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Finding a therapist / psychiatrist

Started by Sarah_Faith, June 29, 2005, 02:45:41 PM

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Hello :)
Starting to think that I really have to talk to someone about this now as it's gonna be with me my whole life. I didn't realise it at the time, but I had a serious depression a few months ago from non-related matters which I am only now getting over, but my what I perceive to be my transgenderism is holding me back from fully recovering.
I am currently seeing a psychiatrist but not for this purpose. I am not sure whether I should open up a can of worms and mention this or find another psychiatrist that knows about this. The only thing is that it has taken me ages to get a psychiatrist in the first place. This may seem like an obvious question to some, but is really quite tricky for me. Could anyone give me a push in one direction or another?

Sarah :)


Therapists can be hard to find, especially sympathitic ones and it seems you are comfortable with your present therapist so go ahead and ask.  He/she already knows you and your issues, and this may shed some light on things.  I don't think it can hurt to ask, as if he/she doesn't feel confident dealing with trans issues, then may be the therapist can refer you to one who can.


I can but comment on my situation.

I was horribly depressed for pretty much all my life. Just before puberty I guess.

I'm not depressed any more that I can tell.

I presume the hiding and denying self was most of the cause. Either that or I am so busy now I don't have time to be depressed. I doubt that is the case however.

This leads me to think you should start talking. I'm not sure if the existing therapist is a good or bad idea but I think I would tell. Perhaps you can get a recommendation if that therapist turns out to not be qualified.

Be safe and well Sarah (=

Ariane Michelle

Umm, not sure if this is the right place to put this, but the 2 long distance therapists mentioned in the other threads, is that sort of therapy any good, and is it affordable?


HI Ariane,

Can't answer how good it is. It just depends on the individual. I have read that one of the long distance therapists that have been reccommended by some folks charges $125 an hour.



When I contacted my first therapist, she had been recommended by someone else in the T community.  She was a great therapist and I miss her dearly (retired).  She listened, gave feedback, and let you figure it out for yourself.  My second therapist I see maybe once a month via a group support thing she does in Raleigh.  I have already figured out what I wanted, etc, etc and really just need her for the letter (which I have had for some time now).  She is a bit more interactive than my previous therapist, which took some getting used to.  I found her via  a web search.

People I have met in the community normally go see a therapist based on a recommendation from someone else.  Others stick with or chose a therapist through whatever means and then proceed to help "train" them in the Trans area.  Curiously enough it was an ex-aquaintance of mine from my first group of T friends that sought out my current therapist and helped bring her up to speed.

However, the fact remains that there are prejudiced people out there.  You will run into them in one way or another and it may just be on a shirink's couch.  Personally I would rather try and lose than to cut and run but that is just me.  If you dislike anything that they have to say or if they make you feel uncomfortable then you probably should look elsewhere, whether you are T or not.



I just don't believe that online/phone therapy is worth anything.

Without body language it is diffuicult to know how comfortable a person is with transition or HRT.  Anyone can talk a good line without being eye to eye. 



I have to agree with Leigh on this. We talk here and support each other as best we can, but you just can't replace actual face to face contact. If you have no other choice you make do, but if at all possible get personal.



I unfortunately speak from experience in this matter, lots of experience.

There is no sure fire good way to find a therapist.  I have found them from a general referral, thru a healthcare listing, and by looking 'em up in a book.  None is guaranteed to provide you a good therapist, or more importantly, a good match!

The thing to remember is, that this is not a marriage, it is not forever.  You can leave their services anytime you want, so don't get to feeling trapped.  They are working for you, to help you, do what you want to do.  They are not in charge, you are.

If after utilizing their services for a short time, you feel it is leading nowhere, than tell them so, and tell them why.  They will either adapt to help you or not. In the latter scenario, don't feel badly about dropping them.  You are their client, not their slave.

I know sometimes you may feel like if you switch a therapist that you have wasted valuable time and money.  True.  But, how much more are you willing to waste staying with someone that is not aiding you to do what you want to do, to go where you need to go?

1.) Do not be afraid to interview them.
2.) Do not be afraid to tell them what you really want.
3.) Do not be afraid to fire them if need be.

Good luck!!!


QuoteI know sometimes you may feel like if you switch a therapist that you have wasted valuable time and money.

In gambling parlance it's called chasing your losses and you allways loose when you do. You gotta know when to hold em and know when to fold em. If you're not getting anywhere with the therapist you have it's time to get a new one.



I don't know about other states but in Oregon only certain ones are certified by the state to sign off on a GID diagnosis.

Only these few can authorize the DMV to change the gender marker on your DL.  Why waste your money on one who cannot and then spend it again with one who can?



A good psychiatrist  is A great  start hun
honestl    patiend to dr confidentiality first of all then they Do Get paid to listen to  issues and problems  So let them do their job   it works 
Florida has doctors that help in that issue too
all states doo I just dont know any outside of    the East Coast  areas   But I never really use A therapist   I just  think it is up to the individual

    Dont be afraid to open Talk to your Psychiatrist   They  Are Expeienced in  helping people with mental and helpfull Dilemnas that is their job to help people  A good dr is worth their weight in gold
