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Thinking out loud

Started by Drexy/Drex, September 26, 2016, 09:24:08 PM

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Hi there Liz ....ah so you like two wheels too...don't miss out ....get another one 😉😁
I haven't had a bike for 15 yrs ... I've got a bobber custom as well but it has had to go through engineering hoops etc ,.....long story
Anyway lashed out and got this's a Yamaha mt-01 48 degree overhead valve 102 cube (1700 cc ) vtwin heaps of big twins

In regard to that woman I encountered....when I replied it was not in a way that was specifically  meant to acknowledge her as male  as up here and women  call each other mate all the time .....however she was very feminine and if I met her again I wouldn't be saying mate to her .....unless I knew her very well
No no exotic travels for the time being ... I'll have to see this contract out to get back in the black .....and then I think a ffs revision is on the horizon....once I stop getting acknowledged as male then will come voice and thence ba.... considering I'm on show to everyone I know in this's important to me to get it right


Nice Bike

I had a boulevard1800 and loved it....big brute of a thing....great for cruising not so good for the city.

I would love to get another bike but to be honest I am not capable anymore due to medical issues. I have an implanted medication pump that has a tendency to destroy my concentration. I have been know to have micro sleeps at the lights while waiting for them to change. I don't drive a car very often either.

Sounds like you have the physical side of your transition pretty well sorted out. I "graduated" from voice therapy today. My voice has settled now to an average of 210 mghz and I am very happy with that.

Nice to read your update.

Take Care


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


I'm sorry to hear that you are a real trooper.... everything you've gone through as the commentor says in quake 3 when you get a good frag " Impressive"!!!
Nice bit of gear that bike....🤘
Ohhh this morning I noticed that lady in the mess at brekkie, only because I caught her out the corner of my eye glancing over my way, I don't know whether it was me or because my crew and I were being so raucous.....🙄😶🤔


Hmmm checking you out maybe....I would keep an eye on that [emoji16]It could be one of those situations where you are both to shy to approach each other lol [emoji23]

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


Wow Liz one of my work mates who I've worked with on a few jobs ....just  asked me straight up. In the wet I let him in on it what a watershed moment ...he was the last person that I expected would  accept me .....but since he had the balls to ask I told him the he wants  me to meet some other trans chick he has to deal with.....whoa what a head spin...😲
and I've never seen her but she controls the rail when it rains it pours 🤣🤣🤣 looks like I'm not the only trans in the village 😁


Hahahah a classic...

That is so cool...could this be the start of Drexy becoming a "public person" rather than half a mystery girl...

You been working on this stuff for a long time so it was inevitable....good on you for being so courageous. I am glad it has worked out for you.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


Yesterday was our half day off so I got some one on one time with my gf/ confidante
She started to point out a few things I wasn't aware apparently my legs have changed quite a bit calf's etc ...then she asked me how my balance was ....I'm like huh ?
and she you know heels....I said I'd never worn them ....she gently admonished me...about my skull jewelry etc and said I need to start feminising more...
Well I know I'm very butch..but I would feel so awkward in a dress...even though I do love the female Bohemian style ..
She's such a love after our chat which was refreshing ....though popped the bubble I had been in leaving me feeling somewhat vulnerable ,
I went to the gym and then to the wet mess after which was packed and in full swing ...I was sober ....and I noticed just how much I was being scoped
That was where Dazz started to ask inquisitive questions and after I came out to him ,he wanted to know what I was going to do about the second stage (grs) he was very genuine and well he is part of my work family ....he knew me from when I was the Viking man beast 😆 so he's doing very well...ended up him telling me he's got my back and he indicated to me he was very impressed....even invited me to go out with him and his wife when we are on r&r....and he was adamant I should meet the rail chick ....I tried to explain to him that maybe she doesn't want to be seen as a trans woman...but he's like nah nah two will get on well ....maybe you can go to her room have a couple of drinks.... I'm not trying to matchmake but you never know....
Well I bumped into that girl this morning in the mess I smiled briefly at her as I do with woman....but the look I got in return seemed to indicate she wasn't very impressed with me ...maybe I'm too out there or maybe she finds my butchness  distasteful and maybe she's embarrassed observing that awkward transitionally phase....anyway I respect that...I always avoid openly clocking someone anyway.....
I found her quite attractive and poised fact I don't know how anyone has known even me ....she's transitioned very successfully 😊
Ha Dazz reckons I'm more attractive than her ...but he was wearing beer Goggles 😆
Still I'm close to what I think of her I would be quite happy.
I'm glad I picked this job huge camp lots of people ....and  therefore lots of exposure...the good thing about becoming more out is that I can be more feminine not as in attire or mannerisms...but just softer which is the real me ....and I do believe some of the guys already treat me a bit less brashly ....



Hi Drexy

It is so great to see you making such progress. I hope you are able to take advantage of your new found "outness" and go out with your friend and his wife.

So your GF/mentor is starting to push the idea that you need to update your appearance to a more feminie you...that is quite a difficult thing to do no matter if you live in the city or the Outback...I suspect it would be more difficult for you in a camp such as you are. Maybe its one of those things you could think about for your next camp...present yourself as Drexy from day one so no one knows you any differently...that all very well for me to say sitting back here in Adelaide but I was thinking in terms of if you start your next job as Drexy then there is no pressure to keep her hidden...that is of course if you have decided how you want to present Drexy tot he world...there are many ways to dress fem without wearing a dress...its not so much what you wear but how you wear it...anyway that's entirely up to you but it seems like you are going to get a bit more pressure from your friend to be yourself. Maybe jewelry is a good place to start...I have developed a love for it myself and have to be careful as to not goo over the top.

I hope you can hook up with the other trans woman and maybe she just isn't sure of your intentions...maybe she really did mean "stay the hell away" only time will tell.

Take care

Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


That's a good point about turning up as me  at next job....there will come a time when it will be obvious (ba) it's a big industry but a small world up here so where ever I go there will just about always be people who have worked with me before,my next op is vfs I consider that really it will I think give a more overall perception of me as feminine will also be  when I change my name  ,
I have another gf in the city who wants to take me op shopping and try crossdressing
as she puts it 😉
Yes I luvvvv jewelry especially silver.
With that other woman yes time will tell in our work we have so little time to socialize
that all it may come to just ships passing in the night unless there's a interaction with work or a concerted effort
But I've learnt enough to respect the privacy of other people ....
I think you are right ..I may be heading toward escape velocity...and where the air is thinner ....I may not have as much control 🤨😉


Today at breakie , I was sitting with my usual crew including Ruthie ...who I get on very well fact there's some chemistry going on there , she's a good looking , road train driver rides a Harley  ....and she likes me quite a bit too,
Anyway I was busy wolfing down my food as I was running late ....the other 3 were in grossed in conversation, then Ruthie stated there's a He/she here not because of her presence but because I think the gossip Mill is in full swing I'm assuming she has only recently arrived ,
I glanced across the mess /dining hall  and there was that woman sitting by her self , now normally I absolutely hate the term He/she  but coming from her it didn't sound so bad wasn't said with any negative emotion ...just matter of fact.... actually I  don't mind the term >-bleeped-< ....I own that word...anyway there's always someone on the radio complaining about having >-bleeped-< problems ....sometime I want to chip in and say , " maybe you should try counseling "....or  if it's overheating I got a hot >-bleeped-<'s like "yeah what's her number "
However apart from all that I kinda wondered how R knew or anyone for that matter
I mean she is actually a good looking woman beautiful long red hair , her pretty face framed with red framed glasses....shes tall like me , she reminds me of a woman I  saw a few years ago in a different camp before I my own self realisation, she was tall but had blonde hair ...
Anyhow observing that chick sitting there .....I wonder if she has segragated herself..
It's tempting to just rock up there and have brekkie with her ....but maybe she would not like that.....
My observation is that she's appears to prim /proper / just shy and she's ...not a noisy slaggy mole like me
But you can't judge someone unless you've walked a their boots.
I've been through hell along time in these places when people thought I was gay ....
I know what it's like to have a group of people turn their backs on you ,to  be the subject of sniping remarks over the two way etc etc , back when there were no anti harassment
Law's so it's easy for me to handle any flak I might encounter 
I almost said then and there " I am too " but there's a time and place .

Going back to the Dazz moment that was actually an interesting moment....he was almost fatherly or like a brother he put his arm around me and said " come on your a tough guy "  it was really nice the way he handled it....but then again it's a work family thing....we spend so much time together out in these remote places that we do become like family....


