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Having a hard time.

Started by KarlMars, July 03, 2016, 02:59:24 PM

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Recently I've been having a hard time in real life with horrible anxiety attacks and it helps that I will start T possibly in less than two weeks. I have nightmares and dysphoria about my height. I have short stature and would love to be tall. I plan on bodybuilding to make up for it. I've had some night sweats and night mares about it and have had some conflicts with coming out and some people online bullying me. I just wanted to vent. You don't need to reply to this if you don't want.


Sweetheart guys come in.all heights, weights and shapes. I personally  have two male friends who are 5ft 4... and that's OK. Dysphoria makes you too conscious about the part you hate. It amplifies the extent of the «inadequacy» (inyour mind» and blows it way out of proportion. You therefore develop anxiety issues resulting on night sweats and nightmares.

I wouldn't worry about it hun. Instead, try to focus on the things that you CAN change.


A post-op woman


Prior to HRT I suffered the most horrendous nightmares that would see me waking up crying, and taking up to a 2 days to get over the Dysphoria they triggered. I have now begun to sleep for 4-5hrs straight without the nightmares and each week this improves slightly. Last night I slept for 6 hours and no nightmares again. I hope the T has the same effect for you.

Don't be too concerned about your height, concentrate on muscle bulk...(you can have mine if you want ;)) and getting fit. There are plenty of food supplements out there designed to bulk you up. Not an instant fix but once you start to see results the motivation is easier.

People who bully are essentially cowards IMHO. They will only take on people they perceive to be able to "beat"...Pick your battles and try and ignore the idiots and bullies. In real life most of these people don't amount to much as human beings.

Dysphoria Sucks!!!!! (That might just be my new slogan)

Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


Thanks for being there, ladies.


I'm 5'5". I see plenty of guys when I'm out and about who are around my height. It's pretty common for us to stress out about passing when we're short or have small hands/feet (and the reverse for the ladies), but I really believe very few people will notice unless you say something about it.

I've never had any negative comments about my height, and only a few about how small my hands are, but that's only because I've gotten fingerprinted for work purposes multiple times since transitioning. I think it's natural to have concern about these things, but important to realize that aside from yourself, it would be very rare for someone to notice and connect the dots.

As far as the online bullying, report whoever is doing it on whatever platform it is (Facebook, Instagram, etc.). I know Facebook at least you can report people for harassment and I think online bullying is in the same report line. Not sure about anywhere else.
T: 12/5/2014 | Top: 4/21/2015 | Hysto: 2/6/2016 | Meta: 3/21/2017

I don't come here anymore, so if you need to get in touch send an email: maxdoeswork AT


I have the same issue that alienbodybuilder does as far as the dysphoria about my height. I think lots of transmen and transwomen do. I hope T really helps you feel better. Dysphoria is real and it hurts so much.


This site is great for venting. Especially when it comes to dysphoria. I started self harming again over it... it's definitely not an easy thing to deal with.

Now when it comes to height, I've known a few other short guys. Both my cousin and my partner (who are both cis guys) are the exact same height as me (5'1). I'm not sure if my cousin was bullied over his height, but my fiance was. As he got older, he started lifting weights and getting into martial arts. The muscles in his arms are HUGE. Many people seem intimidated by him and won't say rude things to him. We get the occasional rude stranger that will mock him for his height, but when my partner gets mad and I see the person take a closer look at his build... heh, they're not laughing anymore.

I actually don't mind being a short guy. It's my busty chest and everybody's opinions of me that get the better of me.


Quote from: WarGrowlmon1990 on July 04, 2016, 06:45:23 PM
This site is great for venting. Especially when it comes to dysphoria. I started self harming again over it... it's definitely not an easy thing to deal with.

Now when it comes to height, I've known a few other short guys. Both my cousin and my partner (who are both cis guys) are the exact same height as me (5'1). I'm not sure if my cousin was bullied over his height, but my fiance was. As he got older, he started lifting weights and getting into martial arts. The muscles in his arms are HUGE. Many people seem intimidated by him and won't say rude things to him. We get the occasional rude stranger that will mock him for his height, but when my partner gets mad and I see the person take a closer look at his build... heh, they're not laughing anymore.

I actually don't mind being a short guy. It's my busty chest and everybody's opinions of me that get the better of me.

You make me feel better about venting. I normally feel ashamed to vent.


Quote from: alienbodybuilder on July 04, 2016, 08:12:50 PM

You make me feel better about venting. I normally feel ashamed to vent.

Same here. I always feel embarrassed over my vent posts. My social anxiety seems to amplify these fears and worries I have. Every time I've come on here to check my posts, it's like my heart is racing with anxiety and fear over being judged. But I still have yet for these fears to come true regarding this forum because so far everybody here has been so kind, welcoming and understanding... at least from my experience so far. I've only been on here for almost a month so I'm still pretty new here.


I'm 5ft 8 and there are lots of men shorter than me so relax about it. Bodybuilding, if you ever need any advice on that then feel free to contact me and I will be more than happy to help, in my day I have trained with some of the worlds top bodybuilders, I myself became a local celebrity with my weight lifting charity events. So don't be shy and ask away.


Quote from: wendylove on July 05, 2016, 04:20:00 PM
I'm 5ft 8 and there are lots of men shorter than me so relax about it. Bodybuilding, if you ever need any advice on that then feel free to contact me and I will be more than happy to help, in my day I have trained with some of the worlds top bodybuilders, I myself became a local celebrity with my weight lifting charity events. So don't be shy and ask away.

I'm not a good bodybuilder, YET. That's an aspiration of mine. I was heavily into going to the gym before but now I want to wait to do some serious bodybuilding once I have been on T awhile.


Quote from: alienbodybuilder on July 06, 2016, 10:04:43 PM
I'm not a good bodybuilder, YET. That's an aspiration of mine. I was heavily into going to the gym before but now I want to wait to do some serious bodybuilding once I have been on T awhile.

That is exactly how I feel. For me, having a muscular frame in a woman's shell is unpleasant and not as defining for me as having a decently muscular frame as a man.