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Confused with what to do

Started by ariannanicole, November 30, 2015, 01:43:07 PM

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I'm and 18 years old male in college and I think I may be transsexual. When I was a little kid I remember sneaking into my mom's room and trying on her clothes and shoes. I also would spend hours trying on my father's girlfriends daughters clothes and this happened on multiple occasions. Even when it came to my friends as a child I would play with other girls in my neighborhood and we would play pretend and it would fell invigorating. When I reached middle school I started to watch mtf videos and became amazed at the changes that trans women have gone through. I then started to dream about what it would be like t be a girl and still continue to this very day. I am not super confident around other girls nowadays but I am extremely confident when I talk to other males. When i am around my nieces and nephews i tend to be with my nieces more because it almost gives me a feeling of beings a girl. I don't know if this is because I don't want to act feminine around other girls and be looked at weird or if I am just naturally attracted to males like women are. Also I often find myself looking at other girls and think to myself, I wish I could look like them. I find the urge to want to dress like a girl when this happens like wearing dresses, skirts, nike shirts or even leggings, because women's clothing it much more appealing to me and turns me on and makes me think of what I would look like if I were a girl. I also want to constantly be able to paint my nails and apply makeup as it just makes women look absolutely stunning and I want the same for myself. As well as when I see all the girls on my campus I get jealous of them that they get to look the way they do and dress in such beautiful clothes. Especially girls in sororities because I want to join one and become a "sister". I also have started to look at girls less in the way of would I want to date them or if they're attractive and instead look at them in envy as they get to live they're lives the way I think I should be living.
I don't know what to do, if anyone could help me by giving me advice and what they think of my situation that would be seriously helpful.

My username is what I want my female name to be if I transition. Arianna Nicole :-*

Tessa James

Welcome aboard Arianna,

Your experiences will sound familiar to many of us here.  It seems you are on the right path by asking questions and sharing your feelings.  Many will recommend working with an experienced gender therapist too.  Being transgender is typically a progressive and lifelong reality that we may choose to repress or ignore at our own peril.

How strong is your circle of personal support?  Got supportive seeming family or friends to share this with?

A moderator will be by soon to give you more info
Open, out and evolving queer trans person forever with HRT support since March 13, 2013


Thanks Tessa,

I currently haven't told anyone of how I feel and the fact that I may be transgender and soon transition. I hope my family and friends will be supportive when I tell them, although I know that there's a chance not everybody will approve. I have been feeling more comfortable with my situation lately and have started to accept some of the feminine feelings and thoughts that have come to me lately. I can start to see my future life as a female more clearly now and am growing more comfortable with it.

-Arianna Nicole :-*