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Star Trek

Started by Lily.Arwen, October 19, 2016, 04:34:25 PM

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I like all the series. Enterprise and Voyager are the weakest.
DS9 is almost a category of its own. In my opinion, it had by far the best writing and best acting. I won't get into the debate about whether it's really true to the spirit of Trek, but I LOVE it.

Enterprise only really showed its potential in season 4. It started to feel more like Trek at that point, and it definitely felt like the writers were having fun.

I loved the character of Trip in Enterprise. Malcolm Reed and Travis Mayweather were both pretty weak. Phlox was ok as comic relief. Hoshi was nice enough I guess. T'Pol was a mix. Archer just annoyed me most of the time.

Tammy Jade

Well who else has watched Discovery? Remember no spoilers because people may not have seen the first 2 episodes yet but let's see what people though?? Remember no spoilers!!

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- Tamara Jade

** The Meaning of Life?? Is to find the Meaning of Life **


Quote from: Tammy Jade on September 25, 2017, 02:30:39 AM
Well who else has watched Discovery? Remember no spoilers because people may not have seen the first 2 episodes yet but let's see what people though?? Remember no spoilers!!

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I watched it and I was not impressed. The special effects were really good but startrek has been around since the 50s and they couldn't come up with something new for the plot? I haven't even seen that many star trek episodes from any of the series but even I know the stupid klingons have been in all the series since the first one. Come on, think up something new!  And my god, listening to the klingons talk was totally annoying! It was like listening to a bunch of people with the flu trying to hock up goobers. And finally in every star trek show and movie I've seen klingons were totally ugly but they always looked the same. The klingons on this new show look reptilian.  What's up with that? If it hadn't been for my boyfriend and dad I wouldn't have even watched the second episode. I didn't like this show and I won't watch it again voluntarily.

Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018

Tammy Jade

Quote from: Julia1996 on September 25, 2017, 05:47:18 AM
I watched it and I was not impressed. The special effects were really good but startrek has been around since the 50s and they couldn't come up with something new for the plot? I haven't even seen that many star trek episodes from any of the series but even I know the stupid klingons have been in all the series since the first one. Come on, think up something new!  And my god, listening to the klingons talk was totally annoying! It was like listening to a bunch of people with the flu trying to hock up goobers. And finally in every star trek show and movie I've seen klingons were totally ugly but they always looked the same. The klingons on this new show look reptilian.  What's up with that? If it hadn't been for my boyfriend and dad I wouldn't have even watched the second episode. I didn't like this show and I won't watch it again voluntarily.

You don't like Vegemite and don't like The new Star Trek... I'm really starting to worry about you Julia :P

I agree that the Klingons new appearance drove me insane.. and I'm 99% sure (I don't know why I'm admitting to this) but that is not the same language, it's been a while since I conversed with anyone in Klingon but I was relying on the subtitles because it didn't match the Klingon I learnt.

Any who enough of me admitting to knowing way to much about sci-fi shows.

I didn't mind the story to much but it feels more BSG then Star Trek.

It would have been nice for it to be set after voyager but it isn't so they don't have a huge amount of options because the timeline they have chosen was all ready really fleshed out.

The choice of making it a prequel annoys me greatly, prequels never work.. Enterprise was a flop and Let's not mention Star Wars..

With all that said I'm going to give it a chance I enjoyed it and I'm still just happy to have any Star Trek back on TV. I'll see where it goes, as it always takes a few episodes for the writers and actors to get feel for things.

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- Tamara Jade

** The Meaning of Life?? Is to find the Meaning of Life **


Quote from: Tammy Jade on September 25, 2017, 06:01:49 AM
You don't like Vegemite and don't like The new Star Trek... I'm really starting to worry about you Julia :P

I agree that the Klingons new appearance drove me insane.. and I'm 99% sure (I don't know why I'm admitting to this) but that is not the same language, it's been a while since I conversed with anyone in Klingon but I was relying on the subtitles because it didn't match the Klingon I learnt.

Any who enough of me admitting to knowing way to much about sci-fi shows.

I didn't mind the story to much but it feels more BSG then Star Trek.

It would have been nice for it to be set after voyager but it isn't so they don't have a huge amount of options because the timeline they have chosen was all ready really fleshed out.

The choice of making it a prequel annoys me greatly, prequels never work.. Enterprise was a flop and Let's not mention Star Wars..

With all that said I'm going to give it a chance I enjoyed it and I'm still just happy to have any Star Trek back on TV. I'll see where it goes, as it always takes a few episodes for the writers and actors to get feel for things.

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You speak and understand klingon and you're worried about me? (Just kidding, haha) Now I really liked BSG and Caprica. But then my dad said he remembered watching reruns of BSG when he would come home from school. It seems there was a BSG from the 70s. From the YouTube clips I saw it was totally cheesy!! But back to Discovery, I will say the special effects are very good. They seemed more like the special effects I've seen in star trek movies than the shows. I was dissapointed with the story though. But if I like it or not I know I"m going to end up watching it because my boyfriend, dad and brother liked it so I'm going to have to watch it with them. Oh well, it's not as bad as watching Tristan eat his vegemite. Lol


Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018

Tammy Jade

Quote from: Julia1996 on September 25, 2017, 06:27:49 AM
You speak and understand klingon and you're worried about me? (Just kidding, haha) Now I really liked BSG and Caprica. But then my dad said he remembered watching reruns of BSG when he would come home from school. It seems there was a BSG from the 70s. From the YouTube clips I saw it was totally cheesy!! But back to Discovery, I will say the special effects are very good. They seemed more like the special effects I've seen in star trek movies than the shows. I was dissapointed with the story though. But if I like it or not I know I"m going to end up watching it because my boyfriend, dad and brother liked it so I'm going to have to watch it with them. Oh well, it's not as bad as watching Tristan eat his vegemite. Lol

I can vouch for the cheesyness of original BSG I accidentally bought it instead of season 1 new BSG back in the day when we still had a local DVD shop.

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- Tamara Jade

** The Meaning of Life?? Is to find the Meaning of Life **


Quote from: LilyMelody on August 07, 2017, 11:17:27 AM
Archer just annoyed me most of the time.

I agree!  I don't believe that anyone so whiny would be appointed to command such an important and dangerous mission.  I admire the courage of real astronauts and submariners, but from what I've heard, they have the emotions of Pet Rocks.

I liked all of the Star Trek series, though.  Deep Space 9 was my least favourite, perhaps because I suspected that the real reason the crew never travelled to other planets was that building new sets, for every new culture and environment, is expensive.  Voyager had my favourite theme music.  Also, Seven of Nine asking Ensign Kim "Do you wish to copulate?" was probably a first for family TV.


Quote from: MaryT on September 25, 2017, 08:11:17 AM
I agree!  I don't believe that anyone so whiny would be appointed to command such an important and dangerous mission.  I admire the courage of real astronauts and submariners, but from what I've heard, they have the emotions of Pet Rocks.

I liked all of the Star Trek series, though.  Deep Space 9 was my least favourite, perhaps because I suspected that the real reason the crew never travelled to other planets was that building new sets, for every new culture and environment, is expensive.  Voyager had my favourite theme music.  Also, Seven of Nine asking Ensign Kim "Do you wish to copulate?" was probably a first for family TV.

I watched a few episodes of enterprise thinking it would get better. But it didn't.  I'm not a die hard startrek fan but this was the first star trek that actually bored me. And the ship was so ugly! It looked like what I imagine a prison to look like. It was so small and seemed so cramped! If I lived in the future a ship would need to be spacious and pretty for me to want to live on it. Then I decided to check out ds9 on Netflix a few months ago. I immediately didn't like it because of the whole religious thing with the wrinkle nose people. I can't remember what they were called. I liked voyager a lot. It got even better after they booted Kes off and got seven of nine.

Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018


Quote from: kasspurple on June 20, 2017, 11:45:14 AM
Putting the series on a Cardassian space station and having the Cardiassians be (really the ultimate) baddies ...

Especially Kim Cardassian.



Quote from: MaryT on September 25, 2017, 08:34:36 AM
Especially Kim Cardassian.


Ugh! She and Justin Bieber.  I would like to flush them both out an airlock and watch them explode in space. Or implode, whatever happens when someone is exposed to space.

Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018


Just off of the few comments about the new series, I'm glad I didn't watch it, and won't be paying to watch them....ever.  I am especially disappointed in the rumor that they are not using the Klingon language for the Klingons.  I may not know much of it, but I do know that it is a fully realized language.
All the worlds a joke, and the people, merely punchlines

September 13, 2016 HRT start date


Quote from: Artesia on September 25, 2017, 09:05:00 AM
Just off of the few comments about the new series, I'm glad I didn't watch it, and won't be paying to watch them....ever.  I am especially disappointed in the rumor that they are not using the Klingon language for the Klingons.  I may not know much of it, but I do know that it is a fully realized language.

I don't know what the klingon language is supposed to sound like but that annoying mess on Discovery sounds like the sounds someone would make trying to talk after their tongue had been cut out.

Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018

Tammy Jade

Quote from: MaryT on September 25, 2017, 08:34:36 AM
Especially Kim Cardassian.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks of Kim when ever I hear Cardassian

DS9 gets better as it goes, the last 3 seasons are really good, I always find the early seasons a little bit meh.

Once Worf joins that seems to be the turning point.

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- Tamara Jade

** The Meaning of Life?? Is to find the Meaning of Life **


Quote from: Julia1996 on September 25, 2017, 09:16:47 AM
I don't know what the klingon language is supposed to sound like but that annoying mess on Discovery sounds like the sounds someone would make trying to talk after their tongue had been cut out.

I can't exactly explain it.  It is a guttural language.  Someone who speaks it would be better at that.  Watch some of the original movies for what it should sound like.
All the worlds a joke, and the people, merely punchlines

September 13, 2016 HRT start date


I can't help but wonder if this tribe of Klingons are going to mate with the forehead ridgeless Klingons with short hair and goatees from TOS and that's how they ended up looking like Worf.

I don't think I'll be subscribing for this series. Maybe some channel will show the reruns eventually.


Quote from: VeronicaLynn on September 26, 2017, 12:03:06 PM
I can't help but wonder if this tribe of Klingons are going to mate with the forehead ridgeless Klingons with short hair and goatees from TOS and that's how they ended up looking like Worf.

I don't think I'll be subscribing for this series. Maybe some channel will show the reruns eventually.

Yeah, it's not worth it. It's $5.99 a month and it still isn't worth it. There is nothing else of interest on that site unless you're into reruns of shows on CBS. And anything you watch there has ALL the commercials unless you pay 10.99 a month. My dad got it just to watch Discovery but it's a total rip off.

Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018

Tammy Jade

Quote from: Julia1996 on September 26, 2017, 12:16:00 PM
Yeah, it's not worth it. It's $5.99 a month and it still isn't worth it. There is nothing else of interest on that site unless you're into reruns of shows on CBS. And anything you watch there has ALL the commercials unless you pay 10.99 a month. My dad got it just to watch Discovery but it's a total rip off.

Just get a VPN and watch it on Netflix.

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- Tamara Jade

** The Meaning of Life?? Is to find the Meaning of Life **

Christy Lee

Ive actually binged ST:D (UGH that name LOL) Over the last couple of days, and i really love it actually although a couple of things bug me, they have Nemesis tech? WHATS THAT ABOUT? LOL and swearing in Star Trek?......... my ears didnt like hearing that haha, dont get me wrong i swear like a trooper, but in Star Trek? the F bomb just sounded wronggggg
Whose that girll?

Started Therapy


I am an Originalist in Star Trek which is possibly tied to my vintage.  Spock, Kirk, Bones & Scotty set a standard that others have been trying to reach since.  Lt. Uhura on the bridge, Mr. Chekov a Russian Navigator, and Non-intervention were pushing many an envelop in their day. 

Lt. Dax in DS9 always intrigued me and I felt was underutilized for what she could have done with scripts. 

Another reason for this post is pointing out how inspired by the original Star Trek the first episode of NetFlix's Black Mirror was for season 4.  If you have Netflix,  The episode USS Callister presented many a great parody of the original with new ideas from intervening 50 years of technology growth. 


Love this site!  Just when you run outta things to read or comment about a older thread appears and you get to start all over.

I was a teenager when Star Trek was broadcast and I watched it on a very very inexpensive black and white tv.  My favorite episode of the original series was called "The Omega Glory" and had the yangs and the cons fighting each other.  The end of the episode brought tears to my eyes. 

Anyway, I like Discovery.  Like anything, the characters have to "Assimulate" into the roll.  I also get a huge kick out of the Orville,lol.

HRT since 1/04/2018