similiar view points and I also came up with my beliefs on my own mixing science with things I have read and personal reflection on what just seems right. If you haven't done so i placed some of my belief structure in the spirtuality vs religon thread.


Hi Fox.
Thanks for the come back and enlightening me a bit more on some of your life experiences that lead you to believe you are an empath. Empathy I believe is made up of a variety of complexities of vibrational energies picked up by our sensitivities which beyond that of most others around us. Some of these energetic wave lengths are beyond the physical and astrophysical or multi-physical plane, or free flowing energy sources vibrating in and out of the multiple realities. *Quantum physics.*

Empathy and Transsexuality.

There are inner forces that drive us all some may chose to follow that drive some may not and some this drive may grow to a crescendo that grows to the point of obsession where one could cross the fine line of reality into fantasy. Professional Psychologists will most times call this having fallen into insanity. Did that person really loose it, go insane, or was it an escape? An instinctive reaction for survival?

I would have to say that being TS is much more of a obsession or an uncontrollable compulsion that we have little choice in. There is no choice in TSism it is an instinct drive for survival. Now this is only my opinion and not necessarily anyone else's opinion but if you have ever taken a close observation of the mental, emotional, instinctual and conceptually speaking how we see and understand things. It appears to be the greatest drive of a Transperson is caring for others, *Empathy.*

As for the fantasising and book reading about anything to do with the sciences, fantasy metaphysical anything that pertained of the imagination etc. "Absolutely!" At every opportunity that I could get you would have found me with a book about some subject or another about the sciences fantasy anything to do with imagination, and of course my imaginary pets and friends. I still have them, because I'm 63 years old doesn't mean I am going to give up my imaginary friends and pets, I suppose you already met my imaginary pet dragon on my blog. :angel:

You see hon, I gave up long ago caring what the community of they have to say about how I should live, *I had the word love typed instead.* my life, If I hadn't of I would never had got the wonderful pleasure of meeting Cindy 9 years ago.



I learned how to put my abilities to good use when I was younger. It seems my emotional intelligence made up for and even mimicked actual intelligence. At least it seemed more useful to me. I have always been able to listen to, interpret, and draw specific conclusions to what people are saying without them saying it outright. I usually know when a friend is going through a lot of stress, is nervous, or just broke up with someone upon minutes of seeing them. It is easier for me to read my friends because I am used to their personal energies and I feel when they have made a shift. It's not much harder to read a stranger but it requires some time and effort. I use empathy mostly as a truth gauge. No one's ever been very successful at lying to me because I can feel the lie coming on before they say it. At the beginning of social situations with strangers and people I don't know very well, I prefer to stay silent and introverted for a time and just absorb all the information and energy people are subconsciously expelling. I'll admit that I've used my readings to manipulate others and force them into moods of my own liking. Sometimes on accident. I think the most important part is to look through someone's eyes as they are speaking to you, copy their body language, and synchronize your breathing. It also works well for seduction.


I just had the most powerful empathetic experience last night. I had to talk my good friend out of a nervous breakdown two times in the same day. While it was across yahoo i could feel her deep pain as if she was standing right next to me. Every fiber of my just wanted to give her a hug and tell her everyhting was gonna be all right and it would all jsut go away. I tried to help as best i could and suceeded at calming her down but I couldn't resolve the issue and it will come up again. I hope i can help her more the next time it does.


Get well soon, Cindy!!!  I shall send good vibes your way!  ...also, surrounding yourself in an emerald green energy (envisioning it will do just fine) is a way to heal yourself.  :D 

...sorry, I'm too tired to actually read all the posts...I fail. :P
If curiosity really killed the cat, I'd already be dead. :laugh:

"How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these." GWC


Hi, Jaimey, thank you so much for the suggestion of emerald green healing energy. I guess, this old bat is just too stubborn to succumb to a dumb little bug. I feel much better today and Wing Walker and I are making last minute check over of luggage to make certain we didn't miss anything for the return to Vancouver tomorrow. My new mommy is Wing Walker.  :D

Hi, Fox and Kristen, that is what the power of Empathy is all about,*love*. Intentions coming from the heart *love* can heal all wounds. Only good can come from love for all that are about you. They may have the power to hurt you but only you hold the key to self- preservation and healing and extend out and touch those who are in need.

May I share a little story? A dream or vision I had a couple of days ago when I was more ill from the stomach flu then my mate felt from the discomforts of recovering from SRS.

I had a vision during my fevered, restless sleep. I saw this golden being in my room. Its voice spoke to me without sound, saying, "Look down, look at yourself!"

It felt as though I had been awashed in a shower of electrical energy, it went through and through my entire body as I looked in awe at that being. The being was made up bands of brightly swirling golden light, each band intertwining one another, like the double helix in a strand of DNA.

The voice spoke again, saying, "This is my gift to you. It is the greatest and most powerful of gift that any living being can be bestowed upon a child of the Universe."

That gift is love, that which survives the grave and lives on after us; that which conquers all evil, violence, hurt, pain, and negativity.





I'm glad you're feeling better!  *hugs*

And that is a very interesting story.  I have had some 'visions' I suppose (doesn't seem like the right word...but it's the best I can come up with) of energy in the form of a double helix.  Very interesting indeed!
If curiosity really killed the cat, I'd already be dead. :laugh:

"How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these." GWC


Hi Jaimey, thanks hon, please do elaborate about the light being like double helix. I have heard of it occasionally here and there and it quite intrigues me. I had a theory about the universe itself being a living organism. A little something I thought of way back when I was 10 years old in public school when the physics teacher asked us to describe the universe as we perceive it in our minds. I nearly took an entire black board to draw a giant amoeba with all these radiating lines radiating outwards from the center.

The radiating lines were the nervous system the dots representing the galaxies and stars were the synapses and at the center was the mind. That's a lot of years ago but I still remember that part of it. The teacher was quite impressed and kept my drawing on the board for a week. The kids tease me saying that the universe is only a bunch of rocks and even had one enterprising bully actually toss a couple of rocks at me.




Wow this thread has been going on a long time. I don't know all your all talking about because i haven't read it all. I do know myself to be a spiritual person who believes those who have passed on are still with us and try to guide us. I also believe that before we came to earth in these bodies we knew what our time here would be and that only some of us can realize this. When we are young we have dejavu's which are memories from before we got here. We feel like we have been somewhere before or did something before but we are just remember from before we came. It seems as we get older we stop having dejavu's.

On the other hand i am a worker who loves to work but many times its because i like helping people and it also keeps my mind busy and i don't dwell on my negative thoughts. Those thoughts are about when will i get back to before i came here. I feel tired of being here on earth in this body but i also feel i have to wait. My only joys here on earth are when i help others. I do not care for stuff and when i get it i want to give it away. Many times i feel i don't deserve it because i don't appreciate it and so i want to give it to someone who does appreciate it. No i don't give it to people who are greedy but i give it to people unsuspecting. I feel like i have one foot in this world and one in the next. My heart though is in the next because i have never ever clicked with another human here on earth. They all seem so consumed with earthly stuff or pleasures.

Oh well thats some of me and i live on a farm in a shed and use firewood and have a horse and buggy but i bought it to help the Obama campaign and now i just try to make my horse happy. He loves me though and i have more connections it seems to animals as the herd of cows today who followed me and listened to me for a 1/2 hour today. Why i don't know but it was fun talking to them and people driving by probably wondered what the cows were all doing watching me.

well i'll let you back to your thread and if i get back here and can read more and if anything i said clicks with anyone then i'll probably respond again.

bye Danielle

PS: I am helping an elderly couple who are ex amish and the prevoius 4 yrs i took care of 2 elderly women in their 80's as a companion getting no pay just a room and food


Quote from: cindybc on November 13, 2008, 09:43:30 PM
Hi Jaimey, thanks hon, please do elaborate about the light being like double helix. to describe it.  Mostly, it's just that I feel that there is energy, like a pillar, from the ground where my feet are straight up to well, wherever.  :D  I noticed it after learning a particular form in tai chi called something like 'a pillar holding up heaven and earth'...I can't remember exactly.  It was after doing quite a bit of tai chi and spending time working on energy and things...which i need to do again.  But I know that it's bluish white overall, but dark blue on the outside and white on the inside.  It's huge and powerful.  And it's definitely energy, just swirling up.  I was very excited about it.  You know, if not the entire universe, I definitely believe the Earth is one giant living being.  I like the idea that the universe is as well.  :)
If curiosity really killed the cat, I'd already be dead. :laugh:

"How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these." GWC


Hi Jaimey hon.
That pillar idea makes a lot of sense and there are many mentions in ancient texts of Pillars that hold the earth up in the heavens. Could these pillars also be portals into different worlds in the quantum realities? Kind of like star gates.

I beleive that this tiny expression, quoted by one of our very wise and learned scientists, Einstein *The Infinite Potentialities,*  This one little quote that can have such a powerful impact on our conception of what is real and what isn't. 

The potential of anything suddenly becoming possible, quite contrary to what typical society out there will try to tell us. I truly beleive there are those who are aware and know, they are the keepers of the truth, but are not allowed to inform us with the complete information but there is a great abundance of connecting dots out there if we have the desire to connect them. It is for us to find the answers so never restrict yourself from the potentials no matter how preposterous they may sound. Take what serves you today and put away the rest for later evaluation.

The scholar and the see-er are blind and restricted by their superiors, the dreamer on the other hand  has no bonds or limitations and sees all.


Posted on: November 14, 2008, 09:56:35 pm
Hi Danielle
It is interesting what you say about the cattle and your horse, Animal whisperers, you may have heard of the movie horse whisperer? Well there are some of use who can communicate with the animals. I happen to be one although I don't talk much about this part of me to others. I'm the type of person who can sit on a park bench and have squirrels climb up on my shoulders, look in my eyes and let out a couple chirps then leave again, same with birds, raccoons, habits, skunks, cats, dogs, and any other variety of the domestic type. I attract children as well, especially the little ones. If you were to ask me how I do it, I would have to simply shrug my shoulders.

I know what they are feeling and thinking, animals do think you know, this is probably the best part of being an empath, feeling the profundity of nature to the nth degree then sit there incredulously trying to make sense of why mankind is so intent on carving out the heart of our mother, the cradle of life itself, our green planet earth. If you were to ask me as to why we were sent here to this world, maybe as empaths that is the purpose of our journey here through our brief life time.

To come here and light the way for others, to show them how to restore their world the the glory it was once was.



So many intertesting thoughts being shared. Took me a while to read through a them.
A little about me.  I tend to lurk on message boards alot. I have a hard time talking and expressing my deeper thoughts.  I think part of it is because I come from a highly sensitive family.  As far as I can tell both my mom and my grandma can read people without having to be near them.  And my grandma says her sister is even better.  Then it comes to me. I'm pretty good at reading people,too, though I can't seem to do it from a distance. I need to see a person. But then its hard to talk to that person when I know things about them that no one normally would know.  In high school, I met my trans friend and though she never told me she was, I could sense it about her. I spent the whole year trying to figure out how to let her know that I knew with out scaring her.

I finally decided to write her a letter, telling her that I loved her no matter what happened in her life or how she felt about me.

cindy, I know what you mean about animals.  We have three cats at home and they always seem to congregate in my room.  I had a ang of squirrels follow me at the school I go to. I had a younger cousin with me and she starting freaking out.

I used to have a lot of weird events happen to me. One I think would be appropriate.  I ran into this guy outside a library. He stopped me and started to talk to me. I couldn't understand a word he said and I said so.  He kept talking,and I don't when, but his words made sense.  I heard him say "Don't try to understand."

Thanks for listening to me talk.



I used to consider myself Empathic.  I'm not so sure anymore.  I feel as if I lost it in bitterness.  Yet same time I think about the times on the phones where I found myself speachless and unsure what to say because I could understand where they were coming from.  I dono these days though I find every time I hear something I can understand where their coming from but then I find myself pained because of why I understand it.  I have to struggle to maintain composure and keep from turning my pain onto them.
Every day we pass people, do we see them or the mask they wear?
If you live under a mask long enough, does it eventually break or wear down?  Does it become part you?  Maybe alone, they are truly themselves?  Or maybe they have forgotten or buried themselves so long, they forget they are not a mask?


Hi Jema a lot of people realy don't know much about empathy outsied of feeling andothers feelings and haviing compassion for another. But it goes so much deeper then that. I realy don't think it is estimable with any of our present days most sophisticated scientific device nor can it be equated by any mathematical means. We are attuned  at varying levels of sensitveties and development to those sensitivities, depending much on the individuals depth of perception to any of these wavelengths and frequencies of energy, but then from where does all this energy come from you may ask?

Could be anywhere on the plane of the metaphysical grids wich is the fabrick upon which the embroydery of our known universe is stiched upon, or the multiverses. I beleive it depends on how developed that individuals depth of perceptions has evolved to in order to see into the quantum realeties of the infinite potentialeties within the metaphysical. The deeper one gets the more complicated and complex this phenomena becomes to quantify.

So yes animals, small children and even plants are able to tune into our energy, some will even perceive or see our aura energy which radiates outwards from our physical bodies like a rainbow or aurora borealis effect and fading away after a short distance, you will also not this type of energy around plants after dark has fallen.

To read other people is very much possible and I do not speak about the body language but to read their aura energy is like reading a book. You will find that in most empaths there is a strong need to want so badly to believe in another individual even when they sense that that particular person is not being completely honest with them but are still willing to take chances of being used in the process. There is always that need or drive to try to help the less fortunate.

Some are able to read a person through a photograph, a hand written letter, even a typed letter, an email, or even just envisioning them in ones mind. This I would advise caution, not every one likes to have their horoscope read without the book, it spooks them. It is best they not know believe me. But on the other hand what has proven to be my greatest tool when it came to helping an individual in need with this type of sensitivity (empathic ability) was get to the root of the problem was to espy this persons very own inner feelings and thoughts as guide to help them find their own answers to what ever delima they find themselves in. "Ok!" enough of that, Do you see any correlations here between empaths and Trans people?

I do pray this gives you some insight about empaths and the potential depth of empathy. Please feel free to share what ever you wish, It is quite safe. Those that have a grasp of what empathy is occasionally drop by those the don't I really don't believe they would be interested in hanging around for long.   



Sorry if I went off topic with my post.   Forgot what the original topic was around in a way
Every day we pass people, do we see them or the mask they wear?
If you live under a mask long enough, does it eventually break or wear down?  Does it become part you?  Maybe alone, they are truly themselves?  Or maybe they have forgotten or buried themselves so long, they forget they are not a mask?


Hi Aiden hon this thread is about anything that has to do with empathy or anything connected to it. The recent topic was, is there a connection between empathy and Trans folks.



i wanna be reasonable and have empathy, but i get so ruded out by pushy and rude drivers.
empathy is trying to feel what they're feeling, huh? i don't want to. they suck.
i'm about at the point where i don't feel like giving people the benefit of the doubt.
i just doubt they have any manners at all in the first place.
when i try to read them, all i can sense is, "it's Ok to push you out of the way to be first in line, every time."
down with people...


Hi Ell Sighhhh, you are so correct to a greater degree about selfish ignorant people whose only lot in life is, "what's in it for me." It don't take long to find these kind of people but as an empath we always tend to want to think the best of people and try to somehow enlighten some of their lives. To give them more light in order to truly see the beauty of the world that their negative gloominess apparently obscures their ability to see this beauty. So yes sometimes it may seem like feeding time for the alligator at the alligator pond at the Zoo.

But the reward is when you find one person one needy individual and you have put a smile on that grateful individuals face. It is worth having walked through that alligator pond full of big old alligators ready to chop your leg off. I have been a social worker for 22 years hon and on average I was only able to put a smile on one individuals face out of ten, but is it not so worth it? That one soul you help is all I ever need to keep me going until the next one came along. 

I have a good sense of humor and can also be a fairly good performer and where ever I go whether it be the bank, a supermarket, a Dr's office I enjoy putting on my act and watching the little ones as well as some of the grown ups smile. That is what I live for, and of course my mate Wing Walker, what would I ever do without her. 

As for feeling other peoples feelings this is probably the empaths best tool when it comes to working with people wouldn't you say? You already have the advantage of knowing what makes them tick then all you need is use this inside information to help this individual.

Yes many a times my heart bleeds fore others, but then my heart can also feel the happiness and the ecstasy of another. It all balances itself out.



I think I see how empaths are transpeople are related. They both can see things from the opposite side.

The story that I related to you was actually something that happened one time and only with that particular person. In someways I can only describe what I was feeling as saying that it felt like a feedback loop. Or an echo.