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Winter's Adventure Thread

Started by DiamondBladee, March 01, 2016, 01:41:40 PM

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Just a thread I will update whenever something happens, since some people enjoy reading about others' progress.  I'm a youth, so I'm putting this thread on this board, as there will probably be many relatable struggles including living with parents, college prep, and high school stuff :)

    ~ Winter
~ Ana Maria


I'm well beyond my phases of questioning and self-accepting.  I did that for some years.  Those years wee pretty dark; I had no close friends, I was always in my bedroom all day, and I was pretty emotionless on the outside.  On the inside, I was often questioning who I was and what my future would be like.

But lets jump forwards some years and view the present.

My parents and stepparents know, as well as three of my seven sisters.  My mom and stepdad are alright with me exploring and stuff, but they really think going to therapy would benefit me.  My dad and stepmom are seeking a doctor to diagnose me with gender dysphoria, and until this happens, they are going to continue to do nothing else.

All my friends know, and I don't care if the entire school finds out.  Counselors and teachers know as well.  I'll make a special note to my school counselor.  She isn't your typical school counselor; she actually cares about her students.  In fact, she would call me in sometimes in freshman year just to ask if I was okay (this was when I was still pretty locked up).  It helps that some teachers know, because they understand that activities where it's boys vs girls would make me fairly uncomfortable.

I had a girlfriend for about 2 months, but unfortunately she thought she could convert me into being a cisman, which didn't happen, resulting in serious neglect of my emotional needs.  My boyfriend is ftm, and we've been together for 5 months and counting.  The relationship is a lot more chill and relaxed then my ex had been.  My boyfriend can relate on gender stuff, which can be a really big help sometimes.  He is also not nearly as physically demanding and needy as my ex, so we actually do things together.  I'm dating my best friend, and my boyfriend, if that makes sense.  This relationship feels a lot more powerful than my first, in a really good way.  Something's just right here.

As for college plans, I need to find an in-state 4 year university to go to.  I am going to finish 2 years of college before I graduate high school and then transfer.  I am going to talk to my counselor about this tomorrow hopefully.  I need to find one that has a safe environment fo me, and still offers what I'm looking for.  I'm also going to ask her whether or not I have anorexia.  My parents think I do, but honestly I'm actually trying to gain weight.  I just don't find myself hungry.  It could be anxiety, most likely related to concern as to whether or not my dad will say he accepts me anytime soon.  He doesn't really say; he just says that a specialist needs to determine whether or not I'm transgender.  We'll see how that goes.

    ~ Winter
~ Ana Maria


Hey, just wanted to say as a fellow ftm I look forward to reading about your experiences :)

Regarding the anorexia I'm not an expert but I do know this: do you think you need to lose weight? If the honest answer is no, you don't have anorexia. Which isn't to say you don't have some other issue with food, but in anorexia by definition the sufferer WANTS to lose weight.


Quote from: jamier on March 01, 2016, 06:04:21 PM
Hey, just wanted to say as a fellow ftm I look forward to reading about your experiences :)

Regarding the anorexia I'm not an expert but I do know this: do you think you need to lose weight? If the honest answer is no, you don't have anorexia. Which isn't to say you don't have some other issue with food, but in anorexia by definition the sufferer WANTS to lose weight.

All specific issues have their own threads, just ask if you want to read :)

~ Ana Maria


Last Wednesday night I got my phone taken away.  My privacy was breached; my dad and my stepmom went though every little nook and cranny of that thing.  I've lost my device for a couple weeks for deleting messages regarding things I didn't want to look back on and read all the time.

What I find disturbing is that 1) it's a violation of my privacy and 2) I could just talk to people face-to-face and leave no evidence behind, so if I really wanted to hide something I could EASILY just do that.

My privacy is already violated pretty badly.  I'm not even allowed to have a door on my bedroom.  The excuse is that my bedroom is really a storage room and that the doorway is an unusually small size...  But I need to have something still.  Even a curtain would be great, although I believe I have every right to having a locking door on my bedroom.

It's not like I'm plotting murder or something, right?  The worst I could do is masturbate, but as an asexual person that really doesn't sound fun anyway (my personal views also say that it's not a crime to be into that either...  dunno about my dad's though).

I should still have privacy regardless of what I do back there.  I've had to resort to going in my sister's room for a couple hours to hang out with them instead.  That's probably why I feel relieved when I go to take a shower.  It's one of the only times I get true privacy in that house.

Also, they don't really know how to take a joke evidently.  I had a friend write a weird story in September 2014.  It was only 10 sentences or so long and it was an abstract story about someone in a keyboarding class.  The person had a strange fetish regarding corn (yes, the kind you grow in the field and cook in butter).  It was a stupid and dumb joke, but they found this and seriously began to wonder if I was the person in the story.  Seriously?  Okay, I know I'm a strange person at times, but I am not at all sexually attracted to... corn?

I can't believe they take some of that stuff so seriously...  I mean, I'm not even the one who started this dumb paragraph...  Sometimes teenagers will have a strange sense of humor (adults too, even in their 40's+).  It's healthier than alcohol, smoking weed, and getting STDs anyway.

(No offense to anyone out there who might have a legitimate corn fetish.  It's just clearly never been my thing.)

There's just been a LOT of stupid stuff like this since the phone search.  Unfortunately, they know of my crossdressing now, as well as a handful of other things I do to keep in touch with my true self.  It's not even horribly bad stuff, and I'm pretty private about it at this time.  Regardless, they think it's taken a massive negative toll on my mental health, when in fact it has done absolutely the opposite.  I think they're going to try to do stuff to make me behave more like a cisman.

My dad left me a note on Thursday morning, basically apologizing for the "talk" we had the night before.  It also offered big, open, and supportive arms.  He wants me to open up and talk more.  But are these REALLY supportive arms?  Unfortunately, the rest of the family sees the reality in it.  My dad is trying to fake me out here.  Anytime I'm not around, my Dad says that it's just a phase that's lasting a really really long time for some reason (Oh gee, I wonder why it hasn't gone away yet...).  I'll trust him to take me to therapy, and I want him to take himself to a gender-inclined therapist in particular so that he can better understand what's going on.

There's a ton more going on, but I think everyone gets the idea.  Everything kinda just exploded.  I'm going through a rough time right now.  I haven't felt this stressed out since coming out to them.  I don't know what to do.  I'm going to go with the flow and hope for the best for the next week or two.

The dominoes continue to tumble...
~ Ana Maria