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Looking for sandels

Started by Terra, June 15, 2006, 04:46:31 PM

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Well, thanks to you girls on this page, I have a pair of women's 15 tennis shoes. Of course they are transexual themselves now! ;)

However, simply changing the laces won't work on sandals, and I just can't seem to find any size 15 that don't have any heel. I don't need heel because of the fact i'm 6'4", i'd almost KILL to be shorter. ;D

So then, if anyone happens to know or come across a solution, let me know please. I think I know where to get a pair of dress shoes, but sandels would work better for both summer and dress wearing. Thanks all! :D
"If you quit before you try, you don't deserve to dream." -grandmother

jan c

Hey, Peggy Hill!
thing about sandals is they can be 1/2 to a full size smaller.

(*Fats Waller, Ya Feets Too Big)

all seriousness aside, where'd you find them?
I got to deal with 11, and THAT'S hard.


Good point.  I need to add sandals to my shopping list. 

Quote from: Luana on June 15, 2006, 04:46:31 PM
I don't need heel because of the fact i'm 6'4", i'd almost KILL to be shorter. ;D

Remind me to stay away from you. ;)  I won't even mention my height/footsize.


jan c

6'1". 11 to 11.5.
size 14 clothes.


5' 9" (1.75m for the metric folks) 8½ - 9½ >> pretty lucky there, I guess

Size: US 16-18W (generally speaking, of course)  :'(

There was a thread that contained a link to a web source for larger shoes here at Susan's - I just don't remember where it is (must go searching, grasshopper!)

FKA: Emelye

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Ok, I'll bite.

5' 9", Size 10 shoes (I think my feet shrank recently, they we're about 11's, but those shoes are big now).

Clothes are about size 12-14, although I do have a couple items smaller than that.



There are three places I go shoe shopping. goes upto a 13 wide - which is what I need.

ebay is an option.  Work your way carefuly around the shoe-fetish listings and you can find some nice shoes.

Coudwalkers I have found to be the most comfortable shoe I have ever worn, regardless of gender presentation!  I can walk around in 3" heels all day and not be tired or foot-sore. will bring you to the "Avenue" online clothing store.  Nice clothing & shoes at a reasonable price.


No, I'm not sharing my dress size.  Suffice it to say that it is too large! :icon_yikes:


Thank you ladies, is the fact you are all smaller then me supposed to make me feel better? :P

Ti answer your question Jan C, I got the large shoes by simply getting a white men's 14 pair and giving it pink laces. Thus it was instently girlified (I wonder if that is a word...)

I'll check out the Avenue, but the local shop wasn't to helpful, and not because they couldn't be.

Now for my own sizes, my dress size is a 14, and I wear a d-cup for proportions. Since I wear a mens 14, I assume I wear a woman's 15w? I'm really hoping that what I read and hear is true and that my shoe size may drop by at least one. It's hard enough to be 6'4" let alone have feet that one woman refered to 'flippers.'

As a side note, the same woman said that women can get away with wearing men's shoes. I wonder what a man wears that a woman can't get away with...besides a jock strap.

Anyhow, I'll check out the avenue again.
"If you quit before you try, you don't deserve to dream." -grandmother


You could find some feminine or androgynous looking men's sandals and see if that works.

Quote from: Luana on June 15, 2006, 10:27:44 PM
As a side note, the same woman said that women can get away with wearing men's shoes. I wonder what a man wears that a woman can't get away with...besides a jock strap.

Ask the FTMs.


jan c

oh dear if you are a men's 14, then, except for open-toed sandals, that tends to put you in - Peggy Hill's shoes. Size 16. Depending on the make, 15.5. 15 in open toes.
pink laces I'll try it. goes with these pink ink-lined knee sox.
Sock, check it out. they're inexpensive and free shipping. US only.


I just measured my height tonight.  I have already shrank from HRT.  I was 5 9 1/2 before starting HRT (used to be 5'10).  Tonight I was closer to 5' 8 1/2".  I have to measure my feet the next time I go shoe shopping.  If they have shrank, that would be a real "feat".  :icon_evil_laugh:



A little offtopic but: HRT makes you shrink?

Interesting... I do know that I've shrunk a bit in height from my 'peak' several years ago (and I'm not on hormones yet).
People told me that I had just measured wrong before or such, but I'm pretty confident it was right. I wonder if that's at all related to hormone levels...

But I guess I'm on the fortunate side, as I'm relatively short to begin with.


Yes it does.  It's an undocumented effect which is most likely caused by shrinkage of the cartilage layers between the bones.  I knew this before starting HRT, but didn't expect such a drastic change in such a short (no pun intended) time.



Quote from: Melissa on June 16, 2006, 01:28:08 AM
I just measured my height tonight.  I have already shrank from HRT.  I was 5 9 1/2 before starting HRT (used to be 5'10).  Tonight I was closer to 5' 8 1/2".  I have to measure my feet the next time I go shoe shopping.  If they have shrank, that would be a real "feat".  :icon_evil_laugh:


I guess coming up short isn't always a bad thing after all!

If my feet shrink as well, maybe I could get a larger selection for footwear!  Maybe even ... dare I say it? ... fashonable!



One thing that I'll mention is that if you loose weight, your feet lose weight along with the rest of you. I'm assuming that fat redistribution from the hormones works somewhat similarly? Last year I was a men's size 10. After loosing over 100 lbs. I'm now men's 9. So with that in mind, I'm 5' 7 1/2" and a shoe size 10 wide.



Gender neutral sandals...?

Ok, i'll check it out, but the ones I keep seeing won't look good with a dress. Even my budding fashion sense says a nice dress and velcro just don't mix.

As for height....losing an inch or two would be nice, losing it from the shoulders would be nicer. :)
"If you quit before you try, you don't deserve to dream." -grandmother


You could go for a pair of birkenstocks, which I see women wear a lot, but are available for men as well in the same style.
