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Tips for gaining experience?

Started by Matthew, August 31, 2015, 02:19:43 PM

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I'm trying to gain experience as a photographer (so someday I'll be able to take it to a professional level), does anyone have tips?

I've already applied (and got a place) to 3 festivals to work a day for free as an event photographer and I've been considering posting in musician and sports (wrestling, specifically) asking if anyone is in need or wants a photoshoot doing.

What do you photographers think of these ideas, and any tips? :)


I would do the same too to gain experiences. I try applied to several famous magazine for the photographer assistant or helper. So I can learn to be the professional. But no one reply, I guess many people want to do it.


Quote from: Naeree on September 14, 2015, 02:48:54 AM
I would do the same too to gain experiences. I try applied to several famous magazine for the photographer assistant or helper. So I can learn to be the professional. But no one reply, I guess many people want to do it.

From what I've heard it is an incredibly competitive business.

I'd imagine most large companies wouldn't hire someone (even as an assistant) who isn't already talented and experienced. Start small :)

I'm going to apply for a job as a night club photographer next month, which is fairly small in the long run but is a huge first step

Good luck!


Quote from: Naeree on September 14, 2015, 02:48:54 AM
I would do the same too to gain experiences. I try applied to several famous magazine for the photographer assistant or helper. So I can learn to be the professional. But no one reply, I guess many people want to do it.
Well would it be a good idea to look for not so famous places ?
Like asking at photo studios... or wedding photographers...
it might be possible to just go to places where people photograph for weddings and have a look at what the photographer does...
there are also tutorials on the internet.

Well important may be to know the own equipment... so settings can be changed reliably...
and knowing where the limits are... concerning light, movement etc...
having a good eye for spots and moments...


Finding a small photography studio and be willing to work as an assistant or apprentice.  You'll learn a lot.  But, some warning: as Matthew said, it is a very competitive business. You may find some photographers may be loathe to train someone they think might be competition someday.  Others will relish the idea of passing on knowledge.  If you find the right person, you'll learn a lot.

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Yes I totally agree with you girls. I should start look at photo studio or may be wedding planner. Right now I just do the shoot on stuffs around me, especially my cat. Getting a job might let me learn new stuff ^_^

Quote from: Matthew on September 14, 2015, 05:58:57 AM

I'm going to apply for a job as a night club photographer next month, which is fairly small in the long run but is a huge first step

Good luck with your new job ;)