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So next week is going to be...

Started by KaylaMadison, August 04, 2015, 06:46:12 AM

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So next week I will be taking a trip that in turn will have two purposes. I am driving my soon to be ex-wife back to her home in Texas where we will officially call an end to our 10 year marriage. We have decided that this is best for both of us as she can't see me romantically for the woman I am, and it turns out I'm not attracted to women anyways. We are going to stay in each others lives and she is still a huge support system for me. So in that regard I am happy that things are ending on so to say good terms.

Also I will be visiting my parents and my brother for the first time since coming out/starting HRT/going full time, pretty much everything they used to know about me.

Now my parents are in the loop and are supportive, my Mom for sure. My Dad well I don't know, my mom says that he his supportive of my life yet we don't really talk and when we do it's never about anything other weather or finances etc..

My mom sees my facebook updates, pictures and post so its not like anything should really shock her and I'm thinking she's shown the pictures to my dad that being said they have not had a first hand experience. I've tried to explain dysphoria to her and how it could pop up and also the possibility of responses from society when we go out. That all being said its going to be interesting.

Now the big visit that has me anxious is my brother. The last time I talked to him other then letting him know I was going to be in town was over a year ago when I told him I was transitioning. I have no idea one way or the other on how this is going to go. We were basically best friends until my job took me out of state. I don't what to expect there but other than to hope for the best.

There is also the possibility of getting together with a childhood friend that I have known for over 25 years. Again a person who I haven't really talked to since coming out to them and who I haven't seen in a few years.

Just have a lot on my mind right now and thought that I would share it.
Came out to self/wife - 5 June 2014
Started HRT - 8 April 2015
Full Time - 29 May 2015
Currently Working on Name Change

Ms Grace

Sounds like a massive trip...good luck, I gope it goes great for you. :)
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D




I wish you the best! If I had to guess I think the family situation will be fine since they already know.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.



Good luck! I may be headed down that road very soon myself (marriage wise). I think it's for the best though. I couldn't live as him any longer.


Thanks for the support ladies!

Quote from: iKate on August 04, 2015, 11:37:58 AM
Good luck! I may be headed down that road very soon myself (marriage wise). I think it's for the best though. I couldn't live as him any longer.

In the beginning we were going to try and make it work but as the months went on it was evident that what I wanted and what she wanted weren't the same anymore. I'm lucky to be able to keep her as a friend though and would wish anyone that was in a long loving marriage the same if they weren't able to make it work.
Came out to self/wife - 5 June 2014
Started HRT - 8 April 2015
Full Time - 29 May 2015
Currently Working on Name Change