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Drug use and Hormone replacement for Male to female

Started by OrderOfOriah, October 29, 2011, 05:07:37 PM

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Does second-hand smoke have an effect on us doing HRT?? Is it as dangerous as outright smoking?

Catherine Sarah

Hi starbright,

From the health studies carried out by the Aust. Federal health authorities, passive (second hand)smoke is just as toxic as the mainstream smoke from the cigarette. These studies did not single out HRT users, but was a study based on those non smokers who may be exposed to a smoking environment.

So from a general health point of view, passive smoking will have some effect on you, according to the study.

Hope this helps. in the meantime be safe, well and happy
Lotsa luv

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I take heavy duty pain meds do to an injury I received in the military. I'm in the process of backing myself off slowly under doctors supervision. I was switched from morphine to methadone a few years ago because I was taking hideous amount of morphine do to building up a tolerance. Methadone is better because the side effects are less and you don't build a tolerance. Actually one side effect is partial feminizing mainly my breasts which was fine because I want breasts in the first place. That's a side effect from pain meds. Very normal my doc says. I also take meds for PTSD depression. There's no interaction that I know of and my doc or pharmaceutic would know if there was. I don't drink, smoke or do any "recreational" drugs so I can't comment on any of those.



I can all but completely assure you that none of the substances you mentioned would have any significant effect on HRT.

But you need to understand, finding studies to this affect would not be easy. For one, i doubt there's a huge number of studies on any given drug and its relationship to endocrine functioning. And for two, you're not looking for that, you're looking for ones on HRT functioning, which would likely be all but nonexistent.

But if it helps, just think through how those drugs work (affinity to opioid receptors, cannabinoid receptors, 5-HT receptors). None of them directly affect anything to do with sex hormone levels. And if they do to any degree, it would only be to the hormones your body itself produces, which you are already offsetting by HRT.

There are dangers associated with drug use, but I don't think hindering HRT is one of them.

Hope this helps in some way. Take care.


Quote from: CatherineSarah on November 05, 2011, 11:08:05 AM
Hi starbright,

From the health studies carried out by the Aust. Federal health authorities, passive (second hand)smoke is just as toxic as the mainstream smoke from the cigarette. These studies did not single out HRT users, but was a study based on those non smokers who may be exposed to a smoking environment.

So from a general health point of view, passive smoking will have some effect on you, according to the study.

Hope this helps. in the meantime be safe, well and happy
Lotsa luv

Thanks so much Catherine for that post. :) You are such a sweet-heart. Have a great one.


Hopefully this may set a few things straight. This is by no means intended to be a shopping list, but knowledge is power, and this info doesn't seem to be around much. Somebody I know (who is most definitely not me) has experimented a fair amount with illicit psychoactives both before and after they started HRT, and based on personal experience, she can attest to the fact that there's no visible interaction between HRT and the following (except for a noticeable drop in tolerance):

MDMA (Ecstasy)
Amphetamines (Pharmaceutical Adderall)

And based on personal experience, she suspects there is the potential for interaction with the following substances:

Dextromethorphan (Hypersensitivity/Strong negative reaction)
Alcohol (Significantly lowered tolerance, risk of alcohol poisoning with heavy drinking, heavy liver strain)
Tobacco (Increased risk of serious health complications including thrombosis)

As for why she does all those drugs, I guess she's young and stupid still.  ::) And I blame those damn raver friends of hers. :P


Quote from: OrderOfOriah on October 29, 2011, 05:07:37 PM
I am heavily considering hormone replacement to feminize my body, but I would like to gather more information in regards to what can and cannot be taken with hormones.

I know alcohol is greatly advised against, which isn't much of an issue as I don't enjoy the effects of ethanol, but what about other less harmful natural drugs such as marijuana and psilocibin mushrooms, and perhaps opiates?

Yes, I am aware that any psychoactive chemical/chemical containing plants can be overused or used as a crutch or coping mechanism.  I'm not here to argue that point.  I merely wish to know about the interactions of commonly used psychoactives and hormones, as I am a responsible adult with the right to make informed decisions to consume substances which alter consciousness occasionally for personal and spiritual reasons.

Please don't give me the typical "Drugs r bad and illegal, so don't do em mmkay?" rap.  I grew up with parents and DARE for long enough.  Echoing their one sided and often uninformed angles isn't going to change my opinion at this point.

All I want is some good information from scholarly sources, or personal accounts of interactions of estrogenic drugs used in hormone replacement regarding male to female cases.

Of course I am willing to cease all use of chemicals while transitioning, but I also wouldn't mind if I didn't have to cease altogether. 

anyone got good information?

I don't use drugs but MMJ (herb)  saved me from cancer. Also it helped me with my HRT. It inceased my metabolic rate which in return helped me absorbed the hrt better. PHD in Astrophysics FYI. Studied this herb for a long time in many labs. Good luck! 

{According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, ... Marijuana or marihuana (herbal cannabis) is now class as a herb not a drug. Federal Law still holds for now though. Some states are learning to pass though.}


Kind of hard to believe you are just considering hormones. I got all the birth control pills I could get from girl friends when I was in my teens. If it's important you will stop any other bad drugs....
mtF, mid 50's, always a girl since childhood, HRT (Spiro, E & Fin.) since 8-13. Hormone levels are t at 12 & estrogen at 186. Face lift & eye lid surgery in 2014. Abdominoplasty/tummy tuck & some facial surgery May, 2015. Life is good for me. Love long nails & handsome men! Hopeful for my GRS & a nice normal depth vagina maybe by late summer. 5' 8", 180 pounds, 14 dress size, size 9.5 shoes. I'm kind of an elegant woman & like everything pink, nice & neet. Love my nails & classic Revlon Red. Moving back to Florida, so excited but so much work moving