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Started by Swayallday, September 03, 2015, 01:21:50 PM

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Graved eggs are my go-to at the moment.

12 egg recipes - Youtube
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Just look at the magic @30sec

Now I usually go for butter in the pan, white bread then vegetables, spices + graved eggs on top.

but today I want to go the sweet route :O
Normally you take 200g salt and 200g sugar and you let the egg-yolks sit for 45 minutes, i'm going to be adding more sugar or coating on top in hopes I can put it in a pan or I could flame it... 

Put em on some french toast?
Oh god.

What's your preference with eggs?

Post egg recipes<3

Other notable entries:
The scotch egg (birds nests!)
Fritatta (like an upgraded hash brown ... i'm still not sure )


Cooked and fried spaghetti or pasta (there is also organic and whole grain pasta... don't use cheap ones with artificial ingredients), with oil and some eggs hashed over them... and maybe one or two herbs...

easy to make and delicious..

maybe going together with a fresh salad... or a sliced tomatoe...






over easy on toasted buttered rye


COOKED. I have had a few cases of food poisoning from lettuce, eggs, water and meat so needless to say, I don't want to repeat it. Something about my system really reacts bad to food poisoning and it cleans me out so well I have no idea where it's all coming from.
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Quote from: Devlyn Marie on September 03, 2015, 01:48:24 PM
Graved? I like mine carved!

Ooohhhh I originally created this thread because I need to be creative with eggs at the moment.

This is most excellent!

It gave me an idea to put finished works in everyones garden at Easter XD



Quote from: Dena on September 03, 2015, 05:33:50 PM
COOKED. I have had a few cases of food poisoning from lettuce, eggs, water and meat so needless to say, I don't want to repeat it. Something about my system really reacts bad to food poisoning and it cleans me out so well I have no idea where it's all coming from.

Try to eat some organic yoghurt or fresh organic sauerkraut uncooked from time to time.
It helps replenish healthy flora in the digestive system since it contains life beneficial bacteria.



  Eggs, I usually buy them for camping in the summer. Sunny side up. Fried at first then steamed to cook the top without turning them over. Toast or fried potatoes dipped into the yolks. Butter or bacon grease as oil. I like eggs in salads, egg drop soup and egg salad sandwiches. It is in my potato salad.



Egg Salad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It gives me bad gas but my god is it worth it.
Dijon Mustard, Dukes Mayo, some paprika and that's all for me ;)
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I dunno.


Quote from: Joelene9 on September 04, 2015, 04:35:45 PM
I like eggs in salads, egg drop soup and egg salad sandwiches. It is in my potato salad.


Where exactly do you say you live ? Its time they invent those transporter beams...



this  thread forced me to have fried egg sandwiches for dinner.


I made egg salad the other day because of this post, it made me crave it. I had kabob the other night and had some extra of the spicy green sauce they have. I tossed some of that into my salad and damn was it good. My toilet was sad for me though :(
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I dunno.


Quote from: Swayallday on September 04, 2015, 03:27:11 AM
Quote from: Devlyn Marie on September 03, 2015, 01:48:24 PM
Graved? I like mine carved!

Ooohhhh I originally created this thread because I need to be creative with eggs at the moment.

This is most excellent!

It gave me an idea to put finished works in everyones garden at Easter XD

Providing eggsactly what people need, just another service I offer!  :laugh:

Hugs, Devlyn


My favorite egg is like such..
First over extremely low heat, melt about a tsp to 2 tsp of coconut oil, then once it is all liquid, put heat to medium. While that is taking place, separate egg yolk from egg whites, scramble the white, but leave the yolk as in tact as possible.
Place the egg whites in the pan to let cook until about medium, take off heat completely, wait about 20 seconds then mix in the yolk to the whites with only the residual heat from the pan, only tossing it for about 10 seconds, then serve.

Kate <3
My life motto: Wake Up and BE Awesome!

"Every minute of your life that you allow someone to dictate your emotions, is a minute of your life you are allowing them to control you." - a dear friend of mine.

Stay true to yourself no matter the consequence, for this is your life, your decision, your trust in which will shape your future. Believe in yourself, if you don't then no one will.


i make a weird little thing which happens to be absolutely amazing and much nicer than ketchup on eggs.

You'll need:
about 4 smallish tomatoes or maybe 8 cherry tomatoes, chopped really small with all the seeds removed
a bit of honey (to taste)
black pepper and white pepper
a pinch of salt
a teaspoon of pesto genovese
a bit of olive oil
some oregano and basil

so chop up all your tomatoes, stick 'em in a bowl and add the pepper, salt, oregano, basil and pesto. Heat up your pan and add some olive oil, and empty the bowl into the pan. make sure it's a kinda small pan so it turns into sauce, not just weird fried tomatoes. once the tomatoes are kinda soft, stick the basil and honey in and cook it on a low heat until they mix together nicely.

then i whip up some scrambled eggs in a bigger pan, and when they're nearly cooked i stick the tomato sauce in and mix it together. add a bit of parmesan on top and it's freaking amazing.

idk how it'll turn out for my fellow egg enthusiasts, but i make this all the time and it's really good and easy.


*breathing intensifies*
that does sound delish.

It's mostly filled paprika with egg in the oven lately :>