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Started by nbnik, May 14, 2016, 01:38:13 AM

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Are there any other vegan folks here? I searched the forum and found exactly one post related to being vegan and "clean eating" which is not a thing I'm really About. But I've been vegan for over 10 years, and I'm wondering if there are more of us here?

Ms Grace

I was vegan but now include dairy so am only vego. The one thing about being vego or vegan is that if you don't eat well your health can suffer considerably.
Transition 1.0 (Julie): HRT 1989-91
Self-denial: 1991-2013
Transition 2.0 (Grace): HRT June 24 2013
Full-time: March 24, 2014 :D


Quote from: Ms Grace on May 14, 2016, 01:53:33 AM
I was vegan but now include dairy so am only vego. The one thing about being vego or vegan is that if you don't eat well your health can suffer considerably.

That's true with anything, though... I don't have perfect health, by any means (who does?) but a person who eats meat may have high cholesterol, as well as a greater risk of diabetes and heart disease, etc., depending on how they eat.

That's not to say that my being vegan somehow precludes me from getting diabetes, having a stroke, or any of that sort of stuff. (Although it is significantly less common for vegans to have these sorts of health problems.) And we can definitely be overweight (and I have been, before and after going vegan 10+ years ago). So I do want to be careful to avoid coming across as somehow suggesting that veganism is inherently a perfect diet and lifestyle. I mean, for dinner tonight, I had instant ramen noodles from a cup. Tasty, but reeeeally not great for you. It's a guilty pleasure of mine. Also I love spicy food and this stuff in particular (Samyang spicy roasted flavor, if I recall?) hits the spot.

But I digress. I do take vitamins, including a multi with iron and a calcium complex with zinc. And I occasionally take B12 complex. It's not *necessary* that all vegans take supplements, but I do, because I'm bipolar and often don't have the spoons to cook and eat properly. Also I'm hella broke so sometimes ramen is less a guilty pleasure and more a necessity (it's that or nothing sometimes).

But yeah, I'm always looking for more veg*n folks. Hi! Other veg people, if you're seeing this, please introduce yourselves!


I am mostly vegan and have been vegan in the past. The only non-vegan item I routinely eat is gluten-free bread (the GF vegan bread I love is $6.79 a loaf so I can't really afford it). I will sometimes eat eggs or non vegan baked items in restaurants if I end up somewhere without good vegan options.
I don't find it hard to eat a healthy vegan diet.

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Vegan for just about a year now.

Found a delicious vegan protein shake that I use, I'm on prescribed vitamin D, and I have an underactive thyroid, but apart from that my health is fine and has improved since going vegan.

I've found it weirdly easy and I don't miss anything. Nowadays I find it hard to look at non vegan food and find it appealing in any way, although sometimes the thought of a nasty cheesy pizza makes me drool.

My main issue with food is carbs. I replaced most of my non vegan meals with carb alternatives - sandwiches, spaghetti, potatoes and rice ect.

Living on a low budget vegan diet (around £25/week) doesn't leave much space for fresh fruit, veg ect. but frozen and tinned goods are definitely my friend.


Quote from: Meowt on May 14, 2016, 07:40:25 AM
sometimes the thought of a nasty cheesy pizza makes me drool.

Here is a recipe for selfmade vegan cheese :

You can leave away the garlic. It makes for a milder flavour then.

There are also commercial solutions available in shops. I personally would avoid too much soy products because of phytoestrogens. And selfmade can be fun  :) .



Quote from: Meowt on May 14, 2016, 07:40:25 AM
Vegan for just about a year now.

Found a delicious vegan protein shake that I use, I'm on prescribed vitamin D, and I have an underactive thyroid, but apart from that my health is fine and has improved since going vegan.

I've found it weirdly easy and I don't miss anything. Nowadays I find it hard to look at non vegan food and find it appealing in any way, although sometimes the thought of a nasty cheesy pizza makes me drool.

My main issue with food is carbs. I replaced most of my non vegan meals with carb alternatives - sandwiches, spaghetti, potatoes and rice ect.

Living on a low budget vegan diet (around £25/week) doesn't leave much space for fresh fruit, veg ect. but frozen and tinned goods are definitely my friend.
I understand the budget crunch. Our family of 4 lives on one income. I find vegan eating cheaper than other "diets". I buy my produce from a store that just has produce (a local chain that is typically much cheaper than other grocery stores). We spend about CAD 30-40 per week on produce for our family of 4. That includes 3-4 different kinds of fruit (about 10-12 lbs total) and 5-6 kinds of veggies. In addition to the produce, we buy dried beans and lentils (as well as canned ones), nuts and nut butters and a variety of pastas and grains (gluten free since my son has celiac) and coconut milk. We spend about CAD 50 every two weeks at the non produce grocery store. We eat out 1-2 times a month.
Our typical meal plan looks like this:
Breakfast: oatmeal and fruit
Snack: veggies and hummus or peanut butter sandwich and fruit
Lunch: giant salad with beans, nuts or tofu
Snack: opposite of morning snack
Supper: veggie stir fry or bowl with bean noodles or beans and rice

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I'm wheat free, and I was brought up vegetarian and just went vegan, because I want my life to be harder and less enjoyable lol

Just about the supplements/ vitamins, you can only get B12 from eggs, supplements or yeast extracts like marmite, so I take B vitamins, but aside from that I don't take anything.

I always avoided milk and cheese because of my skin, and I could never decide if i like eggs or not, so the change has been relatively easy for me. The hardest thing is actually wheat - even when I was just veggie - because so many meat replacement products use wheat protein/ starches/ breadcrumb etc.


Quote from: Peep on May 21, 2016, 01:06:03 PM
I'm wheat free, and I was brought up vegetarian and just went vegan, because I want my life to be harder and less enjoyable lol

Just about the supplements/ vitamins, you can only get B12 from eggs, supplements or yeast extracts like marmite, so I take B vitamins, but aside from that I don't take anything.

I always avoided milk and cheese because of my skin, and I could never decide if i like eggs or not, so the change has been relatively easy for me. The hardest thing is actually wheat - even when I was just veggie - because so many meat replacement products use wheat protein/ starches/ breadcrumb etc.
My 6 year old son has celiac and going gluten free was definitely harder than vegan/vegetarian. On the other hand, I am just glad that he is healthy and growing.

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Quote from: Meowt on May 14, 2016, 07:40:25 AM
Vegan for just about a year now.

Found a delicious vegan protein shake that I use, I'm on prescribed vitamin D, and I have an underactive thyroid, but apart from that my health is fine and has improved since going vegan.

I've found it weirdly easy and I don't miss anything. Nowadays I find it hard to look at non vegan food and find it appealing in any way, although sometimes the thought of a nasty cheesy pizza makes me drool.

My main issue with food is carbs. I replaced most of my non vegan meals with carb alternatives - sandwiches, spaghetti, potatoes and rice ect.

Living on a low budget vegan diet (around £25/week) doesn't leave much space for fresh fruit, veg ect. but frozen and tinned goods are definitely my friend.

What vegan protein do you use? I know there are a number of them nowadays, but I've only tried one or two, I think.

I'm in a tight spot financially but it's complicated as well by having relapsed. I mean to say that I've had an on again, off again thing with restrictive eating disorders for ages, and I fell into that again a couple months back. So, it's hard for me to get enough of, well, anything. It's complicated, but I'm trying to keep things as safe as possible.


This is one I've used:

Not a huge fan of it by itself. Plant-based protein powders seem to be a lot grittier than their counterparts. But I've taken to mixing it in with desserts to use it up. Banana flavors seem to hide it pretty well.

I drink Shakeology now. More expensive, but it's less of a protein shake and more of a nutrition shake so I can dig that. They have 2 vegan flavors that are pretty decent.
T: 12/5/2014 | Top: 4/21/2015 | Hysto: 2/6/2016 | Meta: 3/21/2017

I don't come here anymore, so if you need to get in touch send an email: maxdoeswork AT


I do not eat meat for 3 years.


Quote from: Peep on May 21, 2016, 01:06:03 PMJust about the supplements/ vitamins, you can only get B12 from eggs, supplements or yeast extracts like marmite, so I take B vitamins, but aside from that I don't take anything.

Before I respond to this, I want to say that I am vegan as well, as much as possible (sometimes at temple, for lunch, I will ask which items don't have ghee or clarified butter in them, and most of the time I get it with veggie oil, but sometimes, ghee slips in there ).  I have been vegetarian for nearly 23 years, vegan for 17 of these years (over 12 years this time).

My response:

This is the Natural Hygiene perspective on this problem, of getting enough vitamin B-12.

B-12 is a vitamin produced by bacterial symbiosis, bacteria living in the soil and on the plants. The reason that B-12 is supposedly derived from animal products is because livestock eat the plants on the ground or hay/feed in contact with the soil for a sufficient length of time to allow bacterial travel to it.

A problem with humans is that in the distribution chain, the produce is washed somewhere along the way (usually with chlorinated water), which kills off the bacteria and cleans off the B-12 that was deposited on the produce. If any survived, chances are it was cleaned off when it arrived at the grocery store (particularly greens in the wall units with water sprayers to keep them fresh via city water - more chlorine!).

A second problem is that with the derangement and destruction of the human digestive tract with inappropriate food, even if you ingest thousands of times the so-called RDA, you may only be absorbing a tiny fraction of it either because your damaged lining can't absorb it, or because your stomach is impaired in its ability to produce Intrinsic Factor via the parietal cells. Intrinsic Factor is needed in the gastric uptake of B-12 in the GI tract before crossing into your body tissues proper. So, you can be a "graveyard" (dead body eater) and still have this problem.




I'm actually now on prescription B-12 which is supposed to be more effective than the over-the-counter kind... the deficiency came up when they were doing my bloods for T.


I have been vegan for about 20 years.  I have never felt better.  My wife loves to bake, and is the queen of vegan desserts!
2015-07-04 Awakening; 2015-11-15 Out to self; 2016-06-22 Out to wife; 2016-10-27 First time presenting in public; 2017-01-20 Started HRT!!; 2017-04-20 Out publicly; 2017-07-10 Legal name change; 2019-02-15 Approval for GRS; 2019-08-02 Official gender change; 2020-03-11 GRS; 2020-09-17 New birth certificate