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Hi everyone, It's my Birthday!!!

Started by SarahElizabeth1981, February 25, 2016, 11:11:27 PM

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 :icon_birthday: Happy birthday to me happy birthday to me   

So far I found that some people are just really curious and find it interesting. Not sure about the percentage though. Some people stare or make strange faces but whatever. I think it is more that it's something that you don't see everyday. I'm sure someone famous has made this statement, come to think of it, I think Rodney Dangerfield did. Anyways, "I just gotta be me!" and how liberating it is to do so. The only time I really feel down now is when I have to step out of being feminine. Not everyone I know knows. I'm working on it one person at a time though. I gotta run will write more tomorrow.

How is amber??

Anyone else feel free to jump in. Hellooo Susans place  :icon_wave:



That's where I'm at too.... But since my wife is going to mourn my beautiful beard... I think once it goes I will feel more comfortable goi g out more dressed...


And I didn't know how prevalent it was either.... I think though, that some of the "wrong sex" stuff stems from not being accepted to do what you want. I believe that if society has condition ed us all to conform a bit too much(lol).if all job for my


Happy Birthday Sarah!!! [emoji2]

I hope it is a wonderful day.


Have you figured out when the beard is going?  We can arrange a funeral for it.  Buried in a shoe box in the back yard like a hamster [emoji81]


I don't think it is exactly going to die per se, I'm not going for HRT so on some occasions, like winter maybe it will be reborn lol.... I feel more fluid than anything else at this point..... So.times I feel fem, sometimes manly.....


Thank you for the birthday wishes.  :icon_yikes:

I've never liked my facial hair and shaving is such a pain in the $*&  I started getting electrolysis in December. Soo happy   ;D to be getting rid of it. Luckily I'm naturally not very hairy so I don';t think it will take too long. It's finally reached the point where every time there is noticeably less hair.  :eusa_clap:

I'm going to a social event of cross dressors and trans people tonight. I'm super excited. It's just in the last month that I've really started getting out to meet similar people. It's super awesome. It's funny I never thought of it but as soon as i hit puberty I got a lot more reclusive. started going out and hanging out with friends a lot less and such. until recently I never thought of why that might be. it makes a lot more sense to me now.

I gotta get dressed and make myself pretty.  ;) this will only be the second time I've gone out in public fully done up as a women.. Amber and Tasha, what are you pronouns? he she him her etc.

take care,


Tasha I know some people that are more gender fluid which sounds like you might be... please correct me if I'm wrong. anyway they seem to prefer their he she based references. let us know so i can better refer to you.


I don't particularly care which pronouns are use for me.  I'm still a guy outwardly and both inwardly.  Eventually I may have to get used to female pronouns.  For now use whatever you feel most comfortable with when referring to me.

I hope you have a wonderful evening.  I look forward to the day when I start branching out in the real world as Amber.

I unfortunately have significant hair.  I'm considering getting laser for my beard because there is a deal on Groupon.  That should at least take care of a good bit of the darker hairs responsible for the beard shadow.  Electrolysis is out of my price range atm.


Pronouns are something I am still thinking about, so since I'm Tasha on here, she her should be fine... And I am jealous!!! I wanna go to an event!!!


Hi girls,  :icon_wave:
Thank you for the info. I intend to fully transition so I'm at that end of the spectrum. Which means I consider myself a women. I've always thought I wasn't like other guys but never really thought about what that meant. After I bought my first skirt I wanted the next thing. I bought a top and then breast forms and so on. It all felt so natural and has made me soo happy  ;D I can't believe it took me this long but now atleast I figured it out.

Yeah you can find some great deals on Groupon. I bought one for laser off groupon as well. Being not very hairy i didn't notice a huge reduction though. keep in mind that even with "best case" results laser will only give you hair reduction. I found a school that does electrolysis and it is dirt cheap even compared to their laser. Given I'm not very hairy and half my hair is blonde electrolysis is best for me. I did also buy a Tria. which is a home laser device. it has a small head so it's not the best for large areas. I got most of my body waxed so I've been using it on the areas with lots of hair. So far it seems to have reduced it, actually barely any of it has come back, but it'll take more time to be sure.

Aww tasha don't be jealous  :icon_ballbounce: I'm super comfy being femine in public and getting more so with every passing day. At this stage I'm also in a different position then you. being that I want to be a women all the time. If you decide to get out there you will. Friday was just a meet and greet sort of event so that was really nice. Last night was the main event Dinner and a show. a drag show that is. so there were drag kings and queens.  it was great so much fun. have you looked for any kind of social clubs or support groups in your area?

the one that held the events the last couple of nights was one that originally was social group for cross dressers. it has grown to include trans people too. they welcome anyone though. Just some ideas of course do what you're comfortable with.




I'm glad to hear that you know where you fit Sarah.  The idea of getting electrolysis through a school is brilliant.  I am blonde but my beard is red with a lot of dark hard mixed in.  I'm hoping laser will zap the darker ones so that I can cover it better.  The local club that hosted drag show in this area closed a few years ago.  My wife used to go there to watch the shows back before we got together because she had a number of friends who went there.  I'm sure we will figure out something to do eventually.  Im asking my dr tomorrow about finasteride to mitigate the slowly migrating hairline.  It's a good precursor step on my journey towards HRT.  Luckily, the receding is minor and not terribly noticeable with my long hair.  I love hearing about all the exciting things you are getting to do.


I have looked for events or meetings, but they all seem too far away.... I know I'll find one, it's just hard to be patient. I would problem feel more comfortable going out if I wasn't still holding onto the facial hair for my wife... She is just not ready to see it go yet.... But I will get to do stuff soon. I was hoping for a safe place to go out more gender fluid.... But that makes me feel like I'll draw extra attention if not in the right setting...


Yeah, I hear ya on finding a safe place to go. I guess I'm kind of lucky or maybe really lucky. there are a fair amount of resources for me to tap into where I live. I also met a local trans advocate on Friday. One of the things she said is Edmonton (where I live) is one of the safest cities in the world for trans people. I haven't really had any bad experiences so far but going out fully dressed as a woman is still pretty new. I was in a store on the weekend and this little kid about 5 or 6 was staring at me and his jaw dropped and I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head. LOL I didn't think I looked that obvious. Maybe it's cause I'm tall, 6 feet, and with my boots on more like 6'2" In any case it was great to get out. I'm learning how to put make up now and I got some wigs so I can really do myself up. I'm growing my hair out but it's still pretty short. I should have shoulder length hair by the end of the year. Maybe a little sooner my hair seems to grow like weeds. take care


Lol.... Ya, I am 6' as well and I have been venturing out in jeans with high heels once in a while, and I like my heels HIGH. So I end up 6'5" to 6'7".... Worst thing that's happened so far bugged my wife, not me.... A 16 year old girl would not stop staring. We were sitting down eating and she just couldn't stop looking. Like I said though, that didn't bother me at all.

Since I am more gender-fluid I still have my  beard, but I am looking for a wig and once I find get one I'll end up shaving and trying my luck passing for real. I do feel like a woman sometimes, but also have manly days as well. So I am probably going to be switching between and using an alternate identity so I don't have issues with people I know. The cool thing is, my wife asked if she can call me her wife when I am fem, which I love, but I will always be dad to my kids because that's who I am. I really can't wait to feel cute and pretty in public though. As a man I just don't feel good looking.... I want to be dressed up!!! Lol.... But I do k kw I'll get to soon enough. I think we were hoping for you to join our "general talk about personal journeys" thread.... Amberwaves and confusedlauren would like to hear from you over there....

Love talking to you!!! You really are an awesome person!!!!



Awww thanks I think you're pretty awesome too Love talking with you both...
   So I went for a couple of hours of electrolysis today so I'm down another couple hundred hairs. as a bonus when I got there the instructor saw me and said I have a Proposition for you.... Basically they are going to give me 4 hours of free electrolysis if I come in a couple of evenings so the girls in an evening class can get some experience working on the face. I was like "sign me up."

the school is in a mall so I went wondering around the mall afterwards looking for some cute shoes. Found a couple pairs. One of which is a pair of high heels, which, up till now I haven't really considered. But I gotta say I do like the heels even though I think I'm tall enough without them. I saw another pair of REALLY cute heels but they didn't have any in my size. the very nice young woman that was helping me is bringing in a pair from another store so i can try them on though.  ;D I was on a mission to find some cute red shoes that would be good for everyday use. I LOVE red!!! but to no avail. Apparently red isn't the "in" color right now.

I also just got a pair of hip enhancers. I LOVE them!!! i love having the curves. I love skirts and dresses so that will probably be what I wear most of the time.

Anyway, Tasha can you post me the link for the thread you're referring too?


Yes, finding red shoes is a chore!!! I have been searching for cute red heels forever, finally got a pair and they are a half size too small :(... Oh well, I can wear them for a little while at a time.

The electrolysis deal you got is cool!! I think I want to get a home light pulse technology for my arms and legs.... But I want my facial hair to be able to come back.

Here is the link, but it hasn't been posted to for a bit... I have been working 15 hr shifts and a few other girls kinda changed it a little, but I'm sure they will be back...,4.0.html....


oh the heels I got are red which is a big part of why i got them. When I tried them on I really liked them. I can't quite explain the feeling I got. but I liked it. Now just gotta break them in. they are a little tight on my toes.. damn fat feet. haha

thanks for the link I will check it out


I haven't branched into heels just yet.  I'm not sure im brave enough yet to wear red.  I just scheduled my first laser visit for Monday.  I am amazed they had an opening that soon.  Just bought the Groupon yesterday and called them today.  I don't know about the home laser thing.  I just bought a fancy new epilator and use that for all the body hair, but that is not really appropriate for my beard so trying the laser out for that.

I can't wait for another 5 weeks until I can put cute earrings in.  Funny thing is my wife has been eyeing earrings for me that she can't wear.  She has a metal allergy and can only wear 14 carat gold in her ears.


Lol... My wife is always buying me things cause she isn't willing to wear it or literally can't....  It's awesome because we have very similar taste!! I am definitely going to get my other ear pierced soon, I can't wait to wear a pair of cute earrings instead of A cute earring lol....

Post us a pic of your new heels!!! I wanna see!!!


I'm not sure how to post a pic. ???  ???  arrrg so I'm up to 3 pairs of heels, 2 pairs of heeled boots and a pair of sandals. I love them all. it was soo much easier when I wouldn't even consider anything with a heel. It eliminated sooo many shoes. now that's gone I'm going to have to reign in my shoe shopping urges!!  ;D Along with all the other shopping urges. I told you all I was a women!!! hahaha

When I decided to be female I got both my ears pierced. and then decided that wasn't enough so I got two more in my right ear. Which actually brought me to 9 piercings. up to that point I wasn't really interested in getting my ears done. so my other piercings are, tongue, nipples and double navel.