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Help with Hormones?

Started by shawn91, September 20, 2007, 04:41:28 AM

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Okay, I really need some help. I was wondering how old you have to be to start taking hormones?
I've been reading up a lot and I haven't really found much on this.

I'm currently 16 years old and I'm seriously going insane.
I've been living my life as a male since around age 8 which was a lot easier than It is now, obv.
My face is starting to get very feminine and so is my body. I hate getting mistaken for a woman.
It tears my self esteem apart thinking that I look like a girl.  :-\

My mother knows that this is what I want and understands my lifestyle so she has no problems with me taking them unless
I'm not ready for them.
Can anyone explain the process and changes for me? I read the "Hormones..." topic but I'm looking for a little more. 


Wikipedia has by far the best general info on what androgens do to a female body. It can be viewed here:

The age at which you should start is dependent on alot of things. Where you live, what the rules are regarding treatment there, when the psychiatrist assessing you feels you're ready for it, and of course, if you're legally old enough to make your own decision OR your parents are willing to give consent (as I understand your mother seems to be). My first question to you would be are you seeing a psychiatrist qualified in gender issues who could give you approval for hormones? And also, do you have an understanding GP, or can you get access to an endocrinologist who would be willing to take on your case? Other than that, all you really need to worry about is how ready YOU feel. If you're 95%* sure this is what you want to do, I think you're ready. If there's even the slightest doubt that you shouldn't do this, don't. Wait until you feel absolutely sure.

Good luck anyway man. :)

* I say 95% after a discussion with a friend about this. We figured  that if someone was '100%' sure, they were probably being very impatient and hadn't waited long enough to figure it out. 95% seems safe because it seems to be take into consideration the risks involved as well as the certainty that this is something you need to do. Keep in mind this is my personal opinion, I'm not meaning to push this on anyone.


You'd probably need parental consent at least at your age, even if you did find a physician/endo willing to treat you. It does depend on where you are. You might find that a physician/endo might be willing to prescribe estrogen blockers to reduce the effects of estrogen on your body until you get old enough to legally make the decision.

Probably anyone willing to prescribe either T or blockers would require you to have seen a therapist and explored your feelings.



I'm contacting an endo who will help me get on hormones. I'm 17. I think your chances would be good, considering that you've been living as male since you were 8. Most endos would require a therapist's letter before starting on estrogen blockers/T. It all depends on your suitation. I've heard of other guys starting T at 16.

PS: I feel your pain. Everything else about me passes (even facial hair, thanks to Rogaine ;)) But my butt is far too girlish >.<. Even though I've seen some guys with a big ass, it makes me self conscious that someone will read me, facial hair, adam's apple, and all, as a female because of my ass.