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Alcoholics and problem drinkers not-really-that-anonymous.

Started by rachel89, July 08, 2015, 05:16:19 PM

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This a thread for recovered alcoholics, recovering alcoholics, alcoholics not quite ready to quit, and problem drinkers. This a thread to share advice, vent, and provide emotional support when things are difficult. I am Rachel, I am an alcoholic, I'm not quite ready to quit yet, but that point in my life is coming very soon.



Big hug! My name is Devlyn and I'm an alcoholic. I didn't go through the famous program that uses that phrase, but I quit drinking cold turkey in 1986 and haven't had a drink since. I am finally at a point in my life where I am comfortable around alcohol, I even make wine for cooking and gifts. There is no temptation for me anymore.

The longer you let alcohol work on you, it will start to fog your mind from the fact that you even have a problem, this is why alcoholism is called "The disease of denial". The earlier in the disease you decide to fight it, the better your chances of survival. Take your life back.

Hugs, Devlyn



I'm not an alcoholic, drugs were my thing.. But, please, quit the booze before it totals your liver. Watching a loved one die of liver failure is not at all pleasant.


I'm basically trying to get through the denial phase right now. Its emotionally difficult to learn that you are one of "those people."



I also have a lot of anxiety/depression. Having the anxiety/depression thing, gender dysphoria, and being an alcoholic is a really difficult, because each problem just feeds into another. Just the cutting the alcohol won't solve the anxiety/depression or gender dysphoria, anti anxiety drugs won't solve the alcoholism or gender dysphoria, and transitioning won't solve the alcoholism. i'm also late for stuff all the time and it pisses people off and lost my last job because of it. I also probably have Asperger's to some degree. I feel like a walking case of problems.



I am going to have an alcohol free weekend. I don't know if next week will be alcohol free, but this weekend will. This is where I am going to start. Its not as dramatic as throwing out the shot glass and dumping the bottle down the drain, but its somewhere to start. I am going to need you people for emotional support though. I'm already a little nervous, but i will be able to do it. I can get over the jonesing with a little support, but i don't know what to do about the anxiety. any advice?



I started out by sneaking alcohol from my Dad's stuff when I was 15. It was one of many things that I did to keep the GID induced suicidal thoughts at bay. I had already dealt with them once when I was 10. I was able to chase them off. But, they came back a few years later. Then, it was as much drinking and drug use as I could do to keep from killing myself.

Once I turned 21, I became a fairly heavy drinker until I was around 26. By that point, I gave up the alcohol, but I was still doing drugs. Then, when I was around 34, 35, I picked up drinking again. But, this time, I could actually control my drinking and not get completely wasted all the time. I would only have a pint once or twice a month at the most. But, I had to give up the alcohol once and for all a couple of years later. I was suffering from severe panic attacks and the medications I am taking to keep them away do not play nice with alcohol.

So, now, it's no street drugs or alcohol for me. The prescription stuff doesn't get me high. It just gave me my life back.


Quote from: rachel89 on July 08, 2015, 06:35:03 PM
I am going to have an alcohol free weekend. I don't know if next week will be alcohol free, but this weekend will. This is where I am going to start. Its not as dramatic as throwing out the shot glass and dumping the bottle down the drain, but its somewhere to start. I am going to need you people for emotional support though. I'm already a little nervous, but i will be able to do it. I can get over the jonesing with a little support, but i don't know what to do about the anxiety. any advice?

Just do something else, keep your mind off it. Is there anything you've been meaning to do but couldn't find the time?

Hugs, Devlyn


MJ agrees with me mentally, but it seems really mild compared to alcohol and prescription amphetamines (which I don't really like, and have never been able to stay on them because my heart races, I'm hyper-sexual, I pee way too much, and I get in this OCD-like state). Anyways I'm going to need something to deal with my anxiety, and it is going to have to be something other than alcohol. One of my trans sisters went from from alcohol to MJ, t'm thinking of trying the same. Quitting alcohol will still suck though, but I need to do it.



i started writing my last post before you posted. BTW, I can read books,that will help distract me.



Rachel, I was a heavy drinker most of my life and after retirement it became a serious problem. This January I came out to myself as transgender and with that came forgiveness and the ability to love who I am. I decided that I wanted to take care of my self and that meant losing 45 pounds and quit drinking forever. So Rachel, I will give you this advice: You cannot "try" to quit drinking, you must get your mind right and decide that you "will" quit drinking.
I wish you the best.     Hugs,  Stanna


Quote from: Stanna on July 08, 2015, 10:09:58 PM
You cannot "try" to quit drinking, you must get your mind right and decide that you "will" quit drinking.

BAM! You nailed it!

That's exactly right. Once you do that, then it's easy to stay off of it for good. I've even been around the same people that I was around before when I drank, etc. I COULD do it if I really wanted to. But, nope. I don't want it or need it at all these days. Been there, done that.


Best thing my dad ever did was quit drinking.  The result was that I had a dad... that was so great.  Anything else I might hold against him pales in comparison.


My quit date is 48 hours from now. I hope I'm not being too impulsive, but I need to make a change. I will also be getting a haircut soon so I can get a job so I can make progress with my transition, I'm not de-transitioning, but I am having a setback :'(. The next year or so will be emotionally trying in the extreme.



Hey, so I am 24 hours from my quit date. I am a little nervous and kind of want hugs and some advice for dealing with the first little while. thanks.



I cannot let a combination of 7 atoms destroy my life.



so it looks like i have less than 11 hours before the quit date.






