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Why the Hate?

Started by Sandy74, September 24, 2015, 12:01:57 PM

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I always think about societies views of different people and I have come to the conclusion which I am sure other people have is that people that Hate Transgender Folks is because they fear what they cannot understand or grasp in their minds that people can be born into the wrong body and so not understanding that and fearing that it turns into HATE which is pretty sad.

People are not born hate and it is taught and I am so glad that I have never hated anyone for anything. At first when I came out as gay to my parents and relatives I was so scared and I was nervous people would reject me and I had family members that don't agree with my lifestyle but they still love me and accept me which is awesome and there is no hate that I see towards me.

I have always been Transgender because I was born a boy but have always known deep down inside that I am a Girl and that I want to be a women so badly. I am scared to come out to my family because I am not sure how they will respond. Yet I also realized that I can be around them and not dress up as a woman if I do make the transition and I wouldn't do it to just make them happy, I would be nervous about how they would react.

cheryl reeves

You need too focus on what makes you happy. I've dealt with those who do not like how I live, I tell em its my life not yours.. I love this part of a Charlie Daniels song,if you don't like the way I'm living you can just leave this long haired country boy/girl alone.


I agree that it begins with the inability to understand but I really think the explanation for the hatred is much more basic than fear.

Like it or not, western civilization is heavily built on the foundations of Christianity and the Bible.  To a conservative Christian the bible is God's literal word and it's pretty clear in there that homosexuality is condemned.  Transsexuality is not addressed but to them it's homosexuality in a different guise.  So, since God hates it then their hatred is righteous service to God.  If hatred is too strong a word then call it total rejection and condemnation.  From the receiving end the difference is simply semantics.

Once in a while someone might break out of their mindset when they actually know someone.  But it's hard for them because it strikes at the very foundation of their belief system, the Bible. 

I only speak from my own experience since I came from that background and used to teach adult Bible classes.

Now I'm an atheist, or at least really close, and am at peace with myself.

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Love is not obedience, conformity, or submission. It is a counterfeit love that is contingent upon authority, punishment, or reward. True love is respect and admiration, compassion and kindness, freely given by a healthy, unafraid human being....  - Dan Barker

U.S. Army Retired


It is a technique of weak leaders to inspire their followers to be afraid of someone.

"Listen to me so you can be good people"

does not inspire devotion the same way as

"Listen to me, otherwise those awful LGBT (or black or immigrant) people will destroy your way of life."

It's a way for leaders to get power and money.

We're natural targets, because the idea of a male bodied person acting like a woman naturally makes people uncomfortable.
Have you read my short story The Eve of Triumph?


Sadly, people have always had views on something they find is different (or in their eyes) wrong and always want to get their opinions heard, even if no one wants to listen.

It is easier to poke fun or ridicule than it is to step back and try to understand.  I went to a boarding school in England for 4 years and every day we had to attend chapel services.  They lasted between 20 and 60 minutes.  We were taught love the neighbor, turn the other cheek etc, but at that age, it was in one ear and out the other, myself included.

This is my opinion for what it's worth and I sincerely hope it doesn't blow in my face.

As we grow up and evolve, we pick up on things from our peers and often we need to feel we fit in with them, by being just like them, saying or doing hurtful things to gain some sort of acceptance or approval.

Now back to my boarding school.  We had a boy in my house that had a lisp, another had very thick glasses, like Joe 90, the puppet show from the 60's, we had overweight kids, another boy that had as a very effeminate walk.  The other kids poked fun, named called and bullied them.  If you stuck up for those bullied kids, guess what, you were the next on their radar.  Sometimes self preservation kicks in and you fall in the bullies for being next.  Now I won't say I had an easy time at school but it was "easier" because I tried to conform.

Even after leaving school and being in the big wide world among what I will describe as chest beating males, I carried on trying to form, being trans/homophobic to some degree, trying to hide all the chinks in my armor.  I felt if I built up enough hate about this or that, it would eventually go away.  I doesn't and never will.

A lot has changed with society since I left school in 1983 but more needs to change.  I can only hope that any young people out there today, when they have their own kids in 20-30 years time and one of them comes up and say mom/dad, I am gay or transgender, that they will have more understanding and acceptance, not just from their parents, but other relatives, friends and the world.  We are not asking for much, we are just asking to be ourselves

It's not wrong to be different because of who you are.  We are ALL different in some way or another. 

I like giving hugs


I think what they fundamentally fear is that "the boundaries" between male and female will somehow cease to exist if we are let alone, leading to the "end of society" because people won't be able to accurately recognize each other any more, or something.

As much as trans and genderfluid etc. have increased exposure in the media lately, and many more people have come out as such due to a less hostile atmosphere, I am pretty damn confident society is not endangered by us. We are something like 1% of all people or less, and there really are quite enough people in the world at the moment. Breeding isn't as important as it once was, but being a bit more civil toward other human beings in an overcrowded world is.
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."


Quote from: Sandy74 on September 24, 2015, 12:01:57 PM
I always think about societies views of different people and I have come to the conclusion which I am sure other people have is that people that Hate Transgender Folks is because they fear what they cannot understand or grasp in their minds that people can be born into the wrong body and so not understanding that and fearing that it turns into HATE which is pretty sad.

People are not born hate and it is taught and I am so glad that I have never hated anyone for anything. At first when I came out as gay to my parents and relatives I was so scared and I was nervous people would reject me and I had family members that don't agree with my lifestyle but they still love me and accept me which is awesome and there is no hate that I see towards me.

I have always been Transgender because I was born a boy but have always known deep down inside that I am a Girl and that I want to be a women so badly. I am scared to come out to my family because I am not sure how they will respond. Yet I also realized that I can be around them and not dress up as a woman if I do make the transition and I wouldn't do it to just make them happy, I would be nervous about how they would react.

As I have reminded others. Your family members have made decisions on how they want to live their life. Don't be afraid to live yours the way that makes you happy. It is difficult not to without destroying your mind.  I've lived 64 years yearning to be my beautiful sister. I always felt something was missing. I have been on HRT for 2 months and that chasm has been bridged. Right now they can't wipe the smile off my face as I feel this is how it was always meant to be. Not a raving lunatic. I find it is finally worth losing the love of my life over. Unfortunately I am not as young as I used to be and will never be the  ingenue I always felt I was. But what the hey. I've now got peace of mind and the best feeling since witnessing the birth of my children.
Dawn Oday

It just feels right   :icon_hug: :icon_hug: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss:

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First indication I was different- 1956 kindergarten
First crossdress - Asked mother to dress me in sisters costumes  Age 7
First revelation - 1982 to my present wife
First time telling the truth in therapy June 15, 2016
Start HRT Aug 2016
First public appearance 5/15/17
