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Transmale or something else?

Started by Tryingthenamealec, November 17, 2016, 01:24:27 AM

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Im not sure if i should have put this here or in the non-binary section?

Hi everyone

I have been discovering my gender for the last 7-9 months and have decided that im not happy being female and that im a Transmale or something of the sort but im not entirely sure if there is a word for how i feel.

I currently want to be male biologically but in terms of socially im not fussed I would be comfortable being seen as male and/or Androgynous/Agender. I like it when people see me as male but i also like it when people cant tell i enjoy the confusion (the sadistic part of me enjoys screwing with other a bit). So I want to be a guy but at the same time my internal sense of gender isnt very strong like i dont want to be a girl but i don't 'feel' like im a definatly a 100% a boy or a girl i dont really understand how you can feel like a gender, if gender isnt about your gentils or steryotpes i dont know what i would base it on to be able to tell if im male or female. I feel like gender doesnt have to be fixed and i like the idea of gender being a spectrum but i dont feel genderfluid as my gender doesnt change its always the same but im just not fused about whether im seen as male of if the person cant tell. I feel as if im more male than anyhting else but i dont want to put myself into a box or into the binary and my gender expression tends to be masculine to Androgynous. Can you be a transman but not feel 100% binary all the time does the term Demiboy fit? Can you be a Agender Transman or a Transman and a Demiboy?I'm not sure if this even makes any sense



When I looked up demiboy recently the definition is somebody who feels mostly male but also another gender identity. I would say you can't call yourself a transman and a demiboy/agender because a transman would feel 100% male. For me personally I've never liked the term transman for this reason and would never use it for myself. It makes me uncomfortable bcos I am not a man; at least not quite. I want a more masculine body but don't feel completely comfortable socially being seen as male. But I absolutely hate being referred to as female so that's simply a no. I feel around 90%male and the rest agender. I don't want to be seen as a particular gender and rsther be androgynous.

So welcome to the demiboy club ;)

Hope this has helped :)
They/them pronouns preferred.
