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been a rough week

Started by Veronica A, September 23, 2016, 09:41:27 AM

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Veronica J

sitting here at my computer wondering if i should type this.. been so afraid to tell anyone at all, (sorry being PC isnt my best trait) terrified someone will chuck me in the 'looney bin' and toss away the key... but sitting here i realised i need to start somewhere.

bit of background

for years (decades really) i have been suppressing as much of myself and my emotions as i can (I remember watching STG TOS and saw Spock and thought that would be perfect and did my best to emulate him).. doing everything i could to "fit in".i began years ago disassociating my self from emotions and felt like an observer thru life.. observing, afraid to rock the boat.. to help others where i can (giving away items and money, that i couldn't aford but did because they needed it more than i did.)..every now and then anger would roar its head or i would have a mini melt down.

since around april/may when i stopped fighting myself and accepted who i am and started to change my life and innocently just accepted things will turn out a certain way.. even tho i hadn't really connected to my self and embraced all my emotions.. i began a slow process, i stayed at my sisters for a time getting back on my feet, but still get the walls in place and the flood gates closed..

then a month ago i got my own place and started being me.. little bits and first.. it became anoying at first when family would just pop in two worlds sucks soo much.. i just want to tell my family and be done with it.. thing is i know my parents will do all they can to stop me, i feel positive they would take me to court to try to get the judge to rule that i am unable to make rational decisions and suffer from a mental illness and to give them power over me. (i am their only son [ they have 3 daughters] and can cary on the surname and my dad reminds of that everytime he sees me with my growning hair "you need a haircut, your my SON!") i havent told them yet.

back on track

this week has been the worse week i have had in years.. this last weekend i was really down in the dumps, and didnt eat sunday, monday after work i was so down.. i started listening to music and went to bed early, and cried for a long time, feeling desolate and totally unloved,broken and unknown (no one knows me)and cried myself to sleep. on Tuesday i grabbed the notes my therapist made and began reading them. didn't feel too much better, got my mind thinking tho.. Wednesday came and i went to my nephews birthday party.

Yesterday i worked in Melbourne CBd, and just seeing all those people and ladies and some i suspected to be like me (little clues we know to look for, i didn't stare just the usual street watching and glancing) and was amazed at transformations and wondering if there was half a chance i look a quarter as good when i start the transition (not on HRT just yet) even spoted a couple of ladies who were still transitioning  (adams apple gave them away) but saw their confidence. then i got home and looked in the mirror and hated everything i saw and felt no way would i be that pretty.. to hell with my two promises (i have only ever made 3 in my life and try to honor all three) better just to end it.. no one will miss me that much and i would be forgotten and stop hurting those around me with my existence, to stop steeling someone elses oxygen, maybe those bullies had it right all along and i was simply too stupid to realize. and lets just say i was close, but something in me said no, this isnt the day and its not worth doing.. for some reason i decided to just go to bed.

and tonight i was in town again, and my depression is worse than last night, i cant stand to look at my face in the mirror.. and grabbed my notes and really read them and put the tools into play.. its helped a little.

i am totally unlovable, nobody really wants to know the real me, not my family and not those who are my 'friends'. some would say my parents love me, i would say only so much as they love the idea of a son. a lovely feather in their cap.. they have never taken the time to really see me, to understand me.. no i had to be a certain way, stop being 'soft' i even recall an incident where i was on the floor (something happened i cant recall, i think i fell) i remember having tears in my eyes and look at my Dad yelling "whats the matter with YOU!! ARE YOU GAY!! STOP CRYING!" he was so angry, ma y people in and out of school thought i was ( my parents hate the LBGT period its an anethma to my parents) i was more terrified than i can recall, my mom admonished him (please dont get me wrong, my Dad has never given me a hiding in my life, not one). do what was expected of me and follow their advice and pressure to do things.. even getting married 16years ago, i knew then getting married was the wrong thing to do. even now thats the case, the pressure is unreal. i even remember doing an IQ test (to see your vocation that best suits you and your IQ) at school in Republic of South Africa and my folks went and spoke to the tester and came back and i remember the grimm look and was like oh oh and asked how did i do? was told anything you want to do and your IQ is a fair bit above average.. i never believed them and secretly later i got tested again and sure enough my IQ was a fair bit above normal.. still why the grimm looks. i love my parents a great deal, and they did give me a steel spine, and a motto they told me and repeated a few times "there is nothing in this world to kill yourself over" the only child of theirs they gave that advise too, kind of wonder why just me.

and another one, i got asked out of the blue a year ago from my oldest sister (who faithfully tells my parents anything i tell her) "You grew up with 3 sisters, how come you arent gay?" that floored me, if there is one thing i am sure of is that.. i have experimented and know its not me and i have no problem with anyone in the LBGT what soever and very happy they have someone who loves them, naturally i didnt tell her that.. i just shrugged my sholders and said i am not.. and left it at that. an interesting side note tho, sometimes when she talks to others or me she calls me her sister sometimes.. she is corrected on her "grammer" mistake, i kind of feel happy inside...she has been doing that for years.. one other sister ocassionally.

i am so in the habit of doing things to please my family. even tho my sister has accepted me, when she sees me dressed i see how uncomfortable she is and now change to guy mode before she comes over to make her feel more at ease.. its just something i do..i am going to take her up on the offer of going to Katies (womens clothing store in Australia) and shop for jeans...

no body wants to see the real me, i am soo used to being hidden and who could possibly ever love an ugly me.. and truthfully i am worried that when i go to a meeting/s, nobody there would want to be friends with me when they see the real me.. i honestly have no idea how to be me in public, the moment i see people uncomfortable i try to be and do whatever it takes to be 'acceptable'. i would love to make friends and just be me, and to accept each other as we are.. to go shopping and learn the finer art of makeup and advice.. i dont know if thats even possible if anyone to ever be a real friend to the real me.

one of the ways i have survived is to retreat and live in books and in my imagination... i have read every single star trek book todate and now onto Christine feehans books.. i retreat in my mind. and with my emotions emerging and becoming a prt of my everyday life, the walls are down and the dam is bursting.. i understand more now than before.. its still hurts. i am terrified of telling my parents, i feel i may actually get my first hiding from my Dad....doubt it tho.

would i be sending the wrong impression to my therapist if i asked to start HRT? or do i just wait and see.. i dont want to mess my chances and its scarry opening up to someone.

Veronica J

hmm its morning here now in Aus, and what i was meaning about the real me.. not the outside.. i am socially inept in many ways.. i have no idea how to be social, i am awkward at it, i fear it and i barely if ever go out.. i hide many parts of me and just watch others and then try to blend in.. never truely just been me..its hard to explain

i have let my hair down so to speak and was rejected,i fear rejection.


Actually, that's a pretty reasonable explanation.  Our true selves are often hidden away behind the persona we construct to get through life in our assigned-at-birth gender.  We package learned responses together to produce some semblance of behaving like 'we are supposed to'.  That same package of responses shields us from the danger of personal contact that might reveal our differences.

One of the big tasks a therapist has with us is peeling away the artificial responses we hide behind and dragging us out of hiding and into the light.  Then they have to find a way to get us to stay there!

I found that HRT made me comfortable enough to stop hiding inside myself.  Some of the anxiety and depression faded away and I could interact better with other people.  It's worth asking your therapist about. 

You should be able to tell your therapist about your concerns and fears, including your home life and possible reaction from your father.  They can help you to find a safe path for yourself. Inside the therapist's office should be a safe space for you.  Don't be afraid to ask anything, or say anything.
Earth my body, water my blood, air my breath and fire my spirit.

My personal transition path included medical changes.  The path others take may require no medical intervention, or different care.  We each find our own path. I provide these dates for the curious.
Electrolysis - Hours in The Chair: 238 (8.5 were preparing for GCS, five clearings); On estradiol patch June 2016; Full-time Oct 22, 2016; GCS Oct 20, 2017; FFS Aug 28, 2018; Stage 2 labiaplasty revision and BA Feb 26, 2019
Michelle's personal blog and biography


Hi Veronica and a big hug from Adelaide,

Funny thing about being trans is we are so alone but there are many of us around who know what it is like and so we are not alone here.

Your life history sounds so familiar and one I and I am sure many can relate to. The issues you are facing do seem insurmountable and the end is not in sight ut it can and will be achieved.

Are you booked in with the psych's as yet to start and evaluation? You may find talking through the issues can be helpful, it was for me when I began my journey.

Family is always hard to deal with and parents can be the biggest problem, I have to admit my solution was simple  - I left them in the UK and came to Australia and that was it. In the end we have to do what we need for our own survival, we don't live for parents or siblings, we live for ourselves and in the end we owe nothing to anyone except ourselves.

I know you have been seeking clubs etc in Melbourne to catch up with people, is there any events on today you can go to and sit with some other TG people? It might just break the frustration a bit if you can catch up with a few other girls.

If you can try and get out today and maybe do a bit of shopping or catch up with others, hopefully some of the Melbourne girls can help out with some events on today.

Remember you are not alone we are here for you.

Veronica J

Quote from: Cindy on September 23, 2016, 06:29:42 PM
Hi Veronica and a big hug from Adelaide,

Funny thing about being trans is we are so alone but there are many of us around who know what it is like and so we are not alone here.

Your life history sounds so familiar and one I and I am sure many can relate to. The issues you are facing do seem insurmountable and the end is not in sight ut it can and will be achieved.

Are you booked in with the psych's as yet to start and evaluation? You may find talking through the issues can be helpful, it was for me when I began my journey.

thanks for this, it helped me put things in perspective.. it everything looks like a huge mountain.. i am seeing a therapist, being going since april.. its once a month tho on the Mental health plan. i ahve started avoiding the before and after page for the time being.. its too depressing seeing the amazing transformations people go thru..

Quote from: Cindy on September 23, 2016, 06:29:42 PM
Family is always hard to deal with and parents can be the biggest problem, I have to admit my solution was simple  - I left them in the UK and came to Australia and that was it. In the end we have to do what we need for our own survival, we don't live for parents or siblings, we live for ourselves and in the end we owe nothing to anyone except ourselves.
That is true, i have told my therapist this.. and my folks, how to put this, are rigid in certain views and i have explained how the respond/react to certain things (you should hear the LBGT hate, oh boy :( )..i am kind of thinking of quietly moving before telling them.. then tell them and fly out for my first surgery. well i wouldn't tell them face to face.. i would be too worried my Dad will give me a hiding, being in public sure wont stop him. none of his kids are allowed to hurt his wife period or we will suffer the consequences.. hes not a bad man, he is a teddy bear and he loves his kids. but hurt his wife oh look out for sure.

its difficult learning to live for ones self.. its the biggest reason i made the decisions i have, i had too make them to survive.

Quote from: Cindy on September 23, 2016, 06:29:42 PM
I know you have been seeking clubs etc in Melbourne to catch up with people, is there any events on today you can go to and sit with some other TG people? It might just break the frustration a bit if you can catch up with a few other girls.

If you can try and get out today and maybe do a bit of shopping or catch up with others, hopefully some of the Melbourne girls can help out with some events on today.

Remember you are not alone we are here for you.

the clubs etc, is at the advice of my therapist.. to go see what its like and maybe meet people. and to make friends.. she said its important to have good close friends who can stand with you when your family turns their back on you. its not healthy being on your own all the time, that i need friends to just go shopping with and talk girl things, to learn to be myself and be comfortable with who one is. 

i couldnt go out today because i was oncall, and was on the phone , worked on my work laptop all day :( i am very weary going to clubs on my own, worried something bad my happen to me when i am on my own. also shopping i cant do atm, i dont have any money at all :( i stretched myself very thin getting my house..

Veronica J

Quote from: Michelle_P on September 23, 2016, 06:19:16 PM
Actually, that's a pretty reasonable explanation.  Our true selves are often hidden away behind the persona we construct to get through life in our assigned-at-birth gender.  We package learned responses together to produce some semblance of behaving like 'we are supposed to'.  That same package of responses shields us from the danger of personal contact that might reveal our differences.

One of the big tasks a therapist has with us is peeling away the artificial responses we hide behind and dragging us out of hiding and into the light.  Then they have to find a way to get us to stay there!

I found that HRT made me comfortable enough to stop hiding inside myself.  Some of the anxiety and depression faded away and I could interact better with other people.  It's worth asking your therapist about. 

You should be able to tell your therapist about your concerns and fears, including your home life and possible reaction from your father.  They can help you to find a safe path for yourself. Inside the therapist's office should be a safe space for you.  Don't be afraid to ask anything, or say anything.

you are soo right, my therapist has been giving me the tools to work thru things when they rear their head.. to stop reacting to situations but to stand back evaluate and then respond as me an adult. to accept myself. i have been going over the notes today and working thru things.. mostly while cleaning my house from top to bottom, i find it relaxes me and i can reason things thru..i also love baking, in fact (not to brag or anything)i am a better baker than my mom (she even admitted it).. and have been since i baked my first cake when i was around 11 and the middle never sank.

just wondered if after a number sessions if its ok to ask about starting HRT.. i have been feeling i need to ask about it the last 2 sessions but allways get carried away over something else and fear asking.


Oh definitely ask about HRT, from memory I asked at the first session, when can I start HRT and why not now? It took a few more than that but about four sessions I think (a long time ago or so it seems).

As for clubs I was thinking of TG meet ups. We run one in Adelaide on the last Saturday of the month, so today we had 15 people, several newbies some dressed in female clothes, some not, whatever was comfy of them. There are a few oldies like me who have finished their journey and can help out with advice. But it gives a chance to talk to  people in a safe place and have a coffee or a wine and just chill out. If you can find something like that it can really help.


Veronica J

Quote from: Cindy on September 24, 2016, 05:37:45 AM
Oh definitely ask about HRT, from memory I asked at the first session, when can I start HRT and why not now? It took a few more than that but about four sessions I think (a long time ago or so it seems).

As for clubs I was thinking of TG meet ups. We run one in Adelaide on the last Saturday of the month, so today we had 15 people, several newbies some dressed in female clothes, some not, whatever was comfy of them. There are a few oldies like me who have finished their journey and can help out with advice. But it gives a chance to talk to  people in a safe place and have a coffee or a wine and just chill out. If you can find something like that it can really help.

will do, i feel more positive today about my future, being doing my best to put into practise my therapists notes/advice... it has its ups and downs.. and this summer i am all over the country for my company i work for.. adelaide for ADOTG, Tasmania etc..  i really need a freq flyer card....