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Conservative teen says she'll fail high school if trans students receive equal treatment

Started by Deborah, August 29, 2016, 10:05:23 AM

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Conservative teen says she'll fail high school if trans students receive equal treatment

By Unknown

Gay Star News/By Ashlee Kelly   06/29/2017

A conservative Christian teenager in Pennsylvania has said she'll fail high school if trans students receive equal treatment.

Sigourney Coyle, from Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, spoke out against the prospect of trans students being able to use the changing room that matches with their gender identity in a meeting with East Penn state school officials.

In a video posted by her mother, Aryn Coyle, Sigourney said: 'You can't make a transgender change in front of someone they don't identify with. But if you put my name in there... you can't make me change in front of someone who I don't identify with who is physically male.

'Gym requires for us to participate to pass high school, and if I don't change I'm not allowed to participate. So my options are let myself be discriminated against, or fail gym for not participating and not pass through high school which would jeopardise my future.

. . .

In a post on Facebook in May saying 'The battle begins', Aryn said: 'I have always been an advocate of any special arrangement that prevents any group of people from being mistreated based on who they are. This includes non-Christians trapped in their own sin. But I will NOT stand by while the law dictates that male bodies are allowed to walk into my daughters locker room, undress next to her, and shower alongside of her.

'I will be proud of that failing grade in gym, and so would any Christian college.'
Being a 21st century cast out leper gets depressing. I'm getting really sick of these people and their incessant hammering.
Love is not obedience, conformity, or submission. It is a counterfeit love that is contingent upon authority, punishment, or reward. True love is respect and admiration, compassion and kindness, freely given by a healthy, unafraid human being....  - Dan Barker

U.S. Army Retired

Stubborn people being unwilling to adapt and pursue available options when they have unreasonable requirements that exceed the protections available in law.     She could:

Wear pull over dresses.
Take an alternate class that exempts for gym (marching band usually works, if you can't play an instrument, they'll give you a flag or baton or something) with no communal changing requirement.
pursue credit for gym via alternate methods.
participate in an extra curricular sport, you're "gym" will be outside class hours and unlikely to have the person you are avoiding participating in the same.

But no, she'd rather make a scene, and fail high school.

As far as jeopordizing her future?  nah, if she's worthy of college, the SAT will show it; and academic grades will show it, and she'd be accepted HS diploma or not.   I had friends that didn't even take their senior year, just applied and said, kthxbye.    Some conservative christian colleges might even attempt to recruit, as its a good source to provoke conservative alumni donations.



It would surprise me if a transgender person would be allowed into a Christian college. Just sayin. Since Christians  have such a firm handle on the Ten Commandments. They can't get that right how they expect people to understand all the other pages.
Dawn Oday

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First indication I was different- 1956 kindergarten
First crossdress - Asked mother to dress me in sisters costumes  Age 7
First revelation - 1982 to my present wife
First time telling the truth in therapy June 15, 2016
Start HRT Aug 2016
First public appearance 5/15/17


bah, I was too unclear.. again.

I'm talking about adaptations the conservative teen might make in order to easily get around her problem, instead of declaring to the world she was going to fail high school unless they do exactly as she wants them too.

The trans kid should have no reason to over react, law and policy are that the transgirl changes in the girl bathroom; if the transgirl is good with that, then she need but carry on.


Stating that someone else getting equal treatment has a negative impact on you? Wow. Life fail, never mind gym class.


The conservative mantra about not being able to discriminate is discrimination to them, is one of the oddest arguments you hear in modern logic.


Beth Andrea

To a degree, I agree with her: if I were cis*, (either sex), I wouldn't want someone with different private parts to be near me, let alone those parts to be visible to me.

I have bad memories of jr high and high school locker rooms and the showers, even though we were all "equipped" the same. Bad things happened outside the showers as well.

As far as not taking PE and not graduating...when I was in tenth grade, I told my counselor and the principal that I would not be taking gym any more, thankyouverymuch. They filled that time slot with other classes, but it started me realizing I wasn't getting much out of school anyway (10th grade I scored very high on the SAT, better than most seniors), so by 11th I dropped out.

Guess what? The only place that was a factor was with the USAF... I scored in the 98th percentile, and the recruiter said, "ah, if only you had a diploma...well, you're going to have to get your GED later" (which I did).

I agree, under-18 male bodies and female bodies should not undress or shower together.


...I think for most of us it is a futile effort to try and put this genie back in the bottle once she has tasted freedom...

--read in a Tessa James post 1/16/2017


I hate to say it but there will never be a trans person walking around a change room letting it all out. Most of us are so ashamed or don't like our bodies that we try to cover them up as much as possible as it is. So this new "concern" that the conservatives have that they are gonna see trans women penis is complete bull >-bleeped-<. I say who cares let the dumb ass fail

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

cheryl reeves

I only undressed in gym in front of the guys once and that was when was in junior high and trouble brewed when I developed breasts,in high school I was wavered from the locker room and was allowed to wear street clothes.


Ignorance to the fullest. Both her and her mother. She would fail her class because she wanted to and would be her own doing, not because of anyone else.
What makes this story quite honestly disgusting is her mother's remarks of being proud of her failing, as well as her backwards thinking.

Honestly, the locker rooms while I was in high school, were of course the communal showers and open space. But nobody ever used the showers unless it was the swim team, and they would keep their stuff on while they washed as it was. Most of anyone in the locker rooms ever normally in my school anyways had their physical education clothes up underneath their regular school clothes anyways.

Kate <3
Always remember to smile your face
My life motto: Wake Up and BE Awesome!

"Every minute of your life that you allow someone to dictate your emotions, is a minute of your life you are allowing them to control you." - a dear friend of mine.

Stay true to yourself no matter the consequence, for this is your life, your decision, your trust in which will shape your future. Believe in yourself, if you don't then no one will.


Quote from: Katiepie on August 29, 2016, 06:14:09 PM
Ignorance to the fullest. Both her and her mother. She would fail her class because she wanted to and would be her own doing, not because of anyone else.
What makes this story quite honestly disgusting is her mother's remarks of being proud of her failing, as well as her backwards thinking.

Honestly, the locker rooms while I was in high school, were of course the communal showers and open space. But nobody ever used the showers unless it was the swim team, and they would keep their stuff on while they washed as it was. Most of anyone in the locker rooms ever normally in my school anyways had their physical education clothes up underneath their regular school clothes anyways.

Kate <3
Always remember to smile your face

Yeah i get the impression that people think locker rooms are straight out of the classic movie "Porky's" (if you haven't seen it don't, it's stupid). Naked people frolicking about and snapping towels at one another.

Communal showers seem to be getting rarer and rarer in most types of facilities. Many gyms and schools have shower stalls with curtains, because people asked for them.

Our private Gym has both and the communal ones are really only used for people rinsing off to and from the pool. I dress and undress in front of women 3-4 times a week and nobody has ever complained or raised the issue that my genitals are not like theirs. Indeed the amount of time they are exposed is like 10-15 seconds between towel and putting on my underwear

There should be no issues with letting a Trans person undress in front of others of their identified gender. The amount of time that you are actually exposed is minuscule. It's a straw argument based on indefensible culture war ridiculousness.



Quote from: RobynD on August 30, 2016, 12:35:44 PM

Yeah i get the impression that people think locker rooms are straight out of the classic movie "Porky's" (if you haven't seen it don't, it's stupid). Naked people frolicking about and snapping towels at one another.
That's exactly what the locker room was like for my high school football team.
Love is not obedience, conformity, or submission. It is a counterfeit love that is contingent upon authority, punishment, or reward. True love is respect and admiration, compassion and kindness, freely given by a healthy, unafraid human being....  - Dan Barker

U.S. Army Retired


My experience with women's changing rooms is that people's focus is on getting changed, not eyeballing anyone else's body or being inappropriate.   I'm a little confused as to what this girl and her mother think is going to happen - seems to me they're sexualising a non-sexual situation just because nudity is involved.   Any transgirl in question is just going to be concerned with getting changed as quickly as possible.


The girl could take an "adaptive P.E" course. There! The problem is solved. I was in one during my High School years. (I hated being in it. But, that is an entirely different story) There were two girls in the class. They were there due to "religious reasons". They weren't allowed to wear shorts, sweats, etc. So, they wore what they normally would: Very plain blouses and long denim skirts. They never went into the girl's locker rooms. If that can be done where I live. It can be done where this other girl lives.


Quote from: Deborah on August 29, 2016, 10:05:23 AM
Conservative teen says she'll fail high school if trans students receive equal treatment

Pathetic.  Maybe she'll get results if she swears she'll hold her breath until she turns blue.


So let me get this straight...kiddo is going to cause herself grief with the hope that her silly sacrifice will allow her to reside in the intolerant cesspool of her political dogma?  Oh are not really that big of a deal and you need every advantage you can get, like a solid education.  That you are not able to share or play nicely in the sandbox is going to take a lot to overcome when you are in the real world.
Katherine Lynn M.

You've got a light that always guides you.
You speak of hope and change as something good.
Live your truth and know you're not alone.

The restart - 20-Oct-2015
Legal name and gender change affirmed - 27-Sep-2016
Breast Augmentation (Dr. Gupta) - 27-Aug-2018

Quote from: kaitylynn on August 30, 2016, 09:55:05 PMThat you are not able to share or play nicely in the sandbox is going to take a lot to overcome when you are in the real world.

That's so true; parents are missing a great teaching moment here, you don't have to like any particular person in order to be able to work and accomplish things with them around; but you do have to learn how to not waste your own energy over things that do not contribute to the task at hand.

Its sad, because you honestly don't get all that many of these real turning point moments to work with as a parent; the rest you just have to give a dumb lecture that gets forgotten by the next morning.

In general, this whole notion of "backing up your kids" (when they are acting like idiots) is just ridiculous.   You need to back up the school's policy or the elected boards policy and make sure the kid can see why it is the way it is, and how to work around whatever problem they are having.    If something needs changing, there are right ways of going about accomplishing that change for the cause of justice, and they need to learn what those are too. Argument in extremis, its just me against the US Marine Corp, and that just equals ... splat.  lol



Her parents did not miss a teaching moment.  They are using this to teach her their values.  The facebook quote in the OP is from her mother.
Love is not obedience, conformity, or submission. It is a counterfeit love that is contingent upon authority, punishment, or reward. True love is respect and admiration, compassion and kindness, freely given by a healthy, unafraid human being....  - Dan Barker

U.S. Army Retired


So let me get this straight. We're being accused of discrimination for being who we are, despite the fact the real discrimination is clearly those trying to force us to be who they think we should be based on their idiotic binary perceptions?

Got nothing against religion per se, but parents who raise children with such bigoted values should have their capabilities of parenthood evaluated. Anyone can read the bible but it takes a real nut to read the opposite of what it actually says: Love thy neighbor and all that.