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Did anyone choose not to transition and why?

Started by Tadpole, August 06, 2013, 08:38:04 PM

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That's really good and encouraging news, Felix.

The obsolete tadpole.


i an 34 years on an i have Developmental Disabilities that is why i an for now staying the way i an sadly but that is how i can help you i an sorry that you have to wear skirts at school that is unfair


...Well, I think I'm pretty much transitioned, considering I'm on T and have had top surgery and hysto done.

But I'm not planning to get SRS of any kind just because I don't feel like I need it. I'm with what I have, I don't consider it to be female because it's on a male body. It's just... non-typical equipment for a guy but it's still male.

Boo Stew

I'm going to answer your original question, Tadpole. I chose not to transition only just this year after struggling with the issue for many more and the reason was because I'd already made a life I was quite proud of and didn't want to risk losing. I'm a father and a husband and I will be for as long as my daughter and wife will have me. That's not to say I purged myself or went back in the closet about who I am. In some ways I have transitioned from someone who felt the need to fit in to their assigned gender role to someone who is freer to express themselves as they want to and is accepted by loving friends and family (though not all.) I'm in the process of having my beard removed, I grew my hair out, I present as female in various social and work situations but at the end of the day, my license still says male and I'm okay with sleeping without breasts on my chest, etc.

I will also admit that I had misgivings about introducing any long form drug treatment into my life, having been blessed so far with near perfect physical health.

Emy Lotten

I choose to keep living like a guy for whole my life, untill i realised, everything someone sees of you at the first time they ever come in contact with you, they create an image in their head about you. Long short woman guy long hair short hair etc etc. I don't want people seeing a guy when they think of me. I want them to know i don't give up and ill change my appearance however i feel like. Everyone has the sense of understanding that. They might not show you all the time, but everyone has something that they take with them everyday, for me its my business downstairs :) Will see how it goes. Hope i made sense.


I never have wanted to get rid of my little guy.  I like him and he has always been there.  I am not sure how I would feel about him being gone.  I have crossdressed since I can remember and never had any issues hiding him well enough to pass.  Now that I am getting ready to start HRT and his buddies hanging around are going to be smaller, I think it will be even less of a problem having male parts down there.  If it continues to bother me, I might do something about it, but for now, I am no where near ready to make that final jump.

Kimberley Beauregard

I don't want to go full time because I enjoy my "male" life a lot and with some effort, I'm lucky enough to pass without hormones/surgery.
- Kim


Relatively new to this whole process, but I would likely not transition due to religious background and personal medical history.

As a young teen I had a battery of tests because I had a number of physical issues (missing a kidney, micro atresia on my right ear, scoliosis, deafness and vision impairment... I know I'm a real piece of work!). In the process of testing it was discovered that I -born female- have no Uterus and the vg entrance is not large enough to accomodate even the most modest of the male genitalia should I choose sexual relations with a male. I was offered proceedures that could open up and enhance that for me should I wish to enjoy that aspect of heterogeneous relationship. I was actually quite disgusted with the idea at the time and the idea never did grow THAT much on me, though I have tried, more out of curiosity than a need to have sex!

I don't feel dysphoric, though I have had issues with my body in general (due to much of the afore mentioned issues). I'm waiting to start packing and binding to see if I'm going to become moreso or no. Because of my medical history, I'm not keen to go under the knife yet again, besides which I have managed to stop viewing me as "broken" (long story).

Religious reasons? Well, let's just leave it at that for now. Too many questions going through my own head over it!


For me I really think its just baby steps and taking day by day and not rushing to do things that I am not sure if I should do or not. I would love to transition but being in remote locations that I am at make it really hard to find a gender therapist and start making progress to the real me. God I wish everyday that I would take the time and effort in making a full transition but I guess its really never too late to make that transition and perhaps down the road I will make that change but for now it is on hold.