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Gave up again.

Started by Kitty Pryde, July 13, 2015, 12:07:56 AM

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Kitty Pryde

It's been about 3 weeks.. And.. I stopped wearing or caring. I don't really know why.

Ms Grace

Hey, if you don't want to wear stuff you don't have to. :)
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


Hi Kitty,
For me I find the happier I am the more I enjoy dressing. When times are tough for me the less time and inclination are there.
I hope your OK and you have some you time happening.
You have lots of people who care and will be there for you.
Sue XO
Treat life's difficult times as if they are normal moments, this makes the normal and special ones even more fantastic.


I go through "phases" like that.  For me its about fear.  I dont dress per se but I do try to deny my trans feelings even though I have accepted them and have come out to the most important person to me.

Cheer up, it will all be ok  :laugh:
November 2014 - Came out to wife
June 2015 - Came out to Therapist
October 2015 - Began HRT
April 2017 - Fully out and full time
May 2017 - Officially separated from wife
June 2017 -  Started new life in Nebraska
September 2017 - Divorced
April 2018 - Homeless
July 2018 - Began new life in Florida


Kitty, were you full-time? I was very much a part-time crossdresser in the beginning. Now I basically present to the world as female even if I'm in "boy" clothes. There isn't an hourly quota of dressing you need to do, it's about doing what you want to do. Don't throw anything away though!

Hugs, Devlyn


For me it's two things.

Where I live and being so exhausted due to lack of sleep that I don't have the energy.

I used to dress all the time, but I just moved into a new apartment and the balcony is shared and if they really
wanted to they could reach around and look into my bedroom.

Plus I just purged last week and of course I regret it 100%.

Also my fantasy is to have an orgy with some other Trans ladies and cross dressers and just have a great O'le time....
But I know that will never happen.

cheryl reeves

ive gone yrs without full dressing,but the urge never you found out like others before you have learned purging doesnt work,and replacing everything gets expensive after a while...ive never purged,i just hang on to everything til the urge to dress comes around again.


Instead of purging, ship your things to yourself and have UPS do a hold on the package. You can go pick it up whenever you're ready.  :)
Quote from: GingerMaxim on July 16, 2015, 12:50:39 PM
For me it's two things.

Where I live and being so exhausted due to lack of sleep that I don't have the energy.

I used to dress all the time, but I just moved into a new apartment and the balcony is shared and if they really
wanted to they could reach around and look into my bedroom.

Plus I just purged last week and of course I regret it 100%.

Also my fantasy is to have an orgy with some other Trans ladies and cross dressers and just have a great O'le time....
But I know that will never happen.

:o  Is it getting hot in here or is that just you?!  >:-)

Hugs, Devlyn


Life is always changing, your moods and desires will shift.  Great example; I was on a nice 10 day vacation with my wife and though I brought a few outfits I only dressed a couple times (though I did sleep in nighties).  Not because of any pressure not to, but I was tired when we got back from adventuring.  The couple times I did it felt great, but the 'need' wasn't there so much as I was with my best friend (aka Wifey) and we had a blast.  I was able to be me the entire trip and that was invigorating.

You will go through times where the need to dress is very strong and others where its barely there (very warm weather does that to me).  Just roll with it and don't worry about it... just follow what makes you happy.
Happily married CD, out to my wife and select friends.


I can relate, even though I have never dressed completely but dressing in private I will go from buying so many articles of feminine clothes and dressing up a the time to going six months to a year without dressing up. I will go as far as getting rid of all the clothes that I bought that are women clothing. I am to the point now where I want to just purchase boy short panties and wear them all the time and not careing who knows.


You will, find that, ths is what I call the see saw effect.

For variouse reasons, I and others have gone through stages of, Purging. It relates to the on and off of, wearing, for example.

We make purchases, and we enjoy them for at time. Then somthing happens that stops the enjoyment. variouse things and it varies amongst us, but somthing does happen.

Things like,
Got called a name, that I put down to feelng better about myself, this made me feel bad, so clothes make me un-happy not happy.

Or, I was looking forwards to recieving somthing and I ripped it before I even got it on, I hated that exsperience, and It made me not enjoy wearing anything ells because I wanted to wear that.

Or Broke a heel on an exspensive shoes.

Oh, hear was the most confusing one, I had finished landscaping the garden with my dad and I was proud about what I had acomplished, I didnt need clothes to be happy.

I think, that when we recieve enjoyment in an area outside of trans related things, we feel less need to exspress those aspects. And that If exspresing our Trans related aspects is seen to bring us sadness, we have less desire to do them. And regardless of why or what reason, We stop exspressing and sometimes purge our (tools of exspression) purchases on a beliefe we no longer need it.

But the desires can come back, and for the most part with greater ntensity and for longer periods.

Kitty Pryde

It's neat to see this carried on in my absense. But as you can see elsewhere, I'm sorta back?


I have had periods of time where the urge to dress had faded. More often it has been out of necessity as I don't want my girly clothes to get ruined  ;)


I think that's normal in all endeavors. Just keep trying, take a break, wait a couple days...weeks...months. Then give it another shot. My alter ego Bridget Yvonne was in hiatus for about 3 years before Imet my GF/mentor Vikki & for some reason I decided to bring Bridget out. I was Bridget while Vikki was at work, I then took Bridget out for a 'test drive'
Things could have gone either way. You just have to feel right. I'm sure Edison, Bell & other inventors didn't get things right the 1st day. Persevere.


I have given up totally, I still have the clothes and panties and such but I am done. My feelings and desires about really wanting to be a female are not as strong as I would like them to be and it comes in phases and perhaps I am not Transgender and perhaps I am more gender fluid. I mean I have never encountered so many labels in my life within the transgender community so I guess I will just go with I am just being me and I don't care what that label is but I do know that my interest in wearing panties and female clothes is not very strong right now.