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Started by Del, June 15, 2016, 10:30:54 PM

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To start with I am not sure if this fits in this section so please move it if it doesn't.

I know we have people here from all around the world. I am hoping that someone can answer this question.

Are videos and such on Facebook true about terrorist attacks in France, Germany, Australia, Pakistan, and other places true?

I don't tend to believe everything I read but after Orlando Florida and the weekend killings in Chicago I wonder. Some of you live in these places so you can give a first hand report as to if these things have escalated as bad as they appear.

I know that I personally feel the time has come to quit relying on police to help. From what I see they stand down when told and innocent people are maimed or killed. I see where government is out of control and backing evil many times.

In a sense this places all Americans on an even playing field now. Christians as well as people straight, gay, transgender, cisgender and all others appear to be killed by these people. It seems that radical Islamic terrorists have infiltrated every nation and are attacking when they have enough people to do so.

I could be wrong about all or part of this. If so please tell me what you see in other countries. I am honestly curious. But as for my family, I do teach them to shoot and carry weapons and should they or I be attacked the laws of the land go out the window as we appear to be at war from what I see. We will not dial 911 but handle things our self. Some may find that offensive but from what I see people are dying while the police and government ignore it.

I do not want to be so gullible I believe anything but also not so overly concerned I am counted paranoid. I sort of feel "bring it on" with these people. I still hold my military belief in protecting family and friends from all enemies of the Constitution both foreign and domestic. That oath has no expiration date.

Any honest help would be appreciated.

May God bless.



I live in Chicago and the news about violence is very accurate.


Thanks Stephanie.
I truly appreciate the confirmation.
May God bless.


I have friends in Germany and throughout Scandinavia. The situations there are as they have been presented in everything I've seen online. I don't think any countries have been fabricating videos for the sake of propaganda or anything else, if that's what was implied.

I'm a former police officer. I know how long it takes for someone to arrive on scene to assist in any kind of emergency. I agree with you wholeheartedly, and would argue that in many parts of our country, there has never been a time that it would be appropriate to wait for a police officer or sheriff to assist you if you are about to become a victim of a violent crime. You've got to run, hide, or fight back to the best of your ability.

I encourage everyone I know to place a call to their local departments and inquire about police response times at various times of day - what's the average response time in the morning, at lunch, at dinner, at night? What about during shift change? In many places, officers coming on and off shift means that you'd have to wait an additional 10 minutes or more to get a response. I can't even imagine what it's like for folks living in rural areas of the country with one access road, one deputy, and double digit (or more) miles in between any two points. You have to have a completely different mindset to live in those places.

The one thing we may differ on (and I'm not sure - we may agree) is that this shouldn't just be in response to potential terrorist threats. I believe 100% that folks should know what they would do in any violent, emergency situation, train themselves to do those things reflexively, and commit to performing those actions if they ever find themselves in that position. It could be a terrorist attack or mass shooting, workplace violence, home invasion, robbery - anything.

I don't think it's paranoid to be situationally aware and to have the skills and means to ensure your survival. It's common sense.
T: 12/5/2014 | Top: 4/21/2015 | Hysto: 2/6/2016 | Meta: 3/21/2017

I don't come here anymore, so if you need to get in touch send an email: maxdoeswork AT


Thank you for your answer. I appreciate it greatly.
Being a hick in the country I am more concerned about home invasion by reason of opportunity since it takes county police longer to answer. I have had that attempted twice but they ran when I came out with a gun. I think when they see farms in the county between two cities they think it's easy pickins. They are wrong in some cases. I'm thankful for that.

The second issue is Obama's constant attempts to disarm the citizens while terrorists are killing people. From what I see he is going to us the UN to do so and UN vehicles and armored personnel carriers have been seen here in the States in various places. Police tend to stand down and in many cases state and county police ignore the Constitution in favor of federal law. Many of the police officers have not read the Constitution and realize the federal government is limited to 10 square mile and the county sheriff has more power in his county than FBI, BLM, DEA, ATF and other federal agencies. My concern is Obama sending the UN to various places to grab guns which would be deadly with terrorists killing people.

I don't want to cause this to drift but  those are my concerns. The patriots, hicks and hillbillies have no intention of giving up their guns. Too many in government who are trying to abolish or override the 2nd amendment are pushing various ways to take weapons. Sadly it appears Obama is also attempting to set the stage to declare martial law so he doesn't have to leave office. I don't want to get into politics but Hillary is pro ISIS because of donations and sadly ISIS is attacking the LGBT community along with the rest of us. These people are coming into our country with the Mexican immigrants and showing up at terrorist murders.

This is what I have learned through videos and articles and need to know if these things are true. The rioting in Germany, France and such where unarmed people must rely on police and innocent people are being slaughtered.

Once again, thank you very much for your input.


Really? Marital law so he doesn't have to leave office? Which media are you reading? Are these conspiracy blogs etc? Because i will personally come paint your home or apartment, the color of your choice,  at my expense if that happens, assuming we can slip that in between the military curfew and firearms confiscation times.

Live by the sword die by the sword. How about interjecting more peace into the world, rather than fear. How about making instruments of mass death less available, not more. Many studies have been done on this - guns make none of us safer by the numbers. It is a false sense of security. I'm a firearm owner myself, they are essentially worthless in my opinion, as instruments of safety.

Hillary is pro Isis? Again what media - can you cite some sources?

Again we have political statements being made in forum that is not supposed to have any non-transgender politics on it. I'm a bit flabbergasted. (that is likely the only time this year i will use that term)



Thank you for the input.
That's why I have been asking.
I already stated in the opening what and where I saw these things and that is why I am enquiring.
I am looking for other news from other sources from around the world.
Have a blessed day.


The UN marked vehicles you may have seen in various places in the US are in fact US Army who are returning from or soon going on a UN mission.  There is not some secret conspiracy to invade the USA with foreign troops in UN vehicles.  While there is a movement to enact some new firearms restrictions there is not a movement anywhere by anybody to try and disarm the populace.  These both are paranoid conspiracy theories propagated by Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, the Republican Party, and others to keep their base in a constant state of fear and agitation.   

Sapere Aude
Love is not obedience, conformity, or submission. It is a counterfeit love that is contingent upon authority, punishment, or reward. True love is respect and admiration, compassion and kindness, freely given by a healthy, unafraid human being....  - Dan Barker

U.S. Army Retired


Thank you for the input.
As I say, I am seeking out facts as I do not wish to be one who jumps to conclusions.
Have a blessed day.


A few years ago I was into believing the black helicopter stuff.  One day someone posted a picture as proof of the impending UN invasion.  It was a bunch of UN marked armored vehicles on a train in Louisiana.

I looked closely at the pictures and found the bumper numbers were from the US 4th Infantry Division.  They had just returned from Bosnia and their vehicles were moving from the port of debarkation back to Ft. Carson.

That was the day I stopped believing any of the Internet conspiracies.

Sapere Aude
Love is not obedience, conformity, or submission. It is a counterfeit love that is contingent upon authority, punishment, or reward. True love is respect and admiration, compassion and kindness, freely given by a healthy, unafraid human being....  - Dan Barker

U.S. Army Retired

Roses and Songs

   The constitution was written a long time ago by rich slave owners in order to protect themselves and their domains against the hungry and the poor because back then everyone was armed, your survival depended on it. Societies evolve, constitutions should too and here in Canada for example, we don't have more violent crime, we have less and we're just fine. When is the last time you heard that someone effectively protected his family from armed vilains using firearms and anyway, in such a case do you think you would be permitted to go to your locked storage, retrieve your guns, load them, make sure everyone's safe and then, take care of the threat? What if it's the middle of the night, your neighbor needs some milk and you don't recognize him...

   And then, the government. For this one you people leave me speechless. If they want you, they will get you, period. With the billions the military spends every year do you think you have a chance? Really? What about Waco, and Ruby Ridge, they have drones, they can see through walls! I'm sorry, only one word applies here, ridiculous.

   And then terrorism, when is the last time the US was invaded and carpet bombed by another country? As long you keep killing people all over the world, some will want to kill you.

   Just last year if there was a shooting or a bomb: it's muslims and they hate us. Now, the media don't even wait to hear from law enforcement, it's probably the religious right and they hate the LGBT because controversy, blood and gore sell newspapers. They have an agenda, they are not telling the truth and you may have to wait months before you find out.

   Finaly, I am an apatheist so it is not important for me whether there is a God or if you're a believer or not. For me you are not a Christian, you are a human being with christian beliefs so I find extremely offensive to see religious citations and imagery on a site dedicated specificaly to trans realities. Just like I would find offensive to see a rainbow flag in a churh. Thank you.


....biting my tongue...

Quote from: Roses and Songs on June 17, 2016, 05:41:46 AM
   The constitution was written a long time ago by rich slave owners in order to protect themselves and their domains against the hungry and the poor because back then everyone was armed, your survival depended on it. Societies evolve, constitutions should too and here in Canada for example, we don't have more violent crime, we have less and we're just fine. When is the last time you heard that someone effectively protected his family from armed vilains using firearms and anyway, in such a case do you think you would be permitted to go to your locked storage, retrieve your guns, load them, make sure everyone's safe and then, take care of the threat? What if it's the middle of the night, your neighbor needs some milk and you don't recognize him...

   And then, the government. For this one you people leave me speechless. If they want you, they will get you, period. With the billions the military spends every year do you think you have a chance? Really? What about Waco, and Ruby Ridge, they have drones, they can see through walls! I'm sorry, only one word applies here, ridiculous.

   And then terrorism, when is the last time the US was invaded and carpet bombed by another country? As long you keep killing people all over the world, some will want to kill you.

   Just last year if there was a shooting or a bomb: it's muslims and they hate us. Now, the media don't even wait to hear from law enforcement, it's probably the religious right and they hate the LGBT because controversy, blood and gore sell newspapers. They have an agenda, they are not telling the truth and you may have to wait months before you find out.

   Finaly, I am an apatheist so it is not important for me whether there is a God or if you're a believer or not. For me you are not a Christian, you are a human being with christian beliefs so I find extremely offensive to see religious citations and imagery on a site dedicated specificaly to trans realities. Just like I would find offensive to see a rainbow flag in a churh. Thank you.

Roses and Songs

Quote from: Marlee on June 17, 2016, 06:28:37 AM
....biting my tongue...

   Hello Marlee being wrong for me is just a good reason to celebrate, it means I have learned something new on that day so I would really like to know what you have to say, we don't have to agree to respect each other's opinion. Cheers.


Basically, the reason for posting the original question was to see if people worldwide would verify videos of terrorists rioting in Germany and France and other places against police. The ones where they have been raping boys, girls and women as well. People in those countries would know. Basically to go beyond possibly believing an altered picture or video.

As for the rest, I have my views on what will happen should they try that here but it's not what I'm trying to find out or share. If people in Florida are on this site they could verify the Orlando incident as being real or government fabricated from being a witness.

Should these things be true my concern is not whether or not I could stand off opposition but that I will not allow it to happen to my family while I am alive. I am prepared to die if a terrorist or group try such against my family. That's just loving them enough to make a sacrifice. It would be just like being willing to risk my life if I saw a terrorist attempt to kill any straight, gay, transgender or cisgender person here.

I am thankful for everyone's input. We all have opinions of course as to whether or not these things are true or fabricated or what we would or should do in such case. I hope nobody gets heated over that as that was not my intention.

The main thing I was after is first hand knowledge by way of observation. Have any citizens seen these things happen?

May God bless.


I think that the videos you see are edited to reflect the opinion of the news company.

Australia is by no means intact from terrorist attack but we look on USA and Europe news as heavily edited.

As for armed response, our Police are armed and we have the usual SWAT whatever but we banned high power guns to the public following the Port Arthur slaughter.

No miss killings and very few fire arm deaths, the ones that are are the bike nutters who tend to shoot each other anyway.

I realise the discussion is futile. The USA will not give up arms and that is fine.

You live how you wish to live.



Thank you for your input.
That is the kind of answer I was seeking.
Have a good day kiddo.

Roses and Songs

Quote from: Del on June 17, 2016, 07:33:08 AM
Basically, the reason for posting the original question was to see if people worldwide would verify videos of terrorists rioting in Germany and France and other places against police. The ones where they have been raping boys, girls and women as well. People in those countries would know. Basically to go beyond possibly believing an altered picture or video.

As for the rest, I have my views on what will happen should they try that here but it's not what I'm trying to find out or share. If people in Florida are on this site they could verify the Orlando incident as being real or government fabricated from being a witness.

Should these things be true my concern is not whether or not I could stand off opposition but that I will not allow it to happen to my family while I am alive. I am prepared to die if a terrorist or group try such against my family. That's just loving them enough to make a sacrifice. It would be just like being willing to risk my life if I saw a terrorist attempt to kill any straight, gay, transgender or cisgender person here.

I am thankful for everyone's input. We all have opinions of course as to whether or not these things are true or fabricated or what we would or should do in such case. I hope nobody gets heated over that as that was not my intention.

The main thing I was after is first hand knowledge by way of observation. Have any citizens seen these things happen?

May God bless.

   I'm sorry minister, a religious man, going on a LGBT site to ask about international terrorism? You have access to the same database than us and if you are looking for direct witnesses or home movies of events that happened in Europe, why come here? I do not understand your motivations minister but this sounds so strange, there must be something behind it all, sorry. And you don't seem to understand where it is proper and where it is a lack of respect to display religious material so I will ask the moderators to do something about this, like I told you I have nothing against your beliefs but not in my face please.


Quote from: Roses and Songs on June 17, 2016, 05:41:46 AM
   When is the last time you heard that someone effectively protected his family from armed vilains using firearms and anyway, in such a case do you think you would be permitted to go to your locked storage, retrieve your guns, load them, make sure everyone's safe and then, take care of the threat? What if it's the middle of the night, your neighbor needs some milk and you don't recognize him...
Effective self defense happens often enough.  But someone shooting their family member in the dark or a child playing with a gun and shooting someone happen just as frequently.

Sapere Aude
Love is not obedience, conformity, or submission. It is a counterfeit love that is contingent upon authority, punishment, or reward. True love is respect and admiration, compassion and kindness, freely given by a healthy, unafraid human being....  - Dan Barker

U.S. Army Retired


My direct experience having been involved as a first person witness to a war crime is not to trust anything that Fox News reports about it.  That organization simply tries to generate controversy to raise their ratings.

Sapere Aude
Love is not obedience, conformity, or submission. It is a counterfeit love that is contingent upon authority, punishment, or reward. True love is respect and admiration, compassion and kindness, freely given by a healthy, unafraid human being....  - Dan Barker

U.S. Army Retired


Quote from: Roses and Songs on June 17, 2016, 08:21:26 AM

   I'm sorry minister, a religious man, going on a LGBT site to ask about international terrorism? You have access to the same database than us and if you are looking for direct witnesses or home movies of events that happened in Europe, why come here? I do not understand your motivations minister but this sounds so strange, there must be something behind it all, sorry. And you don't seem to understand where it is proper and where it is a lack of respect to display religious material so I will ask the moderators to do something about this, like I told you I have nothing against your beliefs but not in my face please.

There is nothing offensive about the discussion  here, and in regards to your earlier comment, why would it be offensive to bring a rainbow flag to a church? It is one thing to be offended, and another to take offense where none is intended.

Further, Del is a respected member of this community for over five years, and I consider him a friend. As of today, you've been here fifteen days and show less understanding of our rules than Del does. You have a choice not to view the thread if you don't like it, but Del has done nothing wrong by posting it.

Hugs, Devlyn