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Started by redsoxfan34, January 09, 2016, 06:47:12 PM

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Hey all, Im new to this site. Im still in the process of coming to terms and accepting myself. My fiance is totally in support of me, she has been amazing. The biggest part is that I would like to lose more weight and get on a workout plan that would help my dysphoria pre T. I am 208 currently at 5'4", after dropping some weight over the holiday. I work at a mens clothing store so a its hard finding a suit that fits my shoulders as well as my gut (since my shoulders are far from broad currently). Are there any weight loss tips as well as workout ideas for at home that anyone can suggest? I dont feel comfortable at the gym but am totally for home workouts. I play rugby but lately we havent had practice enough to suffice. Thanks in advance!

Ms Grace


Welcome to Susan's  :)  Great to have you here - looking forward to seeing you around the forum.

While you're waiting for suggestions from the guys maybe check out YouTube for exercise advice. You'll find it much easier to bulk up once you are on T.

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Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


Hello and welcome! Awesome to hear your fiance is supportive of you, its wonderful to have people at your back through the journey. It is never to late to start getting healthy, and no better motivation than your transition! I'm just returning to the site myself after having started my hormones and I want to really start working out again to get a more male shape.

I think the biggest thing to improving your health is to committing to a healthy lifestyle, rather than going on a diet. After a diet, what do you do? Go back to your old habits? No! It is good to start teaching your body what proper nutrition is  :)

Working out at a gym can be stressful for most people, let alone for trans people. It is just as easy to get a good workout from home as it is from a gym, too. And, you have no excuses for missing a workout! You can find plenty of free youtube videos to workout to and if you don't have weights you can always checkout a thrift store or use water bottles. There are also great workout programs that you can buy that come with weights and shakes and everything you need to get started.

I have always been into health and fitness and am going to be starting a fitness challenge group to help coach and support people, keep them motivated, as well as to start taking my own advice and improve myself through my transition.

I was thinking about making a post asking more members if they would like to join so all of us in the community could support each other and create a safe space where we don't feel judged. Pre-transition, over weight, or whatever, it would be nice to have a fitness group that is pro-trans.

If that sounds like something you would like to be a part of, let me know! I would love for you to join if you think it would benefit you ^_^
"He viewed his own mentality as grotesque but useful, like a chair made of antlers. There was nothing he could do about it."