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Little body dysphoria, I want to keep it

Started by MichelleZelda, October 14, 2016, 08:26:35 AM

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I'm not planning on getting SRS.

I haven't experienced any genital dysphoria in years, and am scared of surgery in general. I'd rather keep what I have, but I seem to have lost a lot of function and physical drive. I've been on HRT since just before last Christmas, switched from Spiro to Androcur earlier this year when I switched to the most amazing GP that I've ever had, she knows her stuff.

But it is increasingly painful for me to get erections, and this distresses me a LOT. I want to go back to the possibility of enjoying a sex life, but have no idea how that could feasibly happen at current.

I have no desire (at present, and since starting HRT) for SRS unless my stuff stops working altogether.


AFAIK the only way to stop erections being painful is to use it more often and it'll stop hurting eventually.


After having been on both Androcur & Spiro I can tell you Andro is one kick ass AA. Androcur did in 2 weeks what Spiro needs months to do, if at all.

In the past when I did low dose HRT for the much needed relief it took a few months for the drugs to do their inevitable work and come into direct conflict of my "Prime Directive" to be a normal guy. As soon as things below the belt began to take a hit, I needed to stop. I also no longer really needed to stay on them.

Such is the reality of HRT for many to most of us. Androcur is a fantastic AA. But... if it is not aligned with what your ultimate goals are, why take it if Spiro was working? Of course, many goals may be in total conflict with each other. Such is my life... Standing at the crossroad of hopelessness and futility, balanced on the sharp edge of a knife
.          (Pile Driver)  
(ROCK) ---> ME <--- (HARD PLACE)


I'm pre-op but I've been dealing with this issue for years.

What you might be dealing with is called peyronie's disease. The only way to truly fix it is by surgery (not grs) The surgery from what I read is pretty simple, it essentially removes the scar tissue thats causing the pain. Men in their later years experience this problem due to blood flow issues and declining T levels. So basically it doesn't matter if you constantly "use it" that pain will continue to some degree if it is in fact scar tissue causing the problem.

I have managed to learn how to enjoy orgasms and keep the pain at a min but thats for another forum. I don't want to clog this thread up with sex talk  :laugh: