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Started by HelenW, December 29, 2005, 10:40:17 PM

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Six months ago I was surfing and decided to look up "transexual" after seeing a TV program about it.  I've been a CD since puberty and I was interested in the subject from that angle.  Among the sites I visited ( is one of the best, imho) I began to notice stories that were remarkably similar to my own life experiences.  It was then that I had my own "epiphany"  :o as the experience has been described on other posts in this forum.

Since then I have been through some very wrenching depression and self-doubt regarding my true gender.  I came out to my wife a few weeks after I realized something was wrong, she had noticed something was up but was tactful enough to let me tell in my own time.  Although she knew about my cross dressing the news that I was "suddenly" unsure of what I was/wanted-to-be was extremely upsetting to her.  So far she's slowly getting used to the idea but without liking it and without being shy about expressing her displeasure.

I had my first session with a TG experienced psychologist about a month ago and while I'm still not sure where I'm going to end up I can tell from reading this forum and others that it'll sure be one heck of a trip.  I'm excited and scared to death and confused and still depressed, all at the same time. 

Reading the forum and all of the other great information here at Susan's has been a fantastic help, however, and I hope to continue to benefit from those resources.  I'm thrilled that I can finally "show my face."  My previous access was only through a work computer (very risky indeed but that's another story.) Now that I've got my own machine I hope to be able to visit and learn and, maybe in some small way, contribute.
FKA: Emelye

Pronouns: she/her

My rarely updated blog:

Southwestern New York trans support:

Jillieann Rose

Hi HelenW,
Glad you found Susan's. I found this website about 2 months ago, and have enjoyed and benefited greatly from the wealth of information. The people here are friendly and open about what they have and are going through. They also are very caring and supportive of each other and that is what has kept me here.
I feel I have many sisters and some brothers here at Susan's that really care about me and are willing to help me on this journey of self discovery.
HelenW I hope you will find this to be true for you too.
I'm also a Cross-dresser plus finding out who and what I am.


Welcome HelenW,

Susan's inunique in that there is a place for the Partner, Significant Other, and your other individuals that makeup your Personal Support System, be they family memebers, friends or co-workers. That's where I fit in. I'm Leah's Significant Other. WE to have found this to be a compassionate bunch and a wealth of knowledge. Invite your wife to read here some of the stories from other's who post her. maybe it will help her understand and less angry. Welcome and wish you the best as you start through this journey.



Hi HelenW,

Welcome to Susan's. We have a great bunch of people here and I'm sure you will make many fast friends. Be sure you have read the site rules. Aside from the wonderful people there is also the Wiki which has a wealth of information you will find useful on your journey to discover who and what you are. It is difficult to help your spouse understand when you yourself are still trying to figure it out.

Patience, communication and expressing your love for one another will be important. You have said that she is not pleased and is confused. This is to be expected. You will have to help her understand even as you are only beginning to grasp and understand yourself. You must be gentle, don't overwhelm with a flood of information and emotion. Take your time.

We will be here for you and we are more than happy to put in our two cents when we think it will be helpful. So fix yourself a cup of tea, or other relaxing beverage, sit down, take your shoes off and set a spell.

Good Journey,



Welcome, I hope you and your wife will find the answers that bring peace to both of you.


I was trying to think back at when Leah broke this news to me...I don't think I was angry ever...thinking...thinking...
you know now that I'm thinking of this,
I was feeling threatened.
I mean my security was being threatened...I thought anyway.
I mean,
what if Leah after getting her womans' body wanted a man.
What if she didn't want  me anymore?
Where did that leave me?
What about all we had built for our future together?
What about our dreams?
Would there be a future together after all?
What would I do?

I wasn't ready to have her out of my life.
When I realized that, it was eazier to except her chosen path.
Maybe your wife is feeling some of these types of things too.
Her perfect world isn't perfect anymore.
I mean isn't that what we all work for in a marriage?
It to be as right and perfect as we can make it.

Think of life like a puzzle and all the pieces fit.
They fit with all the color in your clouds just the right shades.
White in a blue sky fitting neatly together.
You put that perfect fitting puzzle in it's box.
The the box on the shelf because it's right.
All fit's...
Someone takes it off the shelf and out of the box.
And umm... all the piece still go together.
But umm... some of the sky pieces are a little faded.
Colors are not a perfect match.
They fit, but not blend in perfectly from color to color any more.
Maybe that's how she's feeling.

I really hope she can be ok with some off colors in your sky.
Because that's what it will be like you know.

Best of luck, and do keep expressing. How much she means to you.
How much you LOVE her and NEED her and WANT her.
That's what she will need to hear and feel from you.

Communication is very important to make it through this journey Leah and I are still very much in the thick of the journey. 
It feels like somebody has'nt kept the path clear of weeds and over growth.
So we can't see what's at the end yet either.

My prayers are for you both at this time of uncertainty,



Welcome to Susan's Helen,

QuoteNow that I've got my own machine I hope to be able to visit and learn and, maybe in some small way, contribute.

That is the perfect attitude for someone at Susan's. It's all about sharing, helping each other and learning. Don't underestimate your ability to help others through sharing. Through sharing we get to experience the lives of others and through that gain understanding about ourselves.

So Helen feel free to become one of us and contribute to the discussions in a non-threatening atmosphere with respect. Feel safe here with those who have understanding of the journey you are on. As has been said if you can perhaps get your wife to visit she may benefit from reading theinformation here particularly the Wiki and also the forums.

Look forward to reading your posts.



Hi HelenW:  I am also fairly new to Susan's and I can share with you that it has been a life saver.  Your story is similar to mine and it sounds like were on a similar journey.

In the short time I have been at Susans it has clarified many things for me which until now I was not able to verbalize.  The amount of knowledge, experience and compassion demonstrated by all the wonderful people in these forums is priceless.  I have read heartfelt stories about hardships, expectations, and successess.  I am learning that it is a very hard road we are traveling on and Susans is sort of a roadmap, for me anyways.

Welcome and I look forward to getting to learn more about you.



Thank you to everyone!  Your welcome and kind words mean a great deal to me.

The stories that I read in the introductions have been a particular comfort and revelation to me.  They have helped me a lot. So, some more by the way of introduction:

   As I said, I cross-dressed since puberty.  I now think I used the sexual part of cross dressing to ease my gender discomfort.  I didn't really identify as female but I also knew that I never fit in anywhere.  School was a disaster and I never had many friends.  I was able, however, to completely repress my TS longing.  I went through the classic gather & purge cycles with feminine clothes, married twice and divorced once, had two wonderful sons and in the long run was (I thought) pretty satisfied with my life.
   Two years ago a friend announced that he was going to appear in drag at a Halloween party at his house.  I took the opportunity to "compete" with him and announced that I would too.  (Halloween, the CD Christmas!)  While this was not the first Halloween that I went out in drag, it was the first that I tried to look as convincing in the role as possible.  While, based on the reactions of the other guests at the party, I was fairly successful (the men were uncomfortable, the women amazed) the main effect of the evening was a realization on my part of how truly comfortable I was, even in a skirt, push-up bra (one size too small) and 3 inch heels.  In pain, but comfortable.
   A week after the party I got contact lenses so there would be no need to buy feminine eyeglasses and had both my ears pierced.  The next summer, I didn't stop shaving my legs.  I also quit cutting my hair.  All this, I told myself, was to be more able to dress and look the part for my private enjoyment.  To questions asked by colleagues and family I gave vague or humorous answers that I half believed myself, simply to deflect the realization of what I was really doing!  This lasted until about 6 months ago.
   The rest of this story is in my original post.  One of the most painful lessons I've had from this is my amazing capacity to lie to myself, as well as to everyone else, regarding my gender feelings.  It really makes me understand the power of familial and social pressures to conform with what is expected.  Of course, now, forewarned is forearmed.  With support such as what I find here I'm much more hopeful.

FKA: Emelye

Pronouns: she/her

My rarely updated blog:

Southwestern New York trans support:


QuoteOne of the most painful lessons I've had from this is my amazing capacity to lie to myself, as well as to everyone else, regarding my gender feelings.  It really makes me understand the power of familial and social pressures to conform with what is expected.

I think you really have hit on the crux of the issue for many of us.  We need to quit fooling ourselves if we are to find who we really are.  But it is so easy to live with an image of who others think we should be.  At the same time we can substitute a fantasy image of who we think we are for the real person.  We all struggle with finding a self image that is consistent with who we realistically can be.  One of the great benefit of a place like Susan's is that we can share our feelings and dreams with others who are facing the same struggles as ourselves.  Sometimes we receive support for realizing our dreams, and sometimes we have cold water thrown on our fantasies.  Both are necessary.  Welcome to Susan's.


Let me say to you this,

I'm post or in the TG Only something for you to read and maybe even copy for her.



 ::)Oop. That's the Just for Us forum. ::)

You could be on a goose chase looking in the wrong place. Sorry.



Hi and welcome to susans HelenW
I hope you enjoy your visits, and good luck to you in journey.
It is going to be the hardest thing you well do, but, you have found the right place for loving and caring friends, and who will help you with your questions and feelings. So, come on in,and chat for a spell.


Hi HelenW,

Although I've been a member of this excellent support group for four years now, I'm still learning so much about myslef from the help of my firends here as you will as well.  Take your time in getting to know each of us, and we'll help you out with your journey to make it a safe one. We're all here to help each other  :)
