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has anyone had any ghostly experiences?!?

Started by DanielleA, January 14, 2016, 02:55:53 PM

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I have a really active ghost in my unit. He turns my TV on, makes noises at night, and moves my stuff around. I have seen him too and it scared the bajeezers out of me! Even my cat has responded to the ghosts experiences and I thought that I was going crazy.
The ghost even let my cat out of my unit when I was away once. I made sure to lock my doors and close all of my windows before I left and mum was there too. I didn't believe in ghosts before moving in to my unit but as long as he doesn't hurt me or my family, I am OK with it.


My neighbors house was built in the 1700's and has a cold spot in a corner.

Weirdest. Thing. Ever.

Dee Marshall

When I was a kid my mom and I were alone in the house one evening. She was in the basement ironing and I was in the living room watching television. The television was on the wall of the enclosed stairs to the second floor. At the foot of the stairs, facing them, was the hall closet.

I heard someone coming down the stairs and thought, perhaps, that my brother hadn't gone out after all. When the footsteps got to the bottom of the stairs there was no one there. Just as I thought I might be imagining it, the hall closet door opened, paused long enough that someone could have taken a coat out, and closed again.
April 22, 2015, the day of my first face to face pass in gender neutral clothes and no makeup. It may be months to the next one, but I'm good with that!

Being transgender is just a phase. It hardly ever starts before conception and always ends promptly at death.

They say the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train. I say, climb aboard!


On the night I saw my ghost I was sitting on the side of my bed with the TV's remote in my hand . I was about to turn the TV off when I saw my ghost  standing in the bedroom doorway. I didn't see his face because I was transfixed on his muscular body. He was huge and I thought that I was going to die. My ghost was also wearing blue shorts. I hear that ghosts wearing clothes isn't normal.


When I was about six years old, one of the family dogs got heart worms and my parents elected to euthanize her. Not long after that, I had a somewhat lucid dream where I was petting said dog while thinking "but you're dead" and being really confused about it.

Then one day I was walking down the hallway with my mom (we had been living at a hotel at the time our dog died, and were still living at that hotel) and I told her "Zoe [the dog]'s behind us" and my mom turned around and saw the dog too. She was translucent and you could see straight through her. To this day, my mom swears she saw the dog too.

And while it didn't happen to me personally, my mom and her SO had some experiences when they first moved into their house. At the time, her SO's mom was living with them, and they would see a male apparition around the house. When she moved into her own place and out of their house, the apparitions vanished with her, as if they'd been attached to her personally.

I haven't heard anything about ghosts wearing clothing being unusual. Most of the people I know who claim to have seen ghosts attest to them wearing clothing, though I think a lot of people would be too terrified to notice the clothing.

big kim

One cold winter day i went to Oakley Court, once the set of Hammer Films. I got a bad feeling, it was a really bad atmosphere about the place despite it having beautiful surroundings with the Thames running through the grounds. I left the place crying (not like me at all!).
A few years later I learned of the sinister reputation of Oakley Court (unexplained drownings,many suicides & the hooded figures frequently seen in the grounds).

cheryl reeves

One night me and some friends were partying heavy and we got bored,I asked my friends if they ever seen what walks in the night,they said no,and said their is nothing in the dark.I grabbed a joint and told them to follow me outside,once outside I arranged them in a circle and told them to be quiet and close their eyes,we passed the joint around and I was watching the shadows start to move,one by one I watched as a finger appeared out of the dark touching one friend after another,it was funny watching them jump up and haul Burt into the house,til I was alone,I thanked the shadows,finished the joint and walked into the house, my friends were talking about the cold chill that goosed them,they seen me and told me they would never go with me outside at night ever again. To this day they still don't like going outside with me when night fall's.


One of my biggest sources of doubt that i have in my faith and spirituality in general, is I have never seen anything supernatural, I have friends that claim they have or felt supernatural presences etc. but i have not.

The closest thing i have seen are some of those very interesting videos online - there is one of an apparition seeming to leave the scene of a fatal car accident and another rather scary one of screaming in a hotel room, followed by the same.

I also think the stories of people seeing a glimpse of the afterlife are pretty interesting.


cheryl reeves

Those shadows I was talking about were not ghosts,they are of Yehuahs messengers and very few people can see them. Most ghosts are Demon's masquerading as people who died,for when we die we sleep and don't come back to haunt anyone. Remember when Saul went to the witch to awaken Samuel, and what Samuel told him? Or how about Joshua,jesus to those that only acknowledge this pagan name,remember what he told his apostles about Lazarus? They were going to awaken Lazarus, and what his apostles responded and then he told them Lazarus was dead and he was going to awake Lazarus. I know alot about spirtuality.


As a psychopomp-in-training, it's my understanding that ghosts are souls that have not "properly" crossed over to the other side. The job of a psychopomp is to act as a bridge between the wandering souls and The Light-- connecting the lost souls with The Light so that they can cross over to the other side
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in
-- Leonard Cohen, "Anthem"


On my cousin's farm there used to be an old shotgun house sitting on the hill behind where the current house sits.  My uncle used the house to store hay for the cattle.  The story was the people who lived in the house back in the early thirties had two daughters and they had gone to a dance on a Friday night.  On the way home about a mile from the house they were crossing an old wooden bridge and the car ran off in the creek killing everyone.  I know that part of the story is true because due to the terrain they car couldn't be pulled out and when the creek was low you could still see what was left of the car in the water.  Ever since that time it was said you could see the daughters dancing in the hallway on certain nights.  So back to the present, my cousin and I were around 8 and my uncle had told us earlier in the day to go get a couple of bales of hay and take them to the barn.  Well we had a lot of important things to do goofing off around the farm and it got dark with no hay.  We had to drive the tractor over and as we backed up to the door the dogs jumped up into the house.  As we got off the tractor both of us swear to this day we heard laughter from inside the house, saw something move in the hall and about that same time the dogs came flying out the door heading back to the house on a dead run.  We figured if the dogs weren't hanging around we shouldn't either.  We left the tractor sitting there at the door and ran down the hill, across the pasture, over the fence and back to the house.  My uncle whipped my cousin twice trying to get him to go back over to get the hay but there was NO WAY we were going back over there that night.
Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much. - Oscar Wilde



Quote from: DanielleA on January 14, 2016, 02:55:53 PM
I have a really active ghost in my unit. He turns my TV on, makes noises at night, and moves my stuff around. I have seen him too and it scared the bajeezers out of me! Even my cat has responded to the ghosts experiences and I thought that I was going crazy.
The ghost even let my cat out of my unit when I was away once. I made sure to lock my doors and close all of my windows before I left and mum was there too. I didn't believe in ghosts before moving in to my unit but as long as he doesn't hurt me or my family, I am OK with it.

I don't like opening up in public about the supernatural so send me a PM
but i will openly say this everything in this world was once human don't fear it.
People don't have to agree with me who knows maybe its shorts in wires but i doubt it, i believe you.


I love these sorts of threads  :eusa_clap:

My dad was being annoying for a while, throwing my clothes from the floor on me while I was asleep in bed, turning lights on and off, just being a general nuisance, until we finally got around to scattering his ashes. Now he doesn't really bother anything, but sometimes I get whiffs of his pipe tobacco.

I've had a lot of tragedies concerning pets over the years, and somehow I'm always the one dealing with their deaths or process of dying, and doing so while nobody else is around.  Snake bite, neighborhood dogs that get loose, etc. For whatever reason Death has always been...intimate, in my life. So anyways, now I have little ghost animals that scurry around in the hallway shadows like so many giant cockroaches. Sometimes I won't see them for a while, and then they'll be running around for a few days or a week.

When they're around, my current living cat will go in the hall bathroom and sit in that small space between the open door and the wall and face the door jamb, and just sit there for who knows how long, staring at the wall, until I come in to use the bathroom. After that she usually vacates the post.

None of that really bothers me too much, but sometimes I seem to attract the attention of...something(s), which makes me pretty uncomfortable. I think it discovered me, for some reason, in my teens. It/they seem to dig both malevolent energy, and fear, showing up whenever I put out too much of either. So I kind of have to keep my head down and nose clean, spiritually. And I don't watch scary movies, because they do tend to get to me and put me in a more vulnerable place where I'm more paranoid and jumping at shadows.

I've attempted various cleansings, blessings, and barrier/protection type stuff, as have some of my more spiritually/religiously minded friends, including an exorcism, but if it's at all directed at the thing it just seems to irritate it and then he starts knocking stuff over and making it clear he's not going anywhere. I think he's fairly high up on the totem pole, and I just have to kind of avoid attracting his gaze, although sometimes I think he gets lazy or bored and feels his personal presence isn't required, and so just sends minions to pester me, or remind me of my place or whatever in the hell it is that they're doing, I dunno. Scared to ask, tbh.
'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.


I keep getting dreams about this girl, I never see her but I feel her and she creeps me out. All I know is her names Sheila and she di ed in 1985 in California. A friend said she is either trying to communicte or I am somehow a reincarnation of her
AMAB Born: March 1994
Gender became on radar: 2007
Admitted to self : 2010
Came out: May 12 2014
Estrogen: October 16 2015


Quote from: SailorMars1994 on November 14, 2016, 06:31:18 PM
I keep getting dreams about this girl, I never see her but I feel her and she creeps me out. All I know is her names Sheila and she di ed in 1985 in California. A friend said she is either trying to communicte or I am somehow a reincarnation of her
If you can get a last name I am pretty good at tracking people down. I have trace the family tree back to the 1400's and have a pretty good pictures of them in Canada before they entered the United States.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
If you are helped by this site, consider leaving a tip in the jar at the bottom of the page or become a subscriber


My family see and hear ghosts. We have a connection with spirits, on my fathers side our names is from celtic origins and has survived for over 1,000 years. In history book we are referred by name as withches and warlocks. On my mothers side we are a eurasian family and have lived in China for over 500 years and also have many ghost encounters.

I live now in Bangkok and am a bhuddist. I see ghosts and have seen, heard, and felt them my whole life. In Bangkok the Thais all see and believe in ghosts, the monks believe in them and the Wats are protected from bad ghosts by Angel guards.

I have seen ghost in physical form and as mists of light. I have felt evil ghosts in Bali but generally they are just there. I have no fear of beign ghosts but take protection in my home to keep them out. I dont want a visitor at 2am.

We have monks perform rituals to ward away ghosts, I wear amulets and beads when I am scared late at nights.In Thailand every building and home have a spirit house. Some in the city are quite large. We believe that the displaced spirits need a place as we have moved them out of their prior homes. We also give offerings of food and soft drinks. Those visiting Thailand will notice these spirit houses.

As bhuddist spirits are part of our life, they are souls seeking merits  to move on to their next life. There are good and bad spirits but most are benign.
When we first start our journey the perception and moral values all dramatically change in wonderment. As we evolve further it all becomes normal again but the journey has changed us forever.

SRS January 21st,  2558 (Buddhist calander), 2015


Sheila gay Sanders.... she comes, or should I say her presence comes in my dreams and it's like omg what's going on. She was 1965-1985
AMAB Born: March 1994
Gender became on radar: 2007
Admitted to self : 2010
Came out: May 12 2014
Estrogen: October 16 2015


Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
If you are helped by this site, consider leaving a tip in the jar at the bottom of the page or become a subscriber


Oh I know it's scary. Like I said sometimes her presence is in my dreams and the feeling I get is spooky. I also don't know what to do about it
AMAB Born: March 1994
Gender became on radar: 2007
Admitted to self : 2010
Came out: May 12 2014
Estrogen: October 16 2015


Haunted , but not ghosts as such.
I grew up being trafficked,  brought and sold. In my first child sex movie at the age of 1 with my 2 year old sister. 
Not all the victim's survived. One that's stands out was a 14 year old school girl , that was abducted, I met her when I was 11, and spoke with her briefly after her abduction and before her murder.  She is one that stands out most in my mind in a haunting way, she often in my flashbacks from this time