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Started by Del, June 15, 2016, 10:30:54 PM

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Cindy gave a very good response to what is happening where she lives. I am thankful for that.
Deborah also gave answers which are consistent with defending family against attacks and the way the media in America is manipulated for gain.
As for why I ask here, the answer is pretty simple.
My social media friends in Pakistan have told me what we see is true. One in India even corrected wrong information on one topic saying it was India and not Pakistan. The Pakistanis agreed on that.
I have no friends or contacts from Germany, France, the UK and other places on that site.
When wondering if pictures or videos are true or altered it is best to ask those who live in those places.
It has nothing to do with religion with the exception of stating true love is manifested with a sacrifice if need be. This also extends to love outside religion such as with family and friends.
Nothing meant to harm or enrage. Report it if you wish. That's your choice. The intentions are honest so do what you wish.
Maybe the thought of boys, girls and women being raped doesn't phase you. Maybe the thought of gays and transgenders being murdered don't either. And maybe watching Christians being crucified, burned and beheaded doesn't matter to you. I personally would like to ask those of other countries and find out the truth.
If this offends you just know that  the above mentioned things offend many people. And not everyone believes everything they see and those people may want to use any resource available.
Have a good day.



Greetings all.

This topic is getting a little heated from many directions.

I do want to remind you all of a policy discussing the present election cycle.,204838.0.html

QuoteUntil such a time as the USA Presidential election is over, commentary and News items on the USA election are to be limited to those that are of direct interest to the Gender Diverse Community.

Other News items and commentary shall be closed down. You are very welcome to post such commentary on other social network pages.

General postings on the election cause too much argument and work for the Moderators of the Forum.

Thank You

Forum Admin

I also want to remind everyone on here of ToS #5 & #10

5. The posting of messages on the chat or forums which are of a threatening tone; intended solely to communicate sarcasm, contempt, or derision; are intended to belittle or ridicule a person or group; to disgust the viewer; contain obscene or pornographic materials; which are intended to titillate; or which depicts/promotes illegal acts; will not be permitted.

10. Bashing or flaming of an individual or group is not acceptable behavior on this website and will not be tolerated in the slightest for any reason.  This includes but is not limited to:

    Advocating the separation or exclusion of one or more group from under the Transgender umbrella term. The same restriction applies to advocating the removal of the T from GLBT.
    Suggesting or claiming that one segment or sub-segment of our community is more or less legitimate, deserving, or real than any others
    Posting any messages that engages in personal attacks and/or is actively or passively aggressive no matter the provocation.

This is a very interesting discussion but I will lock it if we let our personal feelings and beliefs escalate.

On a personal note. There are many churches with rainbow flags either/or outside and inside the church. Like those churches, this site is inclusive. We may debate things with respect and following the sites rules.


1st Therapy: February 2015
First Endo visit & HRT StartJanuary 29, 2016
Jacqueline from Joanna July 18, 2017
Full Time June 1, 2018



I'll be off here today until this evening as I have business to attend to.

I can see how some might be cautious due to the way they have been treated by so called Christians.

If those here check my history they will find that I have been on this site for quite a few years. In that time I have probably been one of the few Christian ministers which have not slammed the transgender people. Most of my posts have been in the Christian section sharing scripture in a deeper light than what most churches teach. I do that to give an understanding of spiritual things to those whom so many Christians reject.

In all my years here I have only had one time in which I had a confrontation with folk and that was way back around 2012 or so. I have better things to do than to argue with people or spend years telling people they are going to hell when that is not my decision.

Maybe it's time that some do realize not every Christian is out to get them. I see their being cautious and can honor that but by the same token some of us cisgender Christians have very close ties to transgender issues. Ties we may not choose to reveal for one reason or another.

I agree this can be an interesting topic as it is something that effects us all. Straight, gay, transgender and cisgender, Christian and non Christian alike. When it comes to the possibility of possible enslavement, torture and murder of innocent human life I feel what we identify as shouldn't really matter. What should matter is to get the facts, make the best decision and love one another enough to protect and defend one another.

And as per my avatar, I didn't realize it was that offensive. It holds a special place for me as a person who is truly thankful for the grace of God which he bestowed upon me even though I am unworthy of that grace and can never repay him. Still in all, when I get a chance this evening I'll change it for the sake of others who may be offended. There are other pictures I can use so that's no problem.

Have a blessed day.

Roses and Songs

Quote from: Del on June 17, 2016, 10:10:56 AM
Maybe the thought of boys, girls and women being raped doesn't phase you. Maybe the thought of gays and transgenders being murdered don't either. And maybe watching Christians being crucified, burned and beheaded doesn't matter to you. I personally would like to ask those of other countries and find out the truth.
If this offends you just know that  the above mentioned things offend many people. And not everyone believes everything they see and those people may want to use any resource available.
Have a good day.

   Now this really hurts, you won't see me here again.


Quote from: Del on June 17, 2016, 10:10:56 AM
And maybe watching Christians being crucified, burned and beheaded doesn't matter to you.
In the case of what I witnessed it was Christians executing Muslims.  I can assure you that Muslims feel just as much pain as Christians when they are sobbing over the deaths of their murdered husbands, sons, and brothers.  Neither of the two sides in this incident involved Americans.

I feel moral outrage when Christians are murdered and I feel the same outrage when Muslims or anybody else is murdered.

This next statement is not directed at you but what bothers me about the Christian Right in America is their selective outrage.  They demonstrate ample empathy for Christians but very little to none for anybody else.  And when it is Christians doing the murdering they fabricate all sorts of excuses and conspiracies to exonerate their guilt.

In my opinion, there is something very broken in their value system.

I can back this up with details by PM if you like but I would prefer not to do that publicly.

Sapere Aude
Love is not obedience, conformity, or submission. It is a counterfeit love that is contingent upon authority, punishment, or reward. True love is respect and admiration, compassion and kindness, freely given by a healthy, unafraid human being....  - Dan Barker

U.S. Army Retired


You may pm me the facts if you wish. I am open minded and as I said that was the reason for the original question. To find out if what we see is the truth from those living in those other countries.

As for covering or condoning the actions of Christians, some may but I do not. When Christians are at fault I have no use for that either. Whether it be in day to day actions or preaching a false doctrine to people. Both are evil.

The videos I saw were of ISIS doing the beheading, burning and crucifying of boys, girls and women. I personally have no desire to stand back and see that happen to anyone like some who just stand and film this evil. Many of us are wondering if these things are true and I felt since people here live world wide they could answer. It never was meant to get into heated discussions about Christians versus Muslims. A simple "I live near such and such and yes it is happening" or "I live near such and such and no, it is not happening" is the type of answer I was seeking. I can't make it any more clear than that.

As for the other responses about Christians doing wrong, to make that clear, Christians who do wrong are no better than anyone else. I would defend my family, friends and anyone else against Christians as well if they did the things I am asking about. And even if it was a Christian that tried to commit a home invasion, steal or whatever. They are no better when doing such.

I hope this clarifies what I meant and what I was seeking in the way of an answer.
Thank you all for the answers.


Quote from: RobynD on June 16, 2016, 03:32:17 PM
Really? Marital law so he doesn't have to leave office? Which media are you reading? Are these conspiracy blogs etc? Because i will personally come paint your home or apartment, the color of your choice,  at my expense if that happens, assuming we can slip that in between the military curfew and firearms confiscation times.

Live by the sword die by the sword. How about interjecting more peace into the world, rather than fear. How about making instruments of mass death less available, not more. Many studies have been done on this - guns make none of us safer by the numbers. It is a false sense of security. I'm a firearm owner myself, they are essentially worthless in my opinion, as instruments of safety.

Hillary is pro Isis? Again what media - can you cite some sources?

Again we have political statements being made in forum that is not supposed to have any non-transgender politics on it. I'm a bit flabbergasted. (that is likely the only time this year i will use that term)

agree with most of what you say

Jennifer xx


Quote from: Deborah on June 16, 2016, 06:54:02 PM
The UN marked vehicles you may have seen in various places in the US are in fact US Army who are returning from or soon going on a UN mission.  There is not some secret conspiracy to invade the USA with foreign troops in UN vehicles.  While there is a movement to enact some new firearms restrictions there is not a movement anywhere by anybody to try and disarm the populace.  These both are paranoid conspiracy theories propagated by Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, the Republican Party, and others to keep their base in a constant state of fear and agitation.   

Sapere Aude


Jennifer xx


Quote from: stephaniec on June 16, 2016, 12:24:03 AM
I live in Chicago and the news about violence is very accurate.

Indeed it is.

Jennifer xx


Quote from: Cindy on June 17, 2016, 07:46:33 AM
I think that the videos you see are edited to reflect the opinion of the news company.

Australia is by no means intact from terrorist attack but we look on USA and Europe news as heavily edited.

As for armed response, our Police are armed and we have the usual SWAT whatever but we banned high power guns to the public following the Port Arthur slaughter.

No miss killings and very few fire arm deaths, the ones that are are the bike nutters who tend to shoot each other anyway.

I realise the discussion is futile. The USA will not give up arms and that is fine.

You live how you wish to live.


Well true USA won't give up arms -- not so sure this is fine however. The accused Orlando night club murderer easily was able to get guns for the dozens of predominantly LGBT trans and gays he murdered a week ago.

And this was after being investigated by the FBI for various terrorist links 1 and 2 and 3 years earlier.

WHY WAS THIS MAN ALLOWED TO BUY A GUN ???? That is insane and has caused dozens of LGBT MURDERS.

Indeed, I live as I wish to live. I am American but I have voluntarily chosen to live in many different countries outside of the USA for the last decade.

I deplore guns and violence. The United States has way too much of both, sorry. Including dozens of murders of trans ladies, especially trans ladies of color, every single year.

Jennifer xx


Quote from: Roses and Songs on June 17, 2016, 05:41:46 AM
   The constitution was written a long time ago by rich slave owners in order to protect themselves and their domains against the hungry and the poor because back then everyone was armed, your survival depended on it. Societies evolve, constitutions should too and here in Canada for example, we don't have more violent crime, we have less and we're just fine. When is the last time you heard that someone effectively protected his family from armed vilains using firearms and anyway, in such a case do you think you would be permitted to go to your locked storage, retrieve your guns, load them, make sure everyone's safe and then, take care of the threat? What if it's the middle of the night, your neighbor needs some milk and you don't recognize him...

   And then, the government. For this one you people leave me speechless. If they want you, they will get you, period. With the billions the military spends every year do you think you have a chance? Really? What about Waco, and Ruby Ridge, they have drones, they can see through walls! I'm sorry, only one word applies here, ridiculous.

   And then terrorism, when is the last time the US was invaded and carpet bombed by another country? As long you keep killing people all over the world, some will want to kill you.

   Just last year if there was a shooting or a bomb: it's muslims and they hate us. Now, the media don't even wait to hear from law enforcement, it's probably the religious right and they hate the LGBT because controversy, blood and gore sell newspapers. They have an agenda, they are not telling the truth and you may have to wait months before you find out.

   Finaly, I am an apatheist so it is not important for me whether there is a God or if you're a believer or not. For me you are not a Christian, you are a human being with christian beliefs so I find extremely offensive to see religious citations and imagery on a site dedicated specificaly to trans realities. Just like I would find offensive to see a rainbow flag in a churh. Thank you.

I agree with about 85% to 90% of what you said.

In conjunction with current site policy I will not at this time publicly say why I agree with most of what you say here.

I am American but I have chosen voluntarily to live in many countries outside of the USA for the last decade.

Easy gun availability to legally buy powerful firearms by the Orlando mass murderer of predominantly Latina trans and gay people 1 week ago after he had been investigated various times by the FBI over the last 3 years ??? THIS nut was allowed to buy the murder weapons ??? This is a bleeping outrage !!!

I feel I am within site policy to make a bit of reply here because it is LGBT people who were mass murdered in Orlando 1 week ago and current USA lack of firearm control was a major factor in how this mass murderer was able to murder dozens of mostly Latina LGBT people in the largest civilian massacre in the history of the United States.

Jennifer xx
sad at this (not allowed) vicious evil

Mod Edit- Foul Lounge is against TOS 11.


Quote from: Roses and Songs on June 17, 2016, 06:44:15 AM
   Hello Marlee being wrong for me is just a good reason to celebrate, it means I have learned something new on that day so I would really like to know what you have to say, we don't have to agree to respect each other's opinion. Cheers.

That is a humble way to put it Roses. You are very correct that one does not have to agree with another's opinion to at least respect that the other person has a different opinion.

Jennifer xx


Quote from: Deborah on June 17, 2016, 08:53:05 AM
Effective self defense happens often enough.  But someone shooting their family member in the dark or a child playing with a gun and shooting someone happen just as frequently.

Sapere Aude

What u say is largely true, but I would say the misuse, intentional or accidental, of firearms in the usa far outweighs the occasional civilian self-defense. The Orlando mass murderer of dozens of mostly Latina trans and gay people had easy access to buying a gun when just 1 or 2 or 3 years ago he was variously investigated by the FBI for possible terrorist links. IMO, this is utter insanity and has now resulted in ACTUAL DEATH by mass murder of dozens of LGBT trans and gays.

Jennifer xx


Quote from: Del on June 17, 2016, 07:33:08 AM
Basically, the reason for posting the original question was to see if people worldwide would verify videos of terrorists rioting in Germany and France and other places against police. The ones where they have been raping boys, girls and women as well. People in those countries would know. Basically to go beyond possibly believing an altered picture or video.

As for the rest, I have my views on what will happen should they try that here but it's not what I'm trying to find out or share. "If people in Florida are on this site they could verify the Orlando incident as being real or government fabricated from being a witness."

Should these things be true my concern is not whether or not I could stand off opposition but that I will not allow it to happen to my family while I am alive. I am prepared to die if a terrorist or group try such against my family. That's just loving them enough to make a sacrifice. It would be just like being willing to risk my life if I saw a terrorist attempt to kill any straight, gay, transgender or cisgender person here.

I am thankful for everyone's input. We all have opinions of course as to whether or not these things are true or fabricated or what we would or should do in such case. I hope nobody gets heated over that as that was not my intention.

The main thing I was after is first hand knowledge by way of observation. Have any citizens seen these things happen?

May God bless.

"If people in Florida are on this site they could verify the Orlando incident as being real or government fabricated from being a witness."

With all due respect sir, are you honestly suggesting that the Orlando terrorist mass murders of dozens of mostly Latina trans and gay people about 1 week ago did NOT occur ???


It is good to be skeptical of false reporting sir....but......really ???

Are you seriously suggesting that last week's mass murder of mostly Latina trans and gay people did not occur ???

Jennifer xx


Lets please be mindful and respectful of others users briefs, views and feelings. Thanks
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.
I am also spouse of a transgender person.
Retired News Administrator
Retired (S) Global Moderator


Quote from: Del on June 17, 2016, 10:10:56 AM
Cindy gave a very good response to what is happening where she lives. I am thankful for that.
Deborah also gave answers which are consistent with defending family against attacks and the way the media in America is manipulated for gain.
As for why I ask here, the answer is pretty simple.
My social media friends in Pakistan have told me what we see is true. One in India even corrected wrong information on one topic saying it was India and not Pakistan. The Pakistanis agreed on that.
I have no friends or contacts from Germany, France, the UK and other places on that site.
When wondering if pictures or videos are true or altered it is best to ask those who live in those places.
It has nothing to do with religion with the exception of stating true love is manifested with a sacrifice if need be. This also extends to love outside religion such as with family and friends.
Nothing meant to harm or enrage. Report it if you wish. That's your choice. The intentions are honest so do what you wish.
Maybe the thought of boys, girls and women being raped doesn't phase you. Maybe the thought of gays and transgenders being murdered don't either. And maybe watching Christians being crucified, burned and beheaded doesn't matter to you. I personally would like to ask those of other countries and find out the truth.
If this offends you just know that  the above mentioned things offend many people. And not everyone believes everything they see and those people may want to use any resource available.
Have a good day.

I LIVED in the UK for much of 2015. All over the UK. England, Wales, and Scotland. I have dozens of real life friends in the UK, meaning I have met them or LIVED with them, at their house, in person. I have hundreds of online friends in the UK, both trans and non-trans. I have made love (had sex) with many UK men in real life in 2015. I have lived some time in Spain in 2016.

But even with all these real life and on-line contacts in the European part of the world, that is a tall order to ask for in-person verification of every act of violence in the European area. I have hundreds of online friends who live in places like France, Netherlands, Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Pakistan, and India. Plus a couple dozen other countries my online friends and online romantic/sexual men live in.

Do you accept that Jo Cox, female British Member of Parliament MP, from near Leeds in England, was murdered in cold blood by a right-wing terrorist a few days ago -- he has now been formally charged formally in London with murder by English police ? This as inundated British media in the last several days.

I stayed at a friend's house near Leeds for a few days in 2015. I know dozens of people from real life who I've met in person who live within 2 hours of Leeds. Yet as far as I know none of them were IN PERSON WITNESSES to the assassination of MP Jo Cox a few days ago.

I feel your standard of "personal eyewitness to every act of violence" isn't workable. I'm American, but even with all of my hundreds and hundreds of in-person and online friends and contacts there, I cannot produce any who witnessed in person the murder of MP Jo Cox. But it sure the heck happened !!!!!

Jennifer xx


When I asked for personal witnesses I did not mean eye witnesses.
Answers such as a simple "yes, it happened. It happened near me" would have answered the question.
My in laws live 30 miles from Orland so I know that incident happened. They know people who saw some of it and it was on their local news. I don't doubt that.

The videos of ISIS raping and killing in Pakistan I believe. I have friends there who have verified it. They know people killed and one had his church bombed by a suicide bomber and lost parents and relatives. I pray for them that they might be comforted.

Some of the others such as BLM against the ranchers in Oregon hold a two sided view depending on what people have seen. I have seen the FBI video which showed the ranchers as being bad and then saw the in truck video which showed the FBI shoot before he even got out. Seeing both sides gave me a far better answer so I can get an idea of the state of affairs with government and such in some circumstances. The people in the truck also gave testimony that aligned with the video so once again, I can believe that.

It's a shame anyone would die at the hands of the angered, the wicked, fools, uninformed or terrorists. It's a shame there are corrupt cops who stand down when a Mayor says to while others are hurt or killed. These things ought not to be.

Basically, the answers I sought isn't my wanting not to believe nor to bring up pain for those involved but a simple yes, it happened near us or no it didn't. Nothing more, nothing less. Just trying to form a level headed opinion about whether or not our government is getting more corrupt each day or if terrorists are truly murdering people or if it could even be people hired to do this evil to give a reason for martial law. All of these are true concerns of many and not wild conspiracy theories. Just people being cautious and wondering what the future holds in store.

As for gun control, that's not the issue here. I will say what I believe since others have but once again the question was for simple answers.

Someone has tried to break into my home on two occasions and I ran them off with a pistol. Had they gotten in and drawn a gun they would be dead. It takes over 5 minutes for police to arrive in some cases and I would rather face an armed enemy with a gun than a dispatcher on the phone. Even some police are openly telling people who are capable of legally carrying a firearm to do so to protect themselves and others. That is how I look at this. I carry mine to protect myself, family, friends and neighbors. I am no threat to anyone who does not attempt to kill any of those whom I protect. As a military (Army) veteran I feel I am just as qualified to safely and responsibly carry a firearm as any police officer.

I grew up with a kid who used and sold drugs. I know not all do so don't think I'm saying that. This kid came over to my house one day to talk and asked me if I needed a gun. I told him no as I only have legally acquired guns. I don't need the problems of illegal guns. He told me he was taking a shipment of guns to Florida for drugs. This guy had a record and was not able to have an Illinois FOID card. Still, he had guns. Some of which had been taken from agencies which used them for defending the law. Right then and there I knew he could get guns anytime he wanted as he said. That is why I do believe in the right to own and carry firearms and do so. In this country when guns are illegal only criminals will have them. This kid proved that. The recent attempted break in's at my house also showed me I am safer having guns.  That kid ended up being killed by police after a drug deal went wrong but I'll never forget what he taught me.

Oddly enough, many countries seem to have gun control and their people have to rely on police to save them. I'm sure some police do a good job at that but I hope I am level headed enough to realize not all cops are good cops. The bad ones make a bad image for the good and they are the ones that overlook some crimes. I just don't want one of the bad ones to overlook a person who harms or kills a family member, friend or neighbor. Unlike some people who may have biased opinions or hateful beliefs I don't care if the people are straight, gay, transgender or cisgender. I believe in defending them all as human life is precious.

I know we could go back and forth on this issue all day item by item but that's not the point of this post. The point is about a simple answer about whether videos or pictures are altered. People who live close to such things or see the news on television are in a position to answer and say yes or no, it did or didn't happen. Just a simple word of clarity for those who wish to seek out the right answer and may not trust the media or news.

I hope this helps clarify the question.


Hi Del,

That was a thoughtful and considerate answer. You earn high marks from me on politeness sir.

I agree with you on the issues perhaps only 50% or so, but the way in which you handle the issues is quite respectful.

Even though I only partly agree with the substance of what you say, I am going to give you a +1 to your reputation because you are very much a gentleman and so very polite.

Jennifer xx


Thank you.
I truly appreciate that.
Have a blessed day.


Quote from: Del on June 20, 2016, 08:29:40 PM
Thank you.
I truly appreciate that.
Have a blessed day.

I have dated in real life in 2015 some cisgender men like you in real life who hold some political viewpoints that are very different from mine, yet we still got along okay because the hetero man was so very gentlemanly to me the lady.

There is one online hetero man who might travel internationally to where I am in a few weeks or so to meet me in a luxury hotel and then he says he wants me to be his housewife in his home country. Now of course this is online so far I realize so no guarantees but I had good success having real world intimate dates with many men in 2015 that started online.

Not all of them worked out but at least all the men treated me well in gentlemanly fashion and I was never abused. When a man treats me as a lady and is gentlemanly in how he interacts with me it simply makes me FEEL great.

This particular man, if he indeed follows through with his expressed intentions to visit me and then if all works out make me his housewife, has said to me that his political viewpoints are very conservatives. I told him most of my political viewpoints are socially progressive. I asked him if he feels this would be a problem between us. Guess his answer.....

He said, "From my wife, nawww, this is no issue."

Wow sooooo gentlemanly and sweet. A hetero man I might spend the rest of my life with. We girls call someone like him a "keeper" as you probably know.

I REALLY admire men such as you and him who are SOOO gentlemanly. This just warms my feminine heart honey.

Warm regards to you Del,
Jennifer Lopezgomez
