When I asked for personal witnesses I did not mean eye witnesses.
Answers such as a simple "yes, it happened. It happened near me" would have answered the question.
My in laws live 30 miles from Orland so I know that incident happened. They know people who saw some of it and it was on their local news. I don't doubt that.
The videos of ISIS raping and killing in Pakistan I believe. I have friends there who have verified it. They know people killed and one had his church bombed by a suicide bomber and lost parents and relatives. I pray for them that they might be comforted.
Some of the others such as BLM against the ranchers in Oregon hold a two sided view depending on what people have seen. I have seen the FBI video which showed the ranchers as being bad and then saw the in truck video which showed the FBI shoot before he even got out. Seeing both sides gave me a far better answer so I can get an idea of the state of affairs with government and such in some circumstances. The people in the truck also gave testimony that aligned with the video so once again, I can believe that.
It's a shame anyone would die at the hands of the angered, the wicked, fools, uninformed or terrorists. It's a shame there are corrupt cops who stand down when a Mayor says to while others are hurt or killed. These things ought not to be.
Basically, the answers I sought isn't my wanting not to believe nor to bring up pain for those involved but a simple yes, it happened near us or no it didn't. Nothing more, nothing less. Just trying to form a level headed opinion about whether or not our government is getting more corrupt each day or if terrorists are truly murdering people or if it could even be people hired to do this evil to give a reason for martial law. All of these are true concerns of many and not wild conspiracy theories. Just people being cautious and wondering what the future holds in store.
As for gun control, that's not the issue here. I will say what I believe since others have but once again the question was for simple answers.
Someone has tried to break into my home on two occasions and I ran them off with a pistol. Had they gotten in and drawn a gun they would be dead. It takes over 5 minutes for police to arrive in some cases and I would rather face an armed enemy with a gun than a dispatcher on the phone. Even some police are openly telling people who are capable of legally carrying a firearm to do so to protect themselves and others. That is how I look at this. I carry mine to protect myself, family, friends and neighbors. I am no threat to anyone who does not attempt to kill any of those whom I protect. As a military (Army) veteran I feel I am just as qualified to safely and responsibly carry a firearm as any police officer.
I grew up with a kid who used and sold drugs. I know not all do so don't think I'm saying that. This kid came over to my house one day to talk and asked me if I needed a gun. I told him no as I only have legally acquired guns. I don't need the problems of illegal guns. He told me he was taking a shipment of guns to Florida for drugs. This guy had a record and was not able to have an Illinois FOID card. Still, he had guns. Some of which had been taken from agencies which used them for defending the law. Right then and there I knew he could get guns anytime he wanted as he said. That is why I do believe in the right to own and carry firearms and do so. In this country when guns are illegal only criminals will have them. This kid proved that. The recent attempted break in's at my house also showed me I am safer having guns. That kid ended up being killed by police after a drug deal went wrong but I'll never forget what he taught me.
Oddly enough, many countries seem to have gun control and their people have to rely on police to save them. I'm sure some police do a good job at that but I hope I am level headed enough to realize not all cops are good cops. The bad ones make a bad image for the good and they are the ones that overlook some crimes. I just don't want one of the bad ones to overlook a person who harms or kills a family member, friend or neighbor. Unlike some people who may have biased opinions or hateful beliefs I don't care if the people are straight, gay, transgender or cisgender. I believe in defending them all as human life is precious.
I know we could go back and forth on this issue all day item by item but that's not the point of this post. The point is about a simple answer about whether videos or pictures are altered. People who live close to such things or see the news on television are in a position to answer and say yes or no, it did or didn't happen. Just a simple word of clarity for those who wish to seek out the right answer and may not trust the media or news.
I hope this helps clarify the question.