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isn't evolution in it self proof of a higher consciousness

Started by stephaniec, June 09, 2016, 01:55:05 PM

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I forget what group did it , but they got a picture of a hydrogen atom and it sure looks the same as a rain drop in a puddle. I'd pull it up on my computer , but I thought buying a cheap computer was better to save money which it was but it's way too basic and doesn't allow me to upload photos.

Colleen M

There's no question that's a hydrogen atom.   Circles in a puddle are still circles in a puddle, though. 

When in doubt, ignore the moral judgments of anybody who engages in cannibalism.


nature whispering in your ear. Like the stars in the night sky just a little too much of a coincidence for me . All I can say my little grasshopper is that nature is speaking we must be still and listen.

Colleen M

We're in a galaxy full of stars.  How is it noteworthy that we can see some of them?  A few coincidences, most of them imagined, does not suggest the universe cares about some uppity apes with delusions of grandeur. 

What we must do is refuse to accept facile stories because they are comfortable.  Instead, we can't rest until we understand the mechanics of our universe.  We're fast approaching a singularity where our reach exceeds our grasp on many levels.  Bronze age myths don't offer anything but danger. 
When in doubt, ignore the moral judgments of anybody who engages in cannibalism.

Colleen M

To be specific on danger, as the mullahs move toward nuclear weaponry and the civilized world starts experimenting with AI, and worse, AI in the kill decision chain, these are the kind of existential threats where a false sense of security from the delusion that we're special and that we matter is likely to end life as we know it.  It really does not serve us well to lose sight of how fragile our mere existence is. 
When in doubt, ignore the moral judgments of anybody who engages in cannibalism.


billions upon billions (trillions)of stars that just happen to look like the nucleus of all atoms and shine the same way atoms do. The yin yang of the universe that Taoism and Zen spoke of long before scientific method. The duality of nature. Protons and electrons , the speed of light in contrast to the black void of space which is at infinite rest according to Newton and it's opposite light which is the fastest cowgirl around according to Einstein .Nature is alive and singing a beautiful song.We need to stop and listen.

Colleen M

Electrons dont have satellites or decaying orbits, neutrons and protons don't supernova or turn into quasars.  Etc.  Imagined coincidences don't make us special. 
When in doubt, ignore the moral judgments of anybody who engages in cannibalism.


Quote from: stephaniec on June 09, 2016, 11:30:05 PM
Nature is alive and singing a beautiful song.We need to stop and listen.

You are creating value based on observable similarities from the micro to the macro. The fact that we are a species that can do that is incredible, really. No other phenomenon like the human mind has ever been discovered to have such a peculiar ability for pattern recognition. And even though you are looking for patterns where none exist, you are holding steady such a belief as to defy logic. In my mind, that's what's beautiful here - the human mind is like a paradox, designed to seek meaning in our meaningless existence. But what you haven't pointed to as beautiful to you is different from literally every person's perspective. Even those who may share the same conceptual ideas as you come about it from different ways. We are all individuals making our own conscious actions. Nature is the same, it is individualistic and converges only by accident. Nature does not speak to us, we speak for it.


your right I believe the structure of the atom is beautiful as is empty space which by any logic is all there is beyond the bounds of any infinite universe which can be comprehended by the human mind.  Why wouldn't nature express itself in the most simplest of forms as the rain drop which is also the most important element to life or the basic structure of the universe which is the atom. Where do you think the ancients came up with the idea of the atom, the Greek's or some philosopher or scientist from ancient Mesopotamia . They got if from looking at nature. The beauty in the night sky in ancient Greece of the Milky Way is not only in my perception , but anyone from the most humble to the most royal can see natures beauty. Why not nature whispering to the most common among us it's beauty.The 5th dimension that mathematicians struggle to explain is so easily seen by the minds eye when just by contemplating what is beyond the infinite universe that void you perceive the unexplainable which is the other dimension. You can touch it with your mind , but you really can't see it. Nature is showing us the way to understand itself. I'm just saying listen to the whisper of nature, the infinite consciousness of the universe from whence we come forth and will return to. This is not my private beauty .This is for all to share. Why wouldn't nature allow itself to be shown in the most humble of ways for all to see whether through the Buddha or by the most common and important events of nature. The concept of the void beyond the Universe is easy to see in nature just by viewing the sun and the moon. why do you think all the planets  and the suns are round. They are formed in the absence of any force from one direction that would distort the spherical shape. The Void of Buddha is the force which is no force. I just say listen to nature because it's singing.


actually one of the most beautiful concepts in nature that is wide open to view or understand by anyone is the sphere that nature shows us of the formation of the suns and the planets.this to me is beautiful. The absolute Void which is nothing forces the spheres.

Colleen M

Would now be a good time to mention that the Earth is not a perfect sphere?
When in doubt, ignore the moral judgments of anybody who engages in cannibalism.

Cindi Jones


I love the idea of listening to nature. I do it all the time where I live for I have no human activity nearby. There is a lot going on out there.

As for the simplicity of the atom compared to orbiting spheres being divine? It's just physics. You can simulate what happens every time you flush a toilet and see gravity in play. Of course the forces inside the atom are different but they too can be easily described with somewhat simplistic mathematics which we understand. We still don't understand everything at that level. There is loads to learn. But if we simply ascribed these things to the divine, our work would be done. We'd have no need to look further. This is a dangerous concept in scientific endeavor. That's what happened in the dark ages. As in all scientific pursuits, we need this curiosity. If we hadn't allowed unadulterated science to grow unfettered, we wouldn't have cell phones, computers, modern medicine, whatever. You are never more than a few inches from something designed by a godless atheist. ;)
Author of Squirrel Cage


Quote from: Colleen M on June 10, 2016, 10:37:29 AM
Would now be a good time to mention that the Earth is not a perfect sphere?
there are other forces at work that distort the sphere such as gravity of the sun and moonand orbiting planets when the sun and planets form they are spheres which is explained by the all encompising void of the infinite The sun is also affected by the push and pull of gravity , but that does not negate the fact that all suns are spheres


Quote from: Cindi Jones on June 10, 2016, 12:52:41 PM

I love the idea of listening to nature. I do it all the time where I live for I have no human activity nearby. There is a lot going on out there.

As for the simplicity of the atom compared to orbiting spheres being divine? It's just physics. You can simulate what happens every time you flush a toilet and see gravity in play. Of course the forces inside the atom are different but they too can be easily described with somewhat simplistic mathematics which we understand. We still don't understand everything at that level. There is loads to learn. But if we simply ascribed these things to the divine, our work would be done. We'd have no need to look further. This is a dangerous concept in scientific endeavor. That's what happened in the dark ages. As in all scientific pursuits, we need this curiosity. If we hadn't allowed unadulterated science to grow unfettered, we wouldn't have cell phones, computers, modern medicine, whatever. You are never more than a few inches from something designed by a godless atheist. ;)
it's not a problem my faith is of the divine  and that of God. You have other beliefs which are just as valid as mine.


I guess I need to put up a disclaimer. These are my beliefs and everyone has their own beliefs which are as valid as anyone else's. I have like I have always said I have absolutely no intent to harm  , all I'm doing is searching for knowledge from all sources no more no less. If my views which are only my opinion, no more no less , offend anyone I'm sorry.

Cindi Jones

Quote from: stephaniec on June 10, 2016, 01:29:34 PM
it's not a problem my faith is of the divine  and that of God. You have other beliefs which are just as valid as mine.

Oh please don't mistake my comments as an attack on your faith. To me, your faith is inviolate. As for mine? I don't have any beliefs to describe our world. I'm curious. ;)

I hope you have not perceived my remarks as hostile. They are not intended to be so. I just enjoy a lively discussion. I haven't had so much fun here in a long time. It gets me thinking and reasoning and I love it. It is a wonderful departure from other topics we usually discuss.

So lets agree on the loveliness and wonder of nature. It is awe inspiring to each of us in different ways. Now let's get out and protect it!
Author of Squirrel Cage




Sometimes I see living animals and think there is no way there is not some kind of intelligent design involved, almost as if evolution itself is like some intelligence. Like it's a force that is propelling us somewhere..

Would love some insight on this,  I'm open minded.


Quote from: stephaniec on June 09, 2016, 05:24:59 PM
the thing is that consciousness went from the amoeba to Einstein. Why did this happen , why do we need that level of conscious thought, there is a definite progression from atoms bouncing around and in some sense being aware of where the electron is to an Einstein who's only purpose in a sense is to advance human knowledge towards greater consciousness , why , you can't put a plate of food on the table which was a creation of more advanced consciousness with the knowledge of the fundamental nature of the atom. Whats the point if it not to evolve and progress to towards an even greater consciousness which in turn the ultimate consciousness would be God.

You're asking why the world doesn't just contain the simplest possible forms of life, viruses, bacteria, mold etc.

Good question. But science can answer it.

Genes are the code required to create another organism. That code is merely chemical and change to that sequence of genes is entirely possible either through the sexual interaction of two simple organisms, random mutation/error during copying, or external natural influence such as radiation. The fact genes can experience mutation is not only what has given rise to the vast diversity of shapes and forms of life, but also the more mutation and shuffling of genes there is the better that life's chance of survival in a changeable environment. Complexity isn't just a phenomenon, it's a statistical inevitability when evolution and reproduction is the only means by which life manages to continue to cling to this pretty little space rock.

There's no purpose to complexity beyond the fact that it works currently in this environment, and anything that works is good from life's perspective, whether it is intelligent or whether it is mindless but prolific. If it didn't work, it would be dead, like the dinosaurs. If something happened tomorrow to change the climate such that it could no longer sustain complex organisms like us, life would once more reset to the lowest and most hardy form, like bacteria. We are not "safe" just because we are complex, and our genetic pattern is not assured of survival. But we have developed larger and larger brains over time because it benefited us in some way and helped us survive. Language for example, is something even many animals have - specific noises for specific meanings, warnings and ID calls. Language requires a certain sized brain to process. The more language benefits a species - and it does - the more the successful survivors use it, and those most successful are going to have been the ones with brains big enough to handle using it, and the more they are going to pass on the genes for larger and larger brain size over time, the more complex their language can become, the more knowledge they can accumulate and pass on with it and empower their species. In our case, we NEED our brains for survival - we've got to the stage where we aren't adaptable or fecund enough without the survival advantage it gives us. If we all reduced tomorrow to the mental capacity of bugs, our species wouldn't last a month because our genetic pattern long ago hedged all its bets on a big brain.

These concepts don't have to be at odds with the idea of god. For all I know god programmed the atomic numbers that enabled atoms, that enables molecules, that enabled proteins and DNA that enabled life to form itself out of the building blocks by slow, relentless selection. God apparently doesn't mind evolution because it's operating every moment of every day and observable in real time and human lifetime. But that also means - if god exists - that the lower and less intelligent forms of life are as essential and valuable as the likes of us, and also that god has watched whole human civilizations vanish from existence for want of a survival mechanism. If this is some selection process by which forms rise to intelligence to be closer to god, god certainly made sure that even the highest still depends absolutely upon the lowest, and that forms of life exist that do nothing but feed upon or parasitize others. If this is his method it is quite a random, painful and unforgiving one, isn't it.
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."