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"Pray to be cured"

Started by Serenahikaru, May 25, 2016, 01:46:04 PM

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Quote from: Serenahikaru on May 25, 2016, 01:46:04 PM
Lately I've been hearing some things, even a testimony of someone praying to God to find their way and living life as the gender and sex they were born. There's also always been the "God doesnt make mistakes" and "You were born the sex you are for a reason", but I've been hearing those since day one.

I think it's troublesome to hear those types of things since naturally the thought of Hell can be scary and everyone who believes in God wants to go to heaven. However, I like being a girl (even if I havent been able to start hormones). When I look to the future, I can only see a happy life as a girl, so even if I could "pray and be cured" I wouldn't unless I could wake up as a regular girl.


I've always debated inside my mind for years if God could even exist, and if he did then I couldn't find a very good cause for creating so much struggle inside this world.
I never really came to a complete conclusion on whether or not I believed he existed.
but I can tell you this, I think we were created by something. Whether that is the universe or a scientific reason I don't know. But whatever the reason I think being a person who is transgender is amazing  I think it's amazing because we learn so much and gained so much experience on this journey. Along with gaining a lot of confidence and strength throughout everything. I don't think what we are is wrong and I would say that all of those people who made those nasty comments are just people who are ignorant.
Ignorance can be good or bad in this world but I believe everybody has a chance to learn and those people probably just need to be educated. But it's up to them whether or not they want to listen and learn. I'm not exactly sure what to say and I'm sorry if I misunderstood what you are trying to ask. But when it comes to something like this I personally never listened to them comments form others.
But I don't think anything in this world even if something did create us would dislike us for who we are or would have made us this way if they didn't want us to be transgender we can help so many people and create so much awareness on so many things that its more of a gift in my eyes. So heck, whatever the critics say i'd just smile and walk away because we're great people and we are no less then anyone else.  ;D