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Role models?

Started by Juliastee, December 29, 2015, 05:15:01 PM

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In some ways this will seem like a fatuous question, but from someone who is a complete Newb it may not be. If this offends or seems trivial then please accept my apologies, it is not meant in that way, as I hope you will see.

I am still trying to work out what this is all about and how far I want to go, and at the moment it is one (small) step at a time but, I read elsewhere that one thing that is useful to explore one's en femme potential is to use a dressing service, whilst another is to have a mental image of a role model to whom one aspires. Both seem like potentially sensible pieces of advice. But - having looked at the galleries of a few (and there are not many here, in UK, I think) dressing services, they seem to focus on a rather fetishistic, rather than realistic model of femininity. More drag queen than anything I could ever seriously contemplate ever wanting to attempt, even if I had the skills to do so, which I most assuredly don't.

As a forty something (ok lets be honest - much closer to 50 than I would like) newb, from a certain sort of background, my "role model" would be someone like Robin Wright in House of Cards - elegant, understated, sophisticated and powerful; that is not the sort of look that I have seen any dressing services purporting to provide. Am I being shortsighted, or just suffering from living on this side of the Pond, where perhaps things have not moved on as much as elsewhere?

I know that I need help with achieving any sort of credible look at all - the last thing I can contemplate is to look ridiculous, even for private purposes. Hence the question - does anyone find that it has been helpful in establishing an approach to their femme self to have adopted, or even to have had in mind, a role model, and, if so, whom?

And dressing services - if you don't have a BGF or SO who is into helping, are they a good idea?

Thanks - in confusion


Hi There,

A service would seem to be a great way to explore and see instant results by someone who is skilled at make-up and crafting your look.  I think the key would be a make sure they know you want to steer away from the fetish stuff and really go for that power suit look (at least that's what I imagined from your description).  They afterall are running a business and I would hope cater to your wants and needs.

I personally don't have a role model I try to emulate but I don't dress to pass either.  I go for what I feel is comfortable and things I'd like to wear.  I know I won't pass, but I dress for how it makes me feel rather than look.  I like the geeky girl look myself but do enjoy some corporate attire as well... just depends on my mood.
Happily married CD, out to my wife and select friends.


Hi Kerry
Yes. I think it might be useful in several ways. I found somewhere in NYC that looked promising, but getting over there for a weekend could be tricky!


Hi Julia,

NYC is a great city, I've enjoyed my visits there (even if they were for work).  Hopefully you can make the weekend trip workout and have an amazing time!

Happily married CD, out to my wife and select friends.

Cindi Lane

As an older and larger person,  I found it difficult to pull off a good short hair when I was first exploring style. I would suggest going for longer hair.
I worked with a person near Portland, Oregon, USA who does transformations, she was very responsive to the style I want to try for.  I would contact the services local to you and inquire.
My impression from visiting the local shop is that most customers don't want there photos out there, so you may be seeing only subset of the work done.


Hi Cindi,

Glad that service worked out for you! I thought about trying a transformation service at one time.   I live outside Portland now and love it here.  It's a great area!

Happily married CD, out to my wife and select friends.