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I think what I really need is some "Girl Time"

Started by LizK, July 13, 2016, 05:18:52 PM

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Well here I am finally on a full transitional dose for HRT and feeling great. I am still as frustrated as ever with the progress of my transition (which I don't think has been overly slow ;))... the biggest issue for me recently is getting "girl time". Does everyone have this issue when they are just starting to transition? I have been having Electrolysis fairly consistently since January and still have a long way to go. What I am finding is that by the time I have a 4-5day prep plus a couple for my skin to recover I seem to be in this constant state where I am always just preparing or recovering. I can not stand to have any stubble when wearing makeup and if anything is going to trigger me it will be my beard stubble. HRT has begun to slow the growth which is fantastic but now it is taking an extra day without shaving in order to be properly prepped for Electrolysis.

I have another hour session today to clear my top and bottom lip (right side) but have not been able to shave for 5 days now. I have had 7 laser treatments and my dark stubble is just about entirely gone so what is left is white/translucent and would probably take 6 or 7 hours to finish the first clearance, at least at that point I could just about stop shaving all together, my white coverage is not particularly heavy and to give you an idea, the area that was cleared 7 days ago(top and bottom lip left side) has had no regrowth at all.

I am thinking about slowing the electrolysis down a bit and maybe going only in the first half of the month so I can at least attend support meeting towards the end of the month. I find myself constantly missing these support meetings because I am either prepping or recovering from Electrolysis and I really need to attend these for the sake of my own sanity.
So ladies how did you handle this, did you have this issue? If you didn't have this issue what did you do to avoid it... Maybe I should take a break, My Electrologist claims that after 6 months on HRT it is far easier to remove the beard? I have not heard of this but I guess with less T around it could make it a bit easier to remove the beard. However I have also been told that having Electrolysis on a regular basis  allows the current to weaken surrounding follicles therefore making it easier overall for removal...

I want this crap off my face but I also need to keep my sanity. So either a reduction to once a month although it has been suggested that more often and shorter sessions is a better way to go for your skin or stopping all together for awhile and give HRT a chance to do it's thing.

I don't know....but I can't keep missing these opportunities to get out and socialise with like minded souls...The further along this journey I go the more I learn about myself and what I need. What I need right now is "girl time"

Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


I was doing two hours a week, one on Wednesday and the other on Saturday. I started in boy mode, shaved twice a week after each appointment and by the time I was ready for full time the hair was under control to the point that it wasn't an issue. As my beard was brownish and slow growing with most of the heavy stuff gone, it wasn't a problem. It's also why when people ask me how to  start, the first two things on my list are therapy and electrolysis.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
If you are helped by this site, consider leaving a tip in the jar at the bottom of the page or become a subscriber


Oh, dear.  I think I know the feeling, but my path is rather different.

I'm far from full time, but I definitely need my girl time as frequently and as long as possible.  Due to circumstances beyond my control, I present male at home, but when I'm out of the house I often present female.  My time out of the house is largely on Tuesday through Friday.  So, with that in mind, I schedule electrolysis on Mondays whenever I can, in two hour blocks.    I stop shaving on Friday (so far, it'll be Thursday soon enough...), get poked and zapped for two hours on Monday morning to start the week out right, and then I'm out there until the hairy weekend at home.

So far the chin and lower lip are cleared, and we're working on the upper as well as advancing outward on the jawline and cheeks.  The sessions are a bit brutal, but then they're done and I can heal up til next week.
Earth my body, water my blood, air my breath and fire my spirit.

My personal transition path included medical changes.  The path others take may require no medical intervention, or different care.  We each find our own path. I provide these dates for the curious.
Electrolysis - Hours in The Chair: 238 (8.5 were preparing for GCS, five clearings); On estradiol patch June 2016; Full-time Oct 22, 2016; GCS Oct 20, 2017; FFS Aug 28, 2018; Stage 2 labiaplasty revision and BA Feb 26, 2019
Michelle's personal blog and biography


Quote from: Dena on July 13, 2016, 05:47:48 PM
I was doing two hours a week, one on Wednesday and the other on Saturday. I started in boy mode, shaved twice a week after each appointment and by the time I was ready for full time the hair was under control to the point that it wasn't an issue. As my beard was brownish and slow growing with most of the heavy stuff gone, it wasn't a problem. It's also why when people ask me how to  start, the first two things on my list are therapy and electrolysis.

Hi Dena

Thanks for sharing and I must say I started the Electrolysis as soon as I could after deciding to transition and I am way ahead on the therapy as well. My therapist is seeing me about every 2-3 months now as there is very little she believes she can offer me in the way of help.

I can get away with a nice close shave of the remaining white stubble and a bit of makeup...

Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


Quote from: Michelle_P on July 13, 2016, 08:25:12 PM
Oh, dear.  I think I know the feeling, but my path is rather different.

I'm far from full time, but I definitely need my girl time as frequently and as long as possible.  Due to circumstances beyond my control, I present male at home, but when I'm out of the house I often present female.  My time out of the house is largely on Tuesday through Friday.  So, with that in mind, I schedule electrolysis on Mondays whenever I can, in two hour blocks.    I stop shaving on Friday (so far, it'll be Thursday soon enough...), get poked and zapped for two hours on Monday morning to start the week out right, and then I'm out there until the hairy weekend at home.

So far the chin and lower lip are cleared, and we're working on the upper as well as advancing outward on the jawline and cheeks.  The sessions are a bit brutal, but then they're done and I can heal up til next week.

I am not full time yet either and won't be until I can get the majority of this electrolysis under control. I have real issues around the level of pain I have associated with it.I seem to have a severe pain reaction and can tolerate no more than about 15 minutes on each side of my face before calling it a day. Today I am having injections for my top lip and I am going to use some of this cream around the edges to see if I can't widen the area that she can work in. I am in wonder of those who can do this without any form of pain relief. My Top Left Lip is done, same for the bottom lip and the right side should be done today. After that the neck on the right side is very patchy leaving only the front and left side neck to finish and I would think that there is somewhere a around 4-5 hours in total to see first clearance complete.

Yes I think our problems are similar  :D

Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


I accumulated around 200 hours of electrolysis without pain medication and always an hour at a time. I had an agreement with the person treating me not to talk with me so I could concentrate. I would pick something to think about, close my eye and attempt to put my full concentration into the thought. Solving some kind of problem worked best and work provided me with a number of them. What ever you do, you have to ignore the pain and not concentrate on it. I felt the pain but it wasn't in front of my mind and when a needle hit bottom unexpected I would get distracted. It's a bit like not looking when you are getting an injection helps you feel it less because you aren't expecting it.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
If you are helped by this site, consider leaving a tip in the jar at the bottom of the page or become a subscriber


I need to think back a bit, but yes I do remember how things felt at that stage. You have my sympathies. But it does eventually get to a point where it's just 'maintenance'.
I started with facial (and torso) hair removal a good couple of years before I transitioned. But I chose the IPL route rather than electro. That meant an afternoon session once every 6 weeks. So prepping for that wasn't too much of an ordeal. After a few years I felt my facial hair was under control enough for me to be able to transition. I really planned things out, years in advance (unusual for me). I even gave my company almost a year's notice of what I was intending on doing, and they worked with me to make sure it all went well. The HR dept organised two large meeting sessions (I wasn't invited to those, but I heard about it from others), where all the people in my department (it's a big company) were told about my impending transition, and given a crash course on transgender people and what it's all about. Anyway, I digress.
I still went to my 6 weekly IPL sessions after I transitioned, but it was much harder to grow the hairs needed once full time. So I generally stopped shaving on Thurs, and by Sat I just stayed in the house as much as possible, until the IPL session on Monday. It certainly made me feel a bit inhuman, and restricted, and very "not girly", but what else can you do?
Once All the dark hair had been zapped by the IPL, I was left with all the hairs which didn't have enough colour in them to be affected by IPL. These hairs were much easier to live with, and so I then started electrolysis. I had moved to a different company by then, to one that had a company health spa for employees, based in the same building where I worked. They had a lady there who did electrolysis, so once a week I used to let a small area of my facial hair grow, and she'd treat just that area. Sure I didn't feel great on those days, but I was still amazed at how well I seemed to pass with a small patch of lightly-coloured hair on my face!
It was all very difficult, and the whole ordeal lasted 10 years. I am cursed with very virulent hair growth on my face, and even now, 13 yrs post-op, and 16 yrs on hrt, and 10 yrs of hair removal under my belt, I still get new strong stubbly facial hair growth. These days I just spend 1 hr each morning plucking it out as part of my morning routine.
Hopefully you won't have this.
It's a tough rite of passage for sure, so I really understand it when you crave some girly time where you are just coming from or prepping for, another bout of hair removal.


I know how you feel Elizabeth! I am full time and still working of facial hair removal. I started as early as I could but my transition to full time was very rapid so I have to deal with the prep periods for my two times a week sessions. I feel like I am locked away during the five days needed to be ready for them. This week my electrolysis is on hold as my tech is on holidays. I actually feel I can get out and about!

As for pain, I am still using Emla cream. This works to some extent except on my upper lip. I still get bounced off thew table with some of the zaps, especially in the middle under the nose. I try to us my mantras to take my mind elsewhere and to calm my mind (Mantra of Compassion).


Dena...I know what you mean abouit getting into the zone...I have got Valium to use if I need it. A small dose abaout 30 minutes before helps to keep my anxiety under control and too relax during the treatments. If I choose to use it I find I am able to tolerate things much better. If I am able to get my head to the right space I can almost push out what is happening to me. I can't imagine having the top lip hairs done without any numbing...she hit a couple yesterday where the lidocaine injection didn't reach and was peeling me off the ceiling. But I also discovered it is about keeping communication going and letting her know when it is getting too painful to tolerate...I had a much more comfortable session yesterday and she moaned and grumbled about the numbed area being smaller than last time but as far as I can see she has pretty much cleared the top lip with the exception of a few right up under my nose, I will get her to specifically target these a bit later. But apart from these few she covered easily as large area as last session. One more careful session going over my top/bottom lip and that should be completely clear...When I am really numb and not reacting to her work she moves at an astonishing speed compared to my last Electrologist

Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


Quote from: islandgirl on July 14, 2016, 10:47:07 AM
I know how you feel Elizabeth! I am full time and still working of facial hair removal. I started as early as I could but my transition to full time was very rapid so I have to deal with the prep periods for my two times a week sessions. I feel like I am locked away during the five days needed to be ready for them. This week my electrolysis is on hold as my tech is on holidays. I actually feel I can get out and about!

As for pain, I am still using Emla cream. This works to some extent except on my upper lip. I still get bounced off thew table with some of the zaps, especially in the middle under the nose. I try to us my mantras to take my mind elsewhere and to calm my mind (Mantra of Compassion).

I started Laser on my face a week after my Decision to Transition. I have now had 8 treatments and am now at the point where we will be targeting specific area's that are difficult to get the laser into or any new growth. There has been a little but over all, the Majority is long gone and another 2-3 treatments and I would say it will then be the odd one popping up here and there. While we were talking yesterday I mentioned that I wanted her to have a look at my facial skin as thought it needed some work...long story short she said it would be better to finish the Electrolysis before starting this...I of course pulled a face and groaned...saying it will go on the "never ever plan" and she said won't take long to finish this little bit of Electrolysis you need. I said to her yeah right! But she was serious, She seemed to think "another 4 or 5 hours and we will have this first growth taken care of."

There is little to no regrowth on any area of my face...I have a patch that I remember was done the very first Electrolysis back in January and it remains very bald after 7 months. I don't know why but once an area is cleared I get very little if any regrowth in that area...but I am wondering if the new growth is coming back, black in color and getting zapped by the laser? Don't know but I can't imagine I am unique when it comes to regrowth it just appears that I don't have much if any....After giving that some thought I can only remember seeing new dark maybe the majority of any regrowth is dark...hmmm will have to look at that a bit that would be great if it was the case.

My Electrologist suggested I take a break from treatment after yesterdays session and let things heal properly . We can then work out how we do this last bit I have left. I will continue to get my chest and face lasered but no more Electrolysis for at least 8-10 weeks. I got my Girl Time... :icon_dance::icon_dance: Yahoo....a few days to let my current mess heal so by early next week I should be feeling much better.  :icon_geekdance:

My Transition has always seemed to drag on before anything happens...but the truth of it is, that It hasn't dragged at all. I decided to Transition in September last year and I am already out to everyone apart from extended family, I am able to present myself as Elizabeth when and as I choose to without restriction of any kind. I am starting to venture out in public as the opportunity arises but am still quite shy however I am sure that will change with time and practice. I present myself daily as Androgynous leaning towards fem. I could go full time at any point, I do not have to worry about a job situation and everyone I know and care about here in my hometown I have come out too.
So this journey seems to have flowed along and taken on its own pace. If anything I probably need to slow down and smell a few flowers along the way..

Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019

Anne Blake

I can really relate to your situations, significant pain and much less girl time is really scary. Facial hair has been quite a challenge for me since Anne was born a year and a half ago. Learning so many of the details of creating the image of my new identity was fun but covering the beard shadow was disheartening even though most of it was gray. About a year ago I started seven or eight months of laser treatment. It seemed to do well and all of the dark hair disappeared but they have started coming back with many friends recently. My hopes were very high when I started electrolysis in early spring, ignorance of the process was so sweet! I really enjoyed spending time with my technician, she was transgender and was the first trans gal that I got a chance to spend much time with that offered good real life experiences to help me learn so many things from. But there were two primary problems. First, as you so eloquently brought up, between the growing the hair and recovering from the treatment, there was no Anne time. The idea of no Anne time for three to four years was more than I could handle. The second issue was the pain. I could sit through up to an hour and a half but it was torture. I tried a two hour session and left in tears. I only made it through ~8 hours over a couple of months when I realized that this was the first thing in my life that I could not endure through. And she told me that it would take 300 hours over 3 to 4 years to complete the process. The idea of very little Anne time and years of significant pain made me wonder how I could handle continuing with any form of transition. Then I heard of electrolysis in Lewisville Texas. I had my first mega session 5 weeks ago, 7.5 hours with 2 technicians and lidocaine injections. The injections stung a bit but there was no other pain and I walked out with a totally cleared face. Three days for the most of the swelling to go down and no hair on my face for 2 weeks. They tell me that it will require a total of ~90 hours over 8 to 10 sessions with 6 to 8 weeks between sessions to finish the process. The total is considerably fewer hours and dollars with way, way less pain. The biggest downside is the time to travel to Texas (I live in Colorado). The three biggest upsides are lower dollars, NO PAIN and a lot more Anne time. Plus if all goes as hoped, done in a year. I have one session down and 3 more scheduled between now and December. All in all, my hopes are very high about finding a solution that I think that I can handle. Anne


Hi Anne

Funny you should post to this thread. I am about to have another round and have booked 2 hours over 4 weeks and will see how that goes. I have been playing around with my special compounded anesthetic ointment and I think I can finally get it to work. If it works as well as it has in the trials, electrolysis should be much less painful. If it works as well as I think it will then I will see if we can't get the formula out there for others to have compounded...not even sure if that can be done. First of all Thursday is the "real world test" and by 10:30 Thursday I will know if I have kicked a goal or not!! If not then I am back to the drawing board...I can't find anyone here in Adelaide but I can travel to Sydney which I may do yet. I am able to get a full clearance with injected anesthetic assistance but that will require multiple hours for completion which is not great on the skin is my understanding. But to be quite honest I will still consider it even if the recovery is a bit longer. I need to get this done and out of my life.

Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019

Anne Blake

Hello Liz,

It has been fun piecing together an image of you as displayed in your responses in so many topics. I am impressed at the progress you are making, particularly in a region of the world where resources and support are more difficult to come by. This shows a lot of creativeness and perseverance, as demonstrated by working on your own numbing cream. You and several other women on this site provide proof and evidence that there is not only survival possible but joyful expression of life ahead. Thank you for continuing to share both your struggles as well as joys with us. I look forward to future installments of your story

Now back to the topic at hand I have heard of a few different marathon electrolysis centers scattered about, Texas, Detroit, France, and I would expect NY to have some options. My previous electrologist would have liked to do some marathon sessions on my face but had no medical support for numbing. I contacted my dentist to ask about her numbing me with lidocaine but the cost of her numbing me was twice the electrolysis cost and would only last 2 to 4 hours. This did not offer any improvement, only greater cost. I also realized that the nature of dental injections are way different than what I experienced in Texas and had I used my dentist for the numbing, it would not have helped. For me, the trips to Texas, are enjoyable road trips for my wife and I to get out of town for a few days and work well into my retired lifestyle. I really hope that you find success with your magic numbing cream. If it works well, you will not only get your face cleared of hair but with good marketing, make a large bucket of money while helping the rest of us achieve a less painful goal.



Hi Anne if my stumble through Transition helps someone else along the way the I am all for sharing. If I can get this ointment working I will happily share it with everyone because the basis for it was shared to me. I have taken it a little further trying various things to get it to stay together. I do know that when the active ingredients are all working together, then the reduction in pain that I experience is 50%+ less. The biggest problem is keeping in intact and on your face. Because it such a "heavy" ointment once you cover it and it warms up it turns to liquid therefore not giving consistent coverage. The result being you may have covered 3sq cm but only 20% got proper coverage and therefore proper Anesthetic...all fun and games 

Keep tuned for an update on Thursday

Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019