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Additional EQMD Activism Update

Started by ChefAnnagirl, January 26, 2006, 08:05:04 PM

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Hi Y'all...

Just the day before last,
My spouse and best friend in the world had the occasion to actually meet and provide Limousine service for Dan Furmansky, Executive director of Maryland's EQMD organization.
He was appearing in the DC studios of FOX networks for a Bill O'Reilly show appearance, and she told him about me and that i indirectly knew him - and of course they had a wonderful albeit short time in the car together, because she can either get along with or completely disarm anyone with her smile and sense of humor - Anyway - ...
I had the occasion to most pleasantly correspond with him in the past, when I first began transitioning - had to get their permission to post his updates here....

It's people like this that seem always to make everything so completely worthwhile - -those that truly like to fight for, and at all costs, of attaining just the simple, and most basic of inalienable human rights and the grace of anything even remotely like the need for understanding and acceptance for all others, no matter what race, color, background, politics, gender, or otherwise...
This was a good letter he wrote (below)...
Lovingly always,


From: Dan Furmansky

Dear Friends,

Integrity is a word I've been thinking a lot about the past week.  I imagine you have been too, as you've examined the media coverage from the court decision that came down last week.  The disappointments we are all feeling with elected officials and candidates is palpable. 

Here is what some have been saying about the ruling:

"My position has been steadfast and the same, consistent from day one which is we are going to protect traditional marriage. Which means we will do what we need to do. Whether that means a new constitutional amendment, whether it means we work with an existing vehicle in the General Assembly that decision has not been made. But I would call on the leadership of both parties to come together and protect marriage in our state."

Republican Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr.

"I was raised to believe that marriage is between a man and a woman." 

Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley, whose campaign manager, Jonathan Epstein, added that the mayor opposes gay marriage but has expressed support for civil unions - which some states have adopted as an alternative to same-sex marriage but which don't always afford the same rights.

"I will base my position on "what my district tells me do."

Senator Jim Brochin (D-Baltimore County)

"Duncan would support civil unions among same-sex couples."

A campaign spokeswoman for Montgomery County Executive Doug Duncan, who declined to state his views on marriage equality, while the Post noted that he had spoken out against it in the past.

"I'm confident that our statute, which is very clear, will be upheld. This was a decision by one judge in Baltimore city who is out of touch with the judicial community in Maryland."

House Majority Leader Kumar Barve (D-Montgomery County)

"The far left is playing into the hands of the far right. They're idiots."

Senate President Mike Miller (D-Calvert County)

Meanwhile, others have shown that fairness and justice are things that cannot be compromised. 

"Are we prepared to give that equal protection to all people?...I don't know how the courts could have come up with any decision than what they did... "I recognize [civil union] laws don't cover all the benefits and all the rights that could and should be accrued to same sex couples." 

Honorable Kwesi Mfume, Democratic Candidate for U.S. Senate (

Mr. Mfume will undoubtedly pick up new supporters in the LGBT and allied community for his steadfast commitment to his principles regardless of the political implications.  He is joined by other U.S. Senate Candidates, including Lise Van Susteren, Allan Lichtman, and Kevin Zeese, who have all been unequivocal in their support.  Rep. Benjamin Cardin, also a candidate, forcefully opposed any amendment to Maryland's Constitution.

Our community is used to being tossed to the curb for political expediency.  We should never be surprised when candidates and elected officials decide that selling us out is better than actually making the case for us and being leaders on inclusion, commitment, fairness, freedom, and love.  Democrats used to be proud of fighting for these values and standing up for families willing to play by the rules.  Republicans, too, used to be for equal opportunity, or at least, for the American idea that government should not be putting obstacles in the path of people seeking to take on responsibility and care for others.

If you have not yet taken action and contacted your state senator and delegates on the anti-gay constitutional amendment, please do so immediately.  The other side is waging the battle of their lives, and we must do the same.  Click here to send your email today. 

In partnership and equality,

Dan Furmansky
Executive Director

Contact these individuals and let them know how you feel about their comments.  Remember, anger is not the best tool for making change.  We must learn to keep our hearts open, and to dream the positive future we want to create.

Governor Ehrlich: Martin O'Malley:
Doug Duncan: Kumar Barve: 


We Need You for Lobby Day 2006

Rally for Fairness and Justice for Maryland's LGBT Citizens and their Families
Monday, February 13th - Assemble between 4:30 and 5 p.m.
Lawyer's Mall, Annapolis, MD

Last year about 1000 Marylanders attended the Lobby Day Rally and we passed some significant legislation.

We need to double that this year!

We will rally to stop the constitutional amendment to ban protections for gay and lesbian families and support legislation that will legally protect our families.


Thursday February 2, 2006
7:00 p.m.

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Frederick
4880 Elmer Derr Road
Frederick, MD 21703
Phone (301) 473-7680


We need a crowd to join us in Annapolis next Tuesday, from noon onward, to combat the opposition, who will be out in droves for the House Judiciary Committee hearing on Del. Dwyer's proposed constitutional amendment.  If you can join us, please email  Signs are welcome, but sticks are not allowed.  If you feel you bring a fresh perspective or voice to the discussion and would like to testify, please also email

"Del. Dwyer's office notified me that the honosexual lobbists are mobilized through the halls of the house and senate they have received visits and emails supporting honosexual marriage."

-Defend Maryland Marriage's Pastor Rick Bowers, in an email to his membership that went out Tuesday.

Incidentally all three of Equality Maryland's "homosexual" lobbyists are "heterosexual".

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