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Facebook hell

Started by Kitty June, July 17, 2015, 11:38:42 PM

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Kitty June

I just need to vent a little.
After Caitlyn Jenner did the espy thing I posted how I thought it was a beautiful thing and very touching. I got some interesting responses and ended up coming out to part of my family. The very supportive side of my family.
Since then though I've removed one friend and had some heated debates with others. I'm appalled by some of the horrible things I've since seen and I'm getting angrier as this stuff continues.
I'm now at the point of just outing myself to everyone and letting the chips fall where they may. I'm not full time yet and very early in transition, but I'm just so fed up with the ignorance and bigotry that I think it's almost the best choice.
Any thoughts by anyone would be appreciated. I'm probably over reacting and it's a bad idea, but then again, this will come out eventually.
Thanks for letting me rant a little.



Some education will be needed for some who don't understand but are open minded. However there are going to be a few that you'll just have to unfriend. I have a few family members that are supportive for me, but said some negative things about Jenner winning the award. (Nothing transphobic though.) One person I'm very close to unfriend right now. (Or just not show their posts.) I prefer not to see negative things on my FB feed thank you very much :) With family it's kind of tough. It's like my grandmother used to say to me: "You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your family and you shouldn't pick your friend's nose, LOL"

Born - 1970
Came Out To Self/Wife - Sept-21-2013
Started therapy - Oct-15-2013
Laser and Electrolysis - Oct-24-2013
HRT - Dec-12-2013
Full time - Mar-15-2014
Name change  - June-23-2014
GCS - Nov-2-2017 (Dr Rachel Bluebond-Langner)


Ms Grace

Facebook can be a very negative and unsupportive space - if it is making you angry and you are having arguments (note, no argument has ever been won on the internet) then maybe a vacation from Facebook would be very therapeutic.
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


Quote from: buhddakahn on July 17, 2015, 11:38:42 PM
I'm now at the point of just outing myself to everyone and letting the chips fall where they may. I'm not full time yet and very early in transition, but I'm just so fed up with the ignorance and bigotry that I think it's almost the best choice.
Any thoughts by anyone would be appreciated. I'm probably over reacting and it's a bad idea, but then again, this will come out eventually.
Thanks for letting me rant a little.


My extended family is about evenly split red/blue and I can't wait to see where the chips fall in my family...

Hang in there, eh?
Strong's Greek 3341

Original Word: μετάνοια
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Definition: repentance, a change of mind

Merriam-Webster: Metanoia - a transformative change of heart

"Remember, I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together" - Red Green


Unfortunately the internet is just a horrible and negative place in general. People are allowed to have their opinions yes, they are allowed to believe whatever they want but when it comes to hateful, and violent comments that's when people need to be completely cut off.

I urge you never to read comments on Yahoo about Caitlyn Jenner, they are so disgusting and I can't believe people are allowed to post some of the filth I've seen. But, I don't think some of these idiots realize it connects with their Facebook. Sooo.. their employers can see it.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I dunno.


before comming out, make sure, that your settings, are set to show only to friends, and that you only have family and friends on facebook at the time.



Several months after coming out I discovered that someone who kept sending friend requests on fb had set up a private group targeting me, one so called friend removed any photo on her profile with pictures of me and ignored my PM's asking why.
Finally when I started posting news articles from Susans place several people who claimed to be supportive removed me as a friend.
I say good riddance to them all, if people don't support you then they aren't really friends.

The anonymity of the internet unfortunately brings out the worst in some people, block and avoid them

Beth Andrea

Quote from: buhddakahn on July 17, 2015, 11:38:42 PM
I just need to vent a little.
After Caitlyn Jenner did the espy thing I posted how I thought it was a beautiful thing and very touching. I got some interesting responses and ended up coming out to part of my family. The very supportive side of my family.
Since then though I've removed one friend and had some heated debates with others. I'm appalled by some of the horrible things I've since seen and I'm getting angrier as this stuff continues.
I'm now at the point of just outing myself to everyone and letting the chips fall where they may. I'm not full time yet and very early in transition, but I'm just so fed up with the ignorance and bigotry that I think it's almost the best choice.
Any thoughts by anyone would be appreciated. I'm probably over reacting and it's a bad idea, but then again, this will come out eventually.
Thanks for letting me rant a little.


Do not debate. You are trans, there is nothing to debate. Let them know it is their choice to become educated about it, or be ignorant. Be willing to assist them if they want to know, and accept their questions...but there is no debate.

(Btw, a "debate" is when one side asserts something, and the other side counters with their own assertion. Allow questions, not statements.)
...I think for most of us it is a futile effort to try and put this genie back in the bottle once she has tasted freedom...

--read in a Tessa James post 1/16/2017

Kitty June

Alright. I've calmed a bit since last night. I'm going to hold off on coming out for now. I want to be further along hrt before I take that step. I will still try to educate those that are reasonable and drop the people that aren't. I would still rather be open and honest but I don't know if I can deal with that just yet. I'm still working on my fear of others opinions.
I will be out at pride next weekend and maybe I'll just post photos and see who figures things out.
Thanks for the input everyone. It was very much appreciated.



I personally hate facebook. Way too intrusive.