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Sister won't support me

Started by stephanie, January 07, 2006, 09:19:46 PM

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Today I officially talked with the last member of my immediate family about my TS issues.  She had already been able to guess, and my other sister confirmed it with her a few weeks ago, but I had never actually sat down and discussed it with her until today.

My sister is a very conservative, church-going woman with a husband who also comes from a religious family, and four kids.  Basically, I was anticipating a reaction like the one I got.

She basically told me that she couldn't understand why I'd want to do this, she didn't want to understand it, and that I was going against everything she believed in.  She would never call me her sister, and she doesn't want to have to explain to her kids why their uncle is being so weird.  She even fell back on the now-tired line "God doesn't make mistakes."  Bottom line was that she won't support me through this and hopes that I change my mind.  With that, she left.

I figure the only thing I can do is give her time.  If she comes around, then great.  If not, then she's chosen that route and nothing I say will make any difference.  Sure I'm upset by her reaction, but like I said, it was expected.

And to make things a little more frustrating, it seems that my dad, though he says he's supportive, seems to be agreeing with many of the things she said.  They kept adding to each other's statements during the discussion, how neither one feels that it's a smart move for me and such.

Sigh.  Oh well.  Life goes on.


Yes Stephanie life marches on with or with out our wanting it to. You are probably saying I don't want to mark time any longer and deservingly so you shouldn't have to.

Remember humans are threatened by what the don't understand and what they don't understand makes them afraid. They try to separate themselves from what scares them and makes them afraid.

Innitial impacts are hard at first of issues in life of this magnatude. She may come around yet. She'll have to think it over and pounder some more. Your Dad had to try the last ditch effort and armed with an allie he probably thought he couldn't loose. That you'd back down. When he understands better maybe he won't be this way either.

I can tell through your writtng it's a let down and you're hurting. To bad can't hug through the computer it felt like that's what you needed. So try this. Put your arms up and reaching around crossed over in front try touching those fingers in back on each hand. Say out loud "I Love Me". There that's the best I can do for a hug from here.




I am so sorry that your family is not being suportive.  It sounds like you are experiencing what our brother Alex is going through right now.  Like Peggiann, I wish I could give you a hug.

We seem to frighten a lot of people.  Just look at the posts all of us have shared.  We disrupt the "natural order" of things, or so many people believe.

Your sister did say one thing that is correct: God does not make mistakes.

We are not mistakes.  For whatever reason, God created us like this - having a body and soul that were not born in harmony with each other.  Why?  Maybe to teach tolerance to a world laced with bigotry.  Maybe to show that sexism is irrational.  Maybe we are here to challenge the rigidity of some people and organizations.

Regardless of the reason, we are not mistakes.  We are here by God's grace.  And we are here for a reason, whether we know what that reason is or not.

I hope that at least your dad can accept you for who you are.  Remember, we're with you.



Jillieann Rose

I'm sheading some tears for you Stephanie.

It hurts when the people you love won't except you for who you are.
I am also a conservative Christian who is learning that God is much bigger than I ever though.
We seem to want to put him in a little box and point to it and say thats what I believe in.
As Chaunte said
QuoteWe disrupt the "natural order" of things, or so many people believe.
We do distrupt the preceived order of everything for many religous people.
Yes God doesn't make mistakes but has made each of us as he has seen fit. The world is full of sin and suffering and because we live in it we suffer too. But this is a journey to a better place. We just need to be what God has created us to be. No mater what other people say or how they try to monipulate us to be or do what they want.
Be the best sister you can be and maybe she will come around. I thinl God is using you to help her to grow. That is if she will except what he is showing her. Time does help.

Hang in there Stephaine.
Here is another hung.


Quote from: stephanie on January 07, 2006, 09:19:46 PM
Sigh.  Oh well.  Life goes on.

Hey there stephanie,

You are right, "life does go on" if you let it.  Do not get bogged down on other peoples spiritual belief systems or their morality (whatever that means) as you will not be able to change them.  You are doing the right thing.  She knows where to find you, and how to contact you.  Leave the door open, and maintain the lines of communication.  She'll come round when or if she's ready.

sadly you are not going to win over everyone you come out too, and in reality you shouldn't be trying to.  Yes it would be great if everyone continued to love and support you, especially family, but the truth is that's not going to happen.  I'm out to everyone, both my family and my wife's family and everywhere else.  Happily about 90% of them continue to be my family, friend or acquaintance as they used to be.  As for the others... well it will be their loss, not mine.



Hi Stephanie.

QuoteRemember humans are threatened by what the don't understand and what they don't understand makes them afraid.

I have to agree with Peggiann and sometimes those close to us only need time to realise that this is not a fad or something that will pass. Your sister may or may not come around but in reality that is up to her and in the mean time all you can do is be true to yourself.
