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Ouiji boards

Started by Cin, July 04, 2016, 03:20:02 PM

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I'm curious but I don't want to do it, I'm good lol


the board is a vector and you should not have to touch it for it to work if it is really being moved by a spirit. you could try your whole life and never get it to work. if you don't have the gift then it will not work. use a candle.


Not really a toy, but used as one.  You need a medium in order to channel.
They must find it difficult, those who have taken authority as truth, rather than truth as authority.
              Gerald Massey



Quote from: ChasingAlice on July 04, 2016, 07:55:50 PM
the board is a vector and you should not have to touch it for it to work if it is really being moved by a spirit. you could try your whole life and never get it to work. if you don't have the gift then it will not work. use a candle.

What is the candle method called? I'm not familiar with it. Thanks.


Quote from: SophiaBleu on July 04, 2016, 08:09:08 PM
Not really a toy, but used as one.  You need a medium in order to channel.

I'm on the fence about ouiji being real but it makes sense that only certain people can channel.


  Meant as as toy, but has serious consequences. My own observation as a child in the 1960's was that there was a dominant player and his or her shill involved. I've seen this since. Someone would bias the shuttle one way or another by whim as the game calls for and the usual dominant one in that circle would admonish the 'offender' and the usual shill would confirm that. That is the evil. Dictatorships are formed by the same kind of "group think" in this manner.



I wouldn't even try to fool with a Ouija board. Most people don't take it seriously, however the problem I can really see, is if someone found out that had medium qualities and either surpressed it or didn't take it seriously and end up playing with this board as a toy and actually unintentionally screwing something up.

This world has a lot of mystery and I have medium qualities, yet there are things that I refuse to deal with, especially on my own. I stick to the simple stuff.

*adding : Now that I think on it, I think another difference is, whether or not you have medium qualities, if you have a weak mind you could be taken advantage of when using it. Those with stronger minds and personalities may not be effected or are able to see what's happening and protect themselves against it.
What do the eyes say when you look into them? What do you see?


if you get an angry spirit there will be a fight! Trust the person with a personality disorder.


Ouija boards are not toys and many people have strange experiences with it because you are basically opening up a portal to hell, I know friends and family who have played with them and they didn't have good experiences, I was always told not to touch them and I won't cuz that ain't no game at all.
keep working hard and you can get anything you want.    -Aaliyah


I just found out toymakers make Ouija boards and sell them, they look tiny. If it's so easy to get one, it makes me skeptical.


Quote from: ChasingAlice on July 18, 2016, 09:39:30 AM
if you get an angry spirit there will be a fight! Trust the person with a personality disorder.

My above statement refers to any and all spiritual rituals. Whatever they may be.


They're complete BS, but I still won't allow one in my house. It's gotta stay outside! ;)

And I also think it'd be kind of neat to make one out of wood and...I don't know, a pretty rock or something.

Also if you're going to play with it outside you probably need a flat, clean surface, like some sort of altar or something.

And if it's dark out you'll need candles to see.
'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.


Quote from: Cin on July 18, 2016, 08:26:30 PM
I just found out toymakers make Ouija boards and sell them, they look tiny. If it's so easy to get one, it makes me skeptical.
Being skeptical is a great way to approach almost everything. Sometimes people will deride skeptics as people who just disbelieve everything but in fact being a skeptic just means you want to gather as much information as possible before forming an opinion one way or another. But it has to be hard information, not hearsay and conjecture. I've certainly been openly skeptical about anything supernatural but I'd be absolutely giddy if by some chance some day someone or something blows my mind.

Overall, the Ouija board is nothing but a toy and will always be nothing but a toy. Objects only have value if we give them value. A colored piece of paper with a 1 on it is only worth $1 because we say it is. That almost identical piece of paper with the 20 on it is 20 times more valuable simply because we say it is. Hypothetically, if spiritually attuned people exist, then the Ouija board is only given value if they choose to give it value. A piece of paper with letters and Yes No written on it would perform the exact same function if bestowed the same value. So, like others have said, it's not really the Ouija board that matters or has any value. It's the person using it and how much value they want to grant to the board.

One day when I was a kid I was watching my brother roughhouse with another boy, as he often did. But this one time for whatever reason I was overcome with an irrational fear that he was about to be seriously injured. So I intervened and forcibly stopped the activity (which wasn't easy as he was 5 years older and much larger than me). Was this some kind of psychic premonition? I stopped the activity prematurely. There's no way of knowing. This was the only instance I remember feeling this way as despite being a pessimist I'm usually irrationally optimistic that people I care about will be okay. So at the end of the day, did I have a premonition my brother being injured? Nope, because nothing happened. There's no other information to go on.

About 10-15 years ago I witnessed a sphere of light floating in the air maybe 2 feet front of me. I was staring directly at it and it seemed to be a real object that had real substance. But it lasted no more than 3 seconds and it vanished as suddenly as it appeared. Ball lightning? No thunderstorms within hundreds, if not thousands of miles (not to mention how rare ball lightning would be regardless). Any number of factors can go into creating brief optical illusions to play tricks on the mind. With no more information to go on and nothing to study, I just have to dismiss it. There's just not enough information to work with.

Sometimes when we lack information we try to fill in the blanks ourselves. But it's okay to not have all the answers. It's okay if sometimes the answer is No Answer. If you want to know the depths of the Ouija board, anecdotes have to be tossed out. You have to play it yourself and find out. But if you don't want to, that's fine. There's nothing wrong with No Answer. It's only wrong if it was a filled in blank.

Lily Rose

  i have never believed in ouiji boards to be real and do not think i would ever. unless i see someone use it and looking glass thing moves without touching it. like i saw in a movie recently.
  however after listening to a george noory show (coast to coast am) about ouiji boards a long time ago i would never use one. he said himself do not ever use a ouiji boards! he had some very scary stories and the people who called in to.
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– Yoda

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