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People that cheat on their spouses

Started by BenKenobi, September 01, 2015, 10:48:43 PM

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I'm not perfect by any means. I've cheated on past boyfriends and I'm not proud of it. Though in my opinion it's a completely different animal when someone is married. I came from a divorced family so because of that marriage is special. It's something people promise to each other to stay no matter what.

Now jumping ahead, I've been on Okcupid for maybe two months. In the meantime I've met two awesome guys I would love to hang out with more. Maybe there could be something between us at some point. I dunno. I'm just enjoying the new company.
Anyway I get this message this morning from someone who has no picture (red flag) no detailed information about themselves (another red flag) what little they had was just them talking about sex (triple red flag) and them being straight (oh come on i explicitly stated I am FtM). I figured no harm in just chatting and seeing what he wants. Well shock and awe all he wanted was sex. I declined. He asked why. I mentioned the various red flags. He then stated he's married.

Ok so i dont mind open relationships but this is not how it works. You dont go all skeevy undercover and ask random people if they're DTF if you're married. Like. What the >-bleeped-<? Several months ago I bawled my eyes out because the love of my life dumped me for being trans despite willing to drop EVERYTHING and there's people like this piece of >-bleeped-< that cheat on their spouses and abuse their trust? How is that fair? If they're going to make an oath then they should DAMN WELL KEEP IT.


Amen, brother!

Sadly, this world is full of far too many people with a complete lack of moral fiber.  Just do good and be the change in society that you want to see.  :D



I hate it so much. I have "Cheated" once on a girl I was dating. All I did was kiss another girl but I felt so horrible and ended up breaking up with her the very next day. It's really crappy to see these scum bags who cheat on their spouses and widdle themselves into some other persons life. This girl I've been friends with for about 6-7 years now continues to meet these scummy dudes who just take her for a ride. The one guy was a piece of work, he's married and has a son who is disabled. He ended up sleeping with my friend and gave her a pregnancy scare. His wife found out about it and raised hell right away. This apparently wasn't the first time either. My friend continued to cry about him for a few months and then she finally got over it but she still gets upset and mad about it. She should probably just get with me and her problems would be over but I don't have a dick so she's not into it lol :P Depressing for me that's for sure.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I dunno.