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Ramblings of a confused person

Started by Leslie36369, December 08, 2015, 11:24:08 PM

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So, this is more of me bitching than anything. Maybe, an introduction to me coming back. I'm not really sure. I guess I need to just let some things be heard by someone. I was here, on the forums, almost a year ago. I was taking small steps to begin transition, and I was really excited and motivated. I came out to a few people, mainly my mom. While she was supportive, it became the huge elephant in the room anything vaguely surrounding the topic of gender idenity came up. Which over the past year has been the new thing to talk about.

I left this site due to a relationship with a mtf trans girl. I was kinda terrified about her finding me, and some of my post left hints as to who I was. That didn't last very long, but it completely derailed me from my goal. Then what I was most afraid of happened, I lost my nerve to do anything at all. I went the opposite direction. I did all of the manly stuff I had been doing in the past, but this time in overdrive. At times, I myself forgot that wasn't what i wanted to be, then there were times I thought if I can forget for a short time then I can forget for good. Most prevalent was the racing thoughts of fear.

I have spent the past month trying to work myself to sleep to avoid any persisting thought of transition. It didn't work and now since loosing my job last week my mind doesn't stop. There's a voice that says do it, screw everyone, and a voice that ensures me I need people. Where I'm from and who I am that's not a likely outcome in any inner circle I have previously belonged to. Now, being more of a loner I don't think I can do it alone. Completely, alone.

Then there is my biggest fear of all. MONEY!!! I have always felt marginalized even when some may percieve me as on top of things. I don't feel like I'm me. I imagine that makes sense to people here. I can't imagine feeling that way through transition with no light at the end of the tunnel. Then on top of all of that, if I did saw when the lottery and come up with do wtf I want money, can a big guy ever be a feminine women. It's not just height and build, but also markings of masculinity that can not be undone. Tattoos for example. They are uber masculine in shades that lasers have difficulty removing. Big bold tattoos. They standout and speak to masculinity, and places that would prevent me from wearing almost anything. They don't sell my size shoe in stores ( Mens 13) I've looked in. I measured my hands and compared on google to the size of Lebron James. Actually 1/4 in larger.

Ok, I guess I have painted a picture. I'll stop bitching. These fears are haunting me, but so is the prospect of not being able to look in the mirror and be happy after putting myself in a position that takes away any security I have. As a man I am unhappy, but I can take solace in the fact I am physically stronger than most and can defend myself, women are attracted to me, and I don't have to be afraid when I leave the house. That versus being happy most strangers will kinda sorta pretend they believe I am a women to my face.

The way I am describing the situation may sound offensive. If so I apologize, I do not mean to offend anyone. I have brought this up to my therapist (my normal doctor, not a gender therapist) he seemed a little uncomfortable and kinda confused. He acted supportive and offered the same advise you'd get from a stunned friend. Then told me to google a specialist. It hasn't came up since.

I'm not really asking anything or posting for any reason other than to get it out of my head. Maybe to be heard. I know this is probably just ramblings, but if I proof read I will change things and this is exactly what I needed to do.
I feel like an alcoholic that celebrates my 90 day chip with champagne


Here is what's possible. I am 5'14" and I wear a size 13 woman's shoe. They are available on line from several sources and they go even larger. I have been living as a woman for over 35 year and I am post surgical 33 year. In that time I wasn't rolling in money and I needed to work just to transition. In that time I found and held 5 jobs as a woman. I never had any Tattoos but my office wear was long sleeve with button up tops or tops that went up to my neck so I could have had tattoos and nobody would know. Only last summer was I able to correct my voice so I had a male sounding voice.

The world is a good deal more accepting now than was in the 70's and 80's so people will judge you for who you are instead of their first impression of you. It comes down to you. Decide what your dream is and go for it. You will have a fair amount of work ahead of you but we all do. If you have a problem, we will help you solve it.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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Hello Leslie,

I am 6`1 tall, blessed by masculinity (naturally VERY muscular without doing anything), 8 inches long hands, 13.5 shoes size and on my journey I learned a few things :

-Height is about how you look. People used to think I was 6`3 because of how muscular I was. Once I started looking more feminine people thought I was even smaller than my real height.

-HRT will make you loose muscle but what made a big difference for me is cardio on empty stomach and no protein for 3 hours after that. I lost a tremendous amount of muscle doing so. It was hard since I used to be a meat eater but well worth the effort and currently still is.

-Taking care of your nails and wearing accessories will make your hands look a lot smaller, so will your outfit

-A lot of affordable and good looking shoes can be bought online without having to face society doing so. It was a huge help for me in the beginning and still is even if I feel more and more comfortable.

-Facial feminization is 50% about hairs and 30% about make up, even if you have male written on your face removing your facial hairs, having the right hair cut to balance your face and knowing how to do a decent contouring make you a female. (Surgery is helpful don't get me wrong but it is smaller than the rest in the end result)

Now I know that, being what we are, we always face bad moments, confusion, depression and such. Furthermore we usually need support so, I perfectly understand where you're coming from. If you need any help, wants to talk, see some before and after pictures of myself, you can always message me.